Domain name for API request:
This API is used to create an EMR cluster instance.
A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateInstance. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-01-03. |
Region | No | String | Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API. |
ProductId | Yes | Integer | Product ID. Different product IDs stand for different EMR product versions. Valid range: 51: STARROCKS-V1.4.0 54: STARROCKS-V2.0.0 27: KAFKA-V1.0.0 50: KAFKA-V2.0.0 16: EMR-V2.3.0 20: EMR-V2.5.0 30: EMR-V2.6.0 38: EMR-V2.7.0 25: EMR-V3.1.0 33: EMR-V3.2.1 34: EMR-V3.3.0 37: EMR-V3.4.0 44: EMR-V3.5.0 53: EMR-V3.6.0 |
Software.N | Yes | Array of String | List of deployed components. The list of component options varies by EMR product ID (i.e., ProductId ; for specific meanings, please see the ProductId input parameter). For more information, please see Component Version.Enter an instance value: hive or flink . |
SupportHA | Yes | Integer | Whether to enable high node availability. Valid values: |
InstanceName | Yes | String | Instance name. |
PayMode | Yes | Integer | Instance billing mode. Valid values: |
TimeSpan | Yes | Integer | Purchase duration of instance, which needs to be used together with TimeUnit .TimeUnit is s , this parameter can only be filled with 3600, indicating a pay-as-you-go instance.TimeUnit is m , the number entered in this parameter indicates the purchase duration of the monthly-subscription instance; for example, 1 means one month |
TimeUnit | Yes | String | Time unit of instance purchase duration. Valid values:PayMode is 0, TimeUnit can only be s .PayMode is 1, TimeUnit can only be m . |
LoginSettings | Yes | LoginSettings | Instance login settings. This parameter allows you to set the login password or key for your purchased node. |
VPCSettings | No | VPCSettings | Configuration information of VPC. This parameter is used to specify the VPC ID, subnet ID, etc. |
ResourceSpec | No | NewResourceSpec | Node resource specification. |
COSSettings | No | COSSettings | Parameter required for enabling COS access. |
Placement | No | Placement | Instance location. This parameter is used to specify the AZ, project, and other attributes of the instance. |
SgId | No | String | Security group to which an instance belongs in the format of sg-xxxxxxxx . This parameter can be obtained from the SecurityGroupId field in the return value of the DescribeSecurityGroups API. |
PreExecutedFileSettings.N | No | Array of PreExecuteFileSettings | Bootstrap action script settings |
AutoRenew | No | Integer | Whether auto-renewal is enabled. Valid values: |
ClientToken | No | String | Client token. |
NeedMasterWan | No | String | Whether to enable public IP access for master node. Valid values: |
RemoteLoginAtCreate | No | Integer | Whether to enable remote public network login, i.e., port 22. When SgId is not empty, this parameter does not take effect. |
CheckSecurity | No | Integer | Whether to enable secure cluster. 0: no; other values: yes. |
ExtendFsField | No | String | Accesses to external file system. |
Tags.N | No | Array of Tag | Tag description list. This parameter is used to bind a tag to a resource instance. |
DisasterRecoverGroupIds.N | No | Array of String | List of spread placement group IDs. Only one can be specified currently. This parameter can be obtained in the SecurityGroupId field in the return value of the DescribeSecurityGroups API. |
CbsEncrypt | No | Integer | CBS disk encryption at the cluster level. 0: not encrypted, 1: encrypted |
MetaType | No | String | Hive-shared metadatabase type. Valid values: |
UnifyMetaInstanceId | No | String | EMR-MetaDB instance |
MetaDBInfo | No | CustomMetaInfo | Custom MetaDB instance information |
ApplicationRole | No | String | Custom application role. |
SceneName | No | String | Scenario-based values: Hadoop-Kudu Hadoop-Zookeeper Hadoop-Presto Hadoop-Hbase |
ExternalService.N | No | Array of ExternalService | Shared component information |
VersionID | No | Integer | |
MultiZone | No | Boolean | true indicates that the multi-AZ deployment mode is enabled. This parameter is available only in cluster creation and cannot be changed after setting. |
MultiZoneSettings.N | No | Array of MultiZoneSetting | Node resource specs. The actual number of AZs is set, with the first AZ as the primary AZ, the second as the backup AZ, and the third as the arbitrator AZ. If the multi-AZ mode is not enabled, set the value to 1 . |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
InstanceId | String | Instance ID Note: this field may return null , indicating that no valid values can be obtained. |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: CreateInstance
<Common request parameters>
"ResourceSpec": {
"MasterResourceSpec": {
"StorageType": "5",
"DiskType": "CLOUD_PREMIUM",
"Cpu": "4",
"DiskSize": "100",
"MemSize": "8192",
"RootSize": "100",
"Spec": "CVM.S2"
"CoreCount": "2",
"CoreResourceSpec": {
"StorageType": "5",
"DiskType": "CLOUD_PREMIUM",
"Cpu": "4",
"DiskSize": "100",
"MemSize": "8192",
"RootSize": "100",
"Spec": "CVM.S2"
"MasterCount": "1"
"Placement": {
"ProjectId": "0",
"Zone": "ap-guangzhou-3"
"TimeSpan": "3600",
"VPCSettings": {
"SubnetId": "subnet-xxxxxxx",
"VpcId": "vpc-xxxxxx"
"LoginSettings": {
"Password": "tencent@cloud123"
"PayMode": "0",
"AutoRenew": "0",
"TimeUnit": "s",
"Software": [
"InstanceName": "emr test",
"ProductId": "4"
"Response": {
"RequestId": "d830face-6587-4263-8ab0-56bda265787d",
"InstanceId": "emr-xxxx"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
FailedOperation.DuplicateOrderNotAllowed | Duplicate order. Please check the EMR console. |
FailedOperation.GetCvmServerFailed | Failed to call the CVM service. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InternalError.AccountCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CamCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CamError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CbsCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CbsError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CdbCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CdbError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CheckQuotaErr | CVM or CBS resources are insufficient, or the software is invalid. |
InternalError.ConfigCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.CvmError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.KmsError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.ProjectCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.SgError | An error occurred when calling a security group API. |
InternalError.TagError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.TradeCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.VpcCgwError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.VpcError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InternalError.WoodServerError | An error occurred while calling another service API. |
InvalidParameter | Invalid parameter. |
InvalidParameter.HALessMasterCount | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.IncorrectCommonCount | The number of common nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.IncorrectMasterCount | The number of master nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAutoRenew | Invalid auto-renewal flag. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidClientToken | Invalid ClientToken . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidComponent | Invalid component. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCoreCount | The number of core nodes is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidCosFileURI | |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDiskSize | Invalid disk size. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidExtendField | Invalid CustomConfig . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceName | Invalid cluster name. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInstanceType | Invalid model. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidLoginSetting | Invalid login settings. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMetaDataJdbcUrl | Invalid metadatabase URL. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMetaType | Invalid metadata table type. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPassword | Invalid password. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPaymode | Invalid billing mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPreExecutedFile | Invalid bootstrap script. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidProductId | Invalid product ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidProjectId | Invalid project ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidResourceSpec | Invalid resource specification. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSecuritySupport | This EMR version does not support the security mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSercurityGrpupId | Invalid security group ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidServiceName | The service name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftDeployInfo | The InvalidSoftDeployInfo parameter is invalid or incorrect. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftInfo | Invalid SoftInfo . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWare | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWareName | The software name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSoftWareVersion | The software version is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSubnetId | Invalid subnet ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSupportHA | Invalid high availability parameter. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeSpan | Invalid timespan . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeUnit | Invalid TimeUnit . |
InvalidParameter.InvalidUnifyMeta | Invalid unified metadatabase. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidVpcId | Invalid VPC ID. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidZone | Invalid AZ. |
InvalidParameter.NotContainMustSelectSoftware | Invalid parameter. Necessary components are missing. |
InvalidParameter.PayModeResourceNotMatch | The billing mode and resource do not match. |
InvalidParameter.SoftwareNotInProduct | There is an invalid product component. |
InvalidParameter.UngrantedPolicy | The policy is not authorized. |
InvalidParameter.UngrantedRole | The role is not authorized. |
InvalidParameter.ZoneResourceNotMatch | The AZ and resource do not match. |
InvalidParameterValue | Incorrect parameter value. |
LimitExceeded.SecurityGroupNumLimitExceeded | The number of security groups exceeds the limit. |
MissingParameter | Missing parameter. |
ResourceInsufficient.DiskInsufficient | The disk specification is insufficient. |
ResourceInsufficient.InstanceInsufficient | The node specification is unsupported or has been sold out. |
ResourceNotFound.SubnetNotFound | No corresponding subnet found. |
ResourceNotFound.TagsNotFound | No specified tag found. |
ResourcesSoldOut | The resources have been sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.CbsSoldOut | The CBS resources have been sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.CvmSoldOut | CVM instances have been sold out. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
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