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Last updated: 2024-11-27 15:18:58
API Category
Last updated: 2024-11-27 15:18:58

Cloud Dedicated Cluster (CDC) APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateDedicatedCluster Creates a CDC. 20
CreateDedicatedClusterOrder Creates a CDC order. 20
CreateSite Creates a site. 20
DeleteDedicatedClusters Deletes a CDC. 20
DeleteSites Deletes a site. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacity Queries the Cloud Object Storage (COS) capacity of the CDC. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics Queries the statistic information of the host in the CDC. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterHosts Queries host information of the CDC 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypes Queries instance types supported by the CDC. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders Queries the list of CDC orders. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview Queries overview of the CDC 20
DescribeDedicatedClusterTypes Queries the configuration list of the CDC. 20
DescribeDedicatedClusters Queries the CDC list. 20
DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones Queries the list of AZs supported by the CDC. 20
DescribeSites Queries the site list. 20
DescribeSitesDetail Queries site details. 20
ModifyDedicatedClusterInfo Modifies the CDC information. 20
ModifyOrderStatus Modifies order status. 20
ModifySiteDeviceInfo Modifies the information about devices in the equipment room. 20
ModifySiteInfo Modifies the equipment room information. 20
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