tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-11-22 10:16:39

    Write APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    AddResourceTag Associating Resources and Tags 20
    AttachResourcesTag Associates tag with resources in batches 20
    CreateTag Creating Tags 20
    CreateTags Batch creates tags 20
    DeleteResourceTag Unassociating Resources and Tags 20
    DeleteTag Deleting Tags 20
    DeleteTags Batch deletes tags 20
    DetachResourcesTag Unbinds tag from resources in batches 20
    ModifyResourceTags Batch Modifying Tags Associated with a Resource 20
    ModifyResourcesTagValue Modifies tag value associated with resources in batches 20
    UnTagResources Unbinds tag from resources 20
    UpdateResourceTagValue Modifying Resource Tag Values 20
    TagResources Binds tag to resources 20

    Read APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeResourceTags Queries tags associated with resource 20
    DescribeResourceTagsByResourceIds Batch queries tags associated with resource 100
    DescribeResourceTagsByResourceIdsSeq Views tags associated with resource in sequence 20
    DescribeResourceTagsByTagKeys Gets resource tags based on tag keys 20
    DescribeResourcesByTags Queries resources by tags 100
    DescribeResourcesByTagsUnion Queries resource list by tags 20
    DescribeTagKeys Querying Tag Keys 20
    DescribeTagValues Querying Tag Values 20
    DescribeTagValuesSeq Queries tag values in sequence 20
    DescribeTags Querying Tag Lists 60
    DescribeTagsSeq Queries tag lists in sequence 20
    GetResources Queries resource tag list 20
    GetTagKeys Queries tag key list 20
    GetTagValues Queries tag value list 20
    GetTags Gets tag list 20

    Project APIs

    API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
    DescribeProjects Gets project lists 20
    AddProject Creates a project 20