tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2024-07-08 20:31:11


    Account creation information

    Used by actions: CreateAccount.

    Name Type Required Description
    UserName String Yes Instance username
    Password String Yes Instance password
    DBPrivileges Array of DBPrivilege No List of database permissions
    Remark String No Account remarks
    IsAdmin Boolean No Whether it is an admin account. Valid values: true (Yes. It is an admin account when the instance is a basic edition type and AccountType is L0; it is a privileged account when the instance is a dual-server high availability edition type and AccountType is L1.), false (No. It is a standard account when AccountType is L3.)
    Authentication String No Valid values: win-windows authentication, sql-sqlserver authentication. Default value: sql-sqlserver authentication
    AccountType String No Account type, which is an extension field of IsAdmin. Valid values: L0 (admin account, only for basic edition), L1 (privileged account), L2 (designated account), L3 (standard account, default)


    Account details

    Used by actions: DescribeAccounts.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Account name
    Remark String Account remarks
    CreateTime Timestamp Account creation time
    Status Integer Account status. 1: creating, 2: normal, 3: modifying, 4: resetting password, -1: deleting
    UpdateTime Timestamp Account update time
    PassTime Timestamp Password update time
    InternalStatus String Internal account status, which should be enable normally
    Dbs Array of DBPrivilege Information of read and write permissions of this account on relevant databases
    IsAdmin Boolean Whether it is an admin account
    Authentication String Valid values: win-windows authentication, sql-sqlserver authentication.
    Host String The host required for win-windows authentication account
    AccountType String Account type. Valid values: L0 (admin account, only for basic edition), L1 (privileged account), L2 (designated account), L3 (standard account).


    Instance account password information

    Used by actions: ResetAccountPassword.

    Name Type Required Description
    UserName String Yes Username
    Password String Yes Password


    Database account permission information, which is set when the database is created

    Used by actions: CreateDB, DescribeDBs.

    Name Type Required Description
    UserName String Yes Database username
    Privilege String Yes Database permission. Valid values: ReadWrite (read-write), ReadOnly (read-only), Delete (delete the database permissions of this account), DBOwner (owner).
    AccountType String No Account name. Valid values: L0 (admin account, only for basic edition), L1 (privileged account), L2 (designated account), L3 (standard account).


    Database account permission change information

    Used by actions: ModifyAccountPrivilege.

    Name Type Required Description
    UserName String Yes Database username
    DBPrivileges Array of DBPrivilegeModifyInfo Yes Account permission change information
    IsAdmin Boolean No Whether it is an instance admin account. Valid values: true (Yes. When the instance is single-node and AccountType is L0, it's an admin account; when the instance is two-node and AccountType is L1, it's a privileged account), false (No. It's a standard account and AccountType is L3).
    AccountType String No Account type, which is an extension field of IsAdmin. Valid values: L0 (admin account, only for basic edition), L1 (privileged account), L2 (designated account), L3 (standard account, default)


    Account remarks

    Used by actions: ModifyAccountRemark.

    Name Type Description
    UserName String Account name
    Remark String New remarks of account


    Backup file details

    Used by actions: DescribeBackups.

    Name Type Description
    FileName String File name. The name of an unarchived backup file is returned by the DescribeBackupFiles API instead of this parameter.
    Size Integer File size in KB. The size of an unarchived backup file is returned by the DescribeBackupFiles API instead of this parameter.
    StartTime Timestamp Backup start time
    EndTime Timestamp Backup end time
    InternalAddr String Private network download address. The download address of an unarchived backup file is returned by the DescribeBackupFiles API instead of this parameter.
    ExternalAddr String Public network download address. The download address of an unarchived backup file is returned by the DescribeBackupFiles API instead of this parameter.
    Id Integer Unique ID of a backup file, which is used by the RestoreInstance API. The unique ID of an unarchived backup file is returned by the DescribeBackupFiles API instead of this parameter.
    Status Integer Backup file status (0: creating, 1: succeeded, 2: failed)
    DBs Array of String List of databases for multi-database backup
    Strategy Integer Backup policy (0: instance backup, 1: multi-database backup)
    BackupWay Integer Backup Mode. Valid values: 0 (scheduled backup); 1 (manual backup); 2 (archive backup).
    BackupName String Backup task name (customizable)
    GroupId String Group ID of unarchived backup files, which can be used as a request parameter in the DescribeBackupFiles API to get details of unarchived backup files in the specified group. This parameter is invalid for archived backup files.
    BackupFormat String Backup file format. Valid values:pkg (archive file), single (unarchived files).
    Region String The code of current region where the instance resides
    CrossBackupAddr Array of CrossBackupAddr The download address of cross-region backup in target region
    CrossBackupStatus Array of CrossRegionStatus The target region and status of cross-region backup


    If the backup files are unarchived, each database corresponds to one backup file.

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupFiles.

    Name Type Description
    Id Integer Unique ID of a backup file
    FileName String Backup file name
    Size Integer File size in KB
    DBs Array of String Name of the database corresponding to the backup file
    DownloadLink String Download address
    Region String The code of the region where current instance resides
    CrossBackupAddr Array of CrossBackupAddr The target region and download address of cross-region backup


    Business intelligence service file type

    Used by actions: DescribeBusinessIntelligenceFile.

    Name Type Description
    FileName String File name
    FileType String File type
    FileURL String File COS_URL
    FilePath String The file path on the server
    FileSize Integer File size in bytes
    FileMd5 String File MD5 value
    Status Integer File deployment status. Valid values: 1(Initialize to be deployed), 2 (Deploying), 3 (Deployment successful), 4 (Deployment failed).
    Remark String Remarks
    CreateTime String File creation time
    StartTime String Start time of file deployment
    EndTime String End time of file deployment
    Message String Returned error message
    InstanceId String Business intelligence instance ID
    Action FileAction Operation information


    Querying the size of uploaded backup files.

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupUploadSize.

    Name Type Description
    FileName String Backup name
    Size Integer Backup size


    All Download addresses of cross-region backup

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupFiles, DescribeBackups.

    Name Type Description
    CrossRegion String The target region of cross-region backup
    CrossInternalAddr String The address used to download the cross-region backup over a private network
    CrossExternalAddr String The address used to download the cross-region backup over a public network


    The target region and status of cross-region backup

    Used by actions: DescribeBackups.

    Name Type Description
    CrossRegion String The target region of cross-region backup
    CrossStatus Integer Synchronization status of cross-region backup. Valid values: 0 (creating), 1 (succeeded), 2: (failed), 4 (syncing)


    Database creation information

    Used by actions: CreateDB.

    Name Type Required Description
    DBName String Yes Database name
    Charset String No Character set, which can be queried by the DescribeDBCharsets API. Default value: Chinese_PRC_CI_AS.
    Accounts Array of AccountPrivilege No Database account permission information
    Remark String No Remarks


    Database information

    Used by actions: DescribeDBs.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Database name
    Charset String Character set
    Remark String Remarks
    CreateTime Timestamp Database creation time
    Status Integer Database status. 1: creating, 2: running, 3: modifying, -1: dropping
    Accounts Array of AccountPrivilege Database account permission information
    InternalStatus String Internal status. ONLINE: running
    Encryption String TDE status. Valid values: enable (enabled), disable (disabled).


    Instance details

    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstances.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Name String Instance name
    ProjectId Integer Project ID of instance
    RegionId Integer Instance region ID
    ZoneId Integer Instance AZ ID
    VpcId Integer Instance VPC ID, which will be 0 if the basic network is used
    SubnetId Integer Instance VPC subnet ID, which will be 0 if the basic network is used
    Status Integer Instance status. Valid values:
  • 1: creating
  • 2: running
  • 3: instance operations restricted (due to the ongoing primary-replica switch)
  • 4: isolated
  • 5: repossessing
  • 6: repossessed
  • 7: running tasks (such as backup and rollback tasks)
  • 8: eliminated
  • 9: expanding capacity
  • 10: migrating
  • 11: read-only
  • 12: restarting
  • 13: modifying configuration and waiting for switch
  • 14: implementing pub/sub
  • 15: modifying pub/sub configuration
  • 16: modifying configuration and switching
  • 17: creating read-only instances
  • Vip String Instance access IP
    Vport Integer Instance access port
    CreateTime Timestamp Instance creation time
    UpdateTime Timestamp Instance update time
    StartTime Timestamp Instance billing start time
    EndTime Timestamp Instance billing end time
    IsolateTime Timestamp Instance isolation time
    Memory Integer Instance memory size in GB
    UsedStorage Integer Used storage capacity of instance in GB
    Storage Integer Instance storage capacity in GB
    VersionName String Instance version
    RenewFlag Integer Instance renewal flag
    Model Integer High-availability instance type. Valid values: 1 (dual-server high-availability), 2 (standalone), 3 (multi-AZ), 4 (multi-AZ cluster), 5 (cluster), 9 (private consumption)
    Region String Instance region name, such as ap-guangzhou
    Zone String Instance AZ name, such as ap-guangzhou-1
    BackupTime String Backup time point
    PayMode Integer Instance billing mode. 0: pay-as-you-go
    Uid String Instance UID
    Cpu Integer Number of CPU cores of instance
    Version String Instance version code
    Type String Instance type. Valid values: TS85 (physical machine, local SSD), Z3 (early version of physical machine, local SSD), CLOUD_BASIC (virtual machine, HDD cloud disk), CLOUD_PREMIUM (virtual machine, premium cloud disk), CLOUD_SSD (virtual machine, SSD), CLOUD_HSSD (virtual machine, enhanced SSD), CLOUD_TSSD (virtual machine, ulTra SSD), CLOUD_BSSD virtual machine, balanced SSD).
    Pid Integer Billing ID
    UniqVpcId String Unique string-type ID of instance VPC in the format of vpc-xxx, which is an empty string if the basic network is used
    UniqSubnetId String Unique string-type ID of instance subnet in the format of subnet-xxx, which is an empty string if the basic network is used
    IsolateOperator String Instance isolation.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SubFlag String Pub/sub flag. Valid values: SUB (subscribe instance), PUB (publish instance). If it is left empty, it refers to a regular instance without a pub/sub design.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ROFlag String Read-only flag. Valid values: RO (read-only instance), MASTER (primary instance with read-only instances). If it is left empty, it refers to an instance which is not read-only and has no RO group.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    HAFlag String Disaster recovery type. Valid values: MIRROR (image), ALWAYSON (AlwaysOn), SINGLE (singleton).
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ResourceTags Array of ResourceTag The list of tags associated with the instance
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BackupModel String Backup mode. Valid values: master_pkg (archive the backup files of the primary node (default value)), master_no_pkg (do not archive the backup files of the primary node), slave_pkg (archive the backup files of the replica node (valid for Always On clusters)), slave_no_pkg (do not archive the backup files of the replica node (valid for Always On clusters)). This parameter is invalid for read-only instances.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    InstanceNote String Instance backup info
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BackupCycle Array of Integer Backup cycle
    BackupCycleType String Backup cycle type. Valid values: daily, weekly, monthly.
    BackupSaveDays Integer Data (log) backup retention period
    InstanceType String Instance type. Valid values: HA (high-availability), RO (read-only), SI (basic edition), BI (business intelligence service).
    CrossRegions Array of String The target region of cross-region backup. If this parameter left empty, it indicates that cross-region backup is disabled.
    CrossBackupEnabled String Cross-region backup status. Valid values: enable (enabled), disable (disabed)
    CrossBackupSaveDays Integer The retention period of cross-region backup. Default value: 7 days
    DnsPodDomain String Domain name of the public network address
    TgwWanVPort Integer Port number of the public network
    Collation String Collation of system character sets. Default value: Chinese_PRC_CI_AS.
    TimeZone String System time zone. Default value: China Standard Time.
    IsDrZone Boolean Whether the instance is deployed across AZs
    SlaveZones SlaveZones Replica AZ information
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Architecture String Architecture type. Valid values: SINGLE (single-node), DOUBLE (two-node).
    Note: u200dThis field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Style String Instance type. Valid values: EXCLUSIVE (dedicated), SHARED (shared)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Database permission information of account

    Used by actions: CreateAccount, DescribeAccounts.

    Name Type Required Description
    DBName String Yes Database name
    Privilege String Yes Database permissions. Valid values: ReadWrite (read-write), ReadOnly (read-only), DBOwner (owner)


    Database permission change information

    Used by actions: ModifyAccountPrivilege.

    Name Type Required Description
    DBName String Yes Database name
    Privilege String Yes Permission modification information. Valid values: ReadWrite (read-write), ReadOnly (read-only), Delete (delete the account's permission to this database), DBOwner (owner).


    Database remarks

    Used by actions: ModifyDBRemark.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String Yes Database name
    Remark String Yes Remarks


    Database renaming response parameter

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupMigration, DescribeIncrementalMigration.

    Name Type Description
    NewName String Name of the new database
    OldName String Name of the old database


    This example shows you how to enable or disable TDE of a database.

    Used by actions: ModifyDBEncryptAttributes.

    Name Type Required Description
    DBName String No
    Encryption String No TDE status. Valid values: enable (enabled), disable (disabled).


    Database configurations

    Used by actions: DescribeDBsNormal.

    Name Type Description
    IsSubscribed String Whether it is subscribed. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    CollationName String Database collation
    IsAutoCleanupOn String Whether the cleanup task is enabled to automatically remove old change tracking information when CT is enabled. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsBrokerEnabled String Whether SQL Server Service Broker is enabled. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsCdcEnabled String Whether CDC is enabled. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
    IsDbChainingOn String Whether CT is enabled. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled)
    IsEncrypted String Whether it is encrypted. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsFulltextEnabled String Whether full-text indexes are enabled. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsMirroring String Whether it is a mirror database. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsPublished String Whether it is published. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsReadCommittedSnapshotOn String Whether snapshots are enabled. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    IsTrustworthyOn String Whether it is trustworthy. Valid values: 0 (no), 1 (yes)
    MirroringState String Mirroring state
    Name String Database name
    RecoveryModelDesc String Recovery model
    RetentionPeriod String Retention period (in days) of change tracking information
    StateDesc String Database status
    UserAccessDesc String User type
    CreateTime String Database creation time


    Information of time range available for database rollback

    Used by actions: DescribeRollbackTime.

    Name Type Description
    DBName String Database name
    StartTime Timestamp Start time of time range available for rollback
    EndTime Timestamp End time of time range available for rollback


    Order information

    Used by actions: DescribeOrders.

    Name Type Description
    DealName String Order name
    Count Integer Number of items
    FlowId Integer ID of associated flow, which can be used to query the flow execution status
    InstanceIdSet Array of String This field is required only for an order that creates an instance, indicating the ID of the instance created by the order
    OwnerUin String Account
    InstanceChargeType String Instance billing type


    List of the resource IDs corresponding to order number

    Used by actions: DescribeInstanceByOrders.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId Array of String Instance ID
    DealName String Order ID


    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstancesAttribute.

    Name Type Description
    SlaveStatus String
    ReadableStatus String
    Vip String
    VPort Integer
    UniqVpcId String
    UniqSubnetId String


    Threshold setting for an extended event

    Used by actions: StartInstanceXEvent.

    Name Type Required Description
    EventType String Yes Event type. Valid values: slow (set threshold for slow SQL ), blocked (set threshold for the blocking and deadlock).
    Threshold Integer Yes Threshold in milliseconds. Valid values: 0(disable), non-zero (enable)


    Details of an extended event

    Used by actions: DescribeXEvents.

    Name Type Description
    Id Integer ID
    FileName String File name of an extended event
    Size Integer File size of an extended event
    EventType String Event type. Valid values: slow (Slow SQL event), blocked (blocking event), deadlock (deadlock event).
    Status Integer Event record status. Valid values: 1 (succeeded), 2 (failed).
    StartTime String Generation start time of an extended file
    EndTime String Generation end time of an extended file
    InternalAddr String Download address on the private network
    ExternalAddr String Download address on the public network


    Information of allowed operation

    Used by actions: DescribeBusinessIntelligenceFile.

    Name Type Description
    AllAction Array of String Allowed operations. Valid values: view (view list), remark (modify remark), deploy (deploy files), delete (delete files).
    AllowedAction Array of String Operation allowed in the current status. If the subset of AllAction is empty, no operations will be allowed.


    Instance database information

    Used by actions: DescribeDBs.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    DBDetails Array of DBDetail Database information list


    Details of instances in the interwoking group

    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstanceInter.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    InterVip String Instance interworking IP, which can be accessed after the instance is added to the interworking group.
    InterPort Integer Instance interworking port, which can be accessed after the instance is added to the interworking group.
    Status Integer Instance interworking status. Valid values: 1 (Enabling interworking IP), 2 (Enabled interworking IP), 3 (Adding to interworking group), 4 (Added to interworking group), 5 (Reclaiming interworking IP), 6(Reclaimed interworking IP), 7 (Removing from interworking group), 8 (Removed from interworking group).
    Region String Instance region, such as ap-guangzhou.
    Zone String Instance AZ name, such as ap-guangzhou-1.
    Version String Instance version code
    VersionName String Instance version
    Name String Instance name
    Vip String Instance access IP
    Vport Integer Instance access port


    Instance status after enabling or disabling the interworking group

    Used by actions: CloseInterCommunication, OpenInterCommunication.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID, such as mssql-sdf32n1d.
    FlowId Integer Instance task ID for enabling or disabling the interworking group. When FlowId is less than 0, the interworking group will be enabled or disabled successfully; otherwise, the operation failed.


    List of databases to be migrated

    Used by actions: CreateMigration, DescribeMigrationDetail, ModifyMigration.

    Name Type Required Description
    DBName String No Name of migrated database


    Migration progress details

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrations.

    Name Type Description
    StepName String Name of current step
    Progress Integer Progress of current step in %


    Source type of migration task

    Used by actions: CreateMigration, DescribeMigrationDetail, ModifyMigration.

    Name Type Required Description
    InstanceId String No Source instance ID in the format of mssql-si2823jyl, which is used when MigrateType is 1 (TencentDB for SQL Server)
    CvmId String No ID of source CVM instance, which is used when MigrateType is 2 (CVM-based self-created SQL Server database)
    VpcId String No VPC ID of source CVM instance in the format of vpc-6ys9ont9, which is used when MigrateType is 2 (CVM-based self-created SQL Server database)
    SubnetId String No VPC subnet ID of source CVM instance in the format of subnet-h9extioi, which is used when MigrateType is 2 (CVM-based self-created SQL Server database)
    UserName String No Username, which is used when MigrateType is 1 or 2
    Password String No Password, which is used when MigrateType is 1 or 2
    Ip String No Private IP of source CVM database, which is used when MigrateType is 2 (CVM-based self-created SQL Server database)
    Port Integer No Port number of source CVM database, which is used when MigrateType is 2 (CVM-based self-created SQL Server database)
    Url Array of String No Source backup address for offline migration, which is used when MigrateType is 4 or 5
    UrlPassword String No Source backup password for offline migration, which is used when MigrateType is 4 or 5


    Target type of migration task

    Used by actions: CreateMigration, DescribeMigrationDetail, ModifyMigration.

    Name Type Required Description
    InstanceId String No ID of target instance in the format of mssql-si2823jyl
    UserName String No Username of migration target instance
    Password String No Password of migration target instance


    Migration task type

    Used by actions: DescribeMigrations.

    Name Type Description
    MigrateId Integer Migration task ID
    MigrateName String Migration task name
    AppId Integer User ID of migration task
    Region String Migration task region
    SourceType Integer Migration source type. 1: TencentDB for SQL Server, 2: CVM-based self-created SQL Server database; 3: SQL Server backup restoration, 4: SQL Server backup restoration (in COS mode)
    CreateTime Timestamp Migration task creation time
    StartTime Timestamp Migration task start time
    EndTime Timestamp Migration task end time
    Status Integer Migration task status (1: initializing, 4: migrating, 5: migration failed, 6: migration succeeded, 7: suspended, 8: deleted, 9: suspending, 10: completing, 11: suspension failed, 12: completion failed)
    Message String Information
    CheckFlag Integer Whether migration task has been checked (0: not checked, 1: check succeeded, 2: check failed, 3: checking)
    Progress Integer Migration task progress in %
    MigrateDetail MigrateDetail Migration task progress details


    Cold backup migration import

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupMigration, DescribeIncrementalMigration.

    Name Type Description
    MigrationId String Backup import task ID or incremental import task ID
    MigrationName String Backup import task name. For an incremental import task, this field will be left empty.
    Note: this field may return ‘null’, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AppId Integer Application ID
    Region String Region
    InstanceId String ID of migrated target instance
    RecoveryType String Migration task restoration type
    UploadType String Backup user upload type. COS_URL: the backup is stored in user’s Cloud Object Storage, with URL provided. COS_UPLOAD: the backup is stored in the application’s Cloud Object Storage and needs to be uploaded by the user.
    BackupFiles Array of String Backup file list, which is determined by UploadType. If the upload type is COS_URL, URL will be saved. If the upload type is COS_UPLOAD, the backup name will be saved.
    Status Integer Migration task status. Valid values: 2 (Creation completed), 7 (Importing full backups), 8 (Waiting for incremental backups), 9 (Import success), 10 (Import failure), 12 (Importing incremental backups).
    CreateTime String Migration task creation time
    StartTime String Migration task start time
    EndTime String Migration task end time
    Message String More information
    Detail MigrationDetail Migration detail
    Action MigrationAction Operation allowed in the current status
    IsRecovery String Whether this is the final restoration. For a full import task, this field will be left empty.
    Note: this field may return ‘null’, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DBRename Array of DBRenameRes Name set of renamed databases
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Operation allowed by a cold backup import task

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupMigration, DescribeIncrementalMigration.

    Name Type Description
    AllAction Array of String All the allowed operations. Values include: view (viewing a task), modify (modifying a task), start (starting a task), incremental (creating an incremental task), delete (deleting a task), and upload (obtaining the upload permission).
    AllowedAction Array of String Operation allowed in the current status. If the subset of AllAction is left empty, no operations will be allowed.


    Details of a cold backup import task

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupMigration, DescribeIncrementalMigration.

    Name Type Description
    StepAll Integer Total number of steps
    StepNow Integer Current step
    Progress Integer Overall progress. For example, “30” means 30%.
    StepInfo Array of MigrationStep Step information. ‘null’ means the migration has not started
    Note: this field may return ‘null’, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Migration steps of a cold backup import task

    Used by actions: DescribeBackupMigration, DescribeIncrementalMigration.

    Name Type Description
    StepNo Integer Step sequence
    StepName String Step name
    StepId String Step ID in English
    Status Integer Step status: 0 (default value), 1 (succeeded), 2 (failed), 3 (in progress), 4 (not started)


    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstancesAttribute.

    Name Type Description
    Vip String
    RecycleTime String
    OldIpRetainTime Integer


    Instance parameter modification record

    Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParamRecords.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    ParamName String Parameter name
    OldValue String Parameter value before modification
    NewValue String Parameter value after modification
    Status Integer Parameter modification status. Valid values: 1 (initializing and waiting for modification), 2 (modification succeed), 3 (modification failed), 4 (modifying)
    ModifyTime String Modification time


    Database instance parameter

    Used by actions: ModifyInstanceParam.

    Name Type Required Description
    Name String No Parameter name
    CurrentValue String No Parameter value


    Instance parameter details

    Used by actions: DescribeInstanceParams.

    Name Type Description
    Name String Parameter name
    ParamType String Data type of the parameter. Valid values: integer, enum
    Default String Default value of the parameter
    Description String Parameter description
    CurrentValue String Current value of the parameter
    NeedReboot Integer Whether the database needs to be restarted for the modified parameter to take effect. Valid values: 0 (no),1 (yes)
    Max Integer Maximum value of the parameter
    Min Integer Minimum value of the parameter
    EnumValue Array of String Enumerated values of the parameter
    Status Integer Parameter status. Valid values: 0 (normal), 1 (modifying)


    Region information

    Used by actions: DescribeRegions.

    Name Type Description
    Region String Region ID in the format of ap-guangzhou
    RegionName String Region name
    RegionId Integer Numeric ID of region
    RegionState String Current purchasability of this region. UNAVAILABLE: not purchasable, AVAILABLE: purchasable


    It is used to specify and rename the database to be restored through the RestoreInstance, RollbackInstance, CreateMigration, CloneDB or ModifyBackupMigration APIs.

    Used by actions: CloneDB, CreateMigration, ModifyBackupMigration, RestoreInstance, RollbackInstance.

    Name Type Required Description
    OldName String No Database name. If the OldName database does not exist, a failure will be returned.
    It can be left empty in offline migration tasks.
    NewName String No New database name. In offline migration, OldName will be used if NewName is left empty (OldName and NewName cannot be both empty). In database cloning, OldName and NewName must be both specified and cannot have the same value.


    The information of tags associated with instances

    Used by actions: CreateBusinessDBInstances, CreateCloudDBInstances, CreateCloudReadOnlyDBInstances, CreateDBInstances, DescribeDBInstances.

    Name Type Required Description
    TagKey String Yes Tag key
    TagValue String Yes Tag value


    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstancesAttribute.

    Name Type Description
    Encryption String
    SSLValidityPeriod String
    SSLValidity Integer


    Replica AZ information

    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstances.

    Name Type Description
    SlaveZone String Replica AZ region code
    SlaveZoneName String Replica AZ


    Slow query log file information

    Used by actions: DescribeSlowlogs.

    Name Type Description
    Id Integer Unique ID of slow query log file
    StartTime Timestamp File generation start time
    EndTime Timestamp File generation end time
    Size Integer File size in KB
    Count Integer Number of logs in file
    InternalAddr String Download address for private network
    ExternalAddr String Download address for public network
    Status Integer Status (1: success, 2: failure)
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Information of purchasable specification for an instance

    Used by actions: DescribeProductConfig.

    Name Type Description
    SpecId Integer Instance specification ID. The SpecId returned by DescribeZones together with the purchasable specification information returned by DescribeProductConfig can be used to find out what specifications can be purchased in a specified AZ
    MachineType String Model ID
    MachineTypeName String Model name
    Version String Database version information. Valid values: 2008R2 (SQL Server 2008 Enterprise), 2012SP3 (SQL Server 2012 Enterprise), 2016SP1 (SQL Server 2016 Enterprise), 201602 (SQL Server 2016 Standard), 2017 (SQL Server 2017 Enterprise)
    VersionName String Version name corresponding to the Version field
    Memory Integer Memory size in GB
    CPU Integer Number of CPU cores
    MinStorage Integer Minimum disk size under this specification in GB
    MaxStorage Integer Maximum disk size under this specification in GB
    QPS Integer QPS of this specification
    SuitInfo String Description of this specification
    Pid Integer Pid of this specification
    PostPid Array of Integer Pay-as-you-go Pid list corresponding to this specification
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    PayModeStatus String Billing mode under this specification. POST: pay-as-you-go
    InstanceType String Instance type. Valid values: HA (High-Availability Edition, including dual-server high availability and AlwaysOn cluster), RO (read-only replica), SI (Basic Edition)
    MultiZonesStatus String Whether multi-AZ deployment is supported. Valid values: MultiZones (only multi-AZ deployment is supported), SameZones (only single-AZ deployment is supported), ALL (both deployments are supported)


    TDE configuration

    Used by actions: DescribeDBInstancesAttribute.

    Name Type Description
    Encryption String TDE status. Valid values: enable (enabled), disable (disabled).
    CertificateAttribution String Certificate ownership. Valid values: self (certificate of the this account), others (certificate of the other account), none (no certificate).
    QuoteUin String ID of the other referenced root account when enabling TDE
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    AZ information

    Used by actions: DescribeZones.

    Name Type Description
    Zone String AZ ID in the format of ap-guangzhou-1 (i.e., Guangzhou Zone 1)
    ZoneName String AZ name
    ZoneId Integer Numeric ID of AZ
    SpecId Integer ID of specification purchasable in this AZ, which, together with the returned value of the DescribeProductConfig API, can be used to find out the specifications currently purchasable in the AZ
    Version String Information of database versions purchasable under the current AZ and specification. Valid values: 2008R2 (SQL Server 2008 Enterprise), 2012SP3 (SQL Server 2012 Enterprise), 2016SP1 (SQL Server 2016 Enterprise), 201602 (SQL Server 2016 Standard), 2017 (SQL Server 2017 Enterprise)