Information about purchased CBS
Used by actions: CreateDedicatedClusterOrder.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Size | Integer | Yes | CBS storage size, in TB |
Type | String | Yes | CBS storage type, SSD by default |
Capacity of COS in CDC
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterCosCapacity.
Name | Type | Description |
TotalCapacity | Float | Total capacity, in GB |
TotalFreeCapacity | Float | Available capacity, in GB |
TotalUsedCapacity | Float | Used capacity, in GB |
Used to add COS information on the purchase page.
Used by actions: CreateDedicatedClusterOrder.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Size | Integer | Yes | COS size, in TB |
Type | String | Yes | COS type, COS by default |
CDC list
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusters.
Name | Type | Description |
DedicatedClusterId | String | CDC id, e.g., cluster-xxxxx. |
Zone | String | Name of AZ to which the CDC belongs |
Description | String | CDC description Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Name | String | CDC name |
LifecycleStatus | String | Life cycle of the CDC, e.g., PENDING. |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Creation time of the CDC |
SiteId | String | Site id to which the CDC belongs |
List of instance specifications supported by the CDC host
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterInstanceTypes.
Name | Type | Description |
Zone | String | AZ |
InstanceType | String | Type name |
NetworkCard | Integer | NIC type, e.g., 25 represents a 25 GB NIC. |
Cpu | Integer | Number of CPU cores of instance, in cores |
Memory | Integer | Memory capacity of instance, in GB |
InstanceFamily | String | Instance family |
TypeName | String | Type name |
StorageBlockAmount | Integer | Local storage block count |
InstanceBandwidth | Float | LAN bandwidth, in GB/s |
InstancePps | Integer | Network packet receiving/sending capacity, in 10,000 PPS |
CpuType | String | Processor type |
Gpu | Integer | Number of GPUs of instance |
Fpga | Integer | Number of FPGAs of instance. |
Remark | String | Type description |
Status | String | Whether the instance is for sale? Value values: |
CDC order
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders.
Name | Type | Description |
DedicatedClusterId | String | CDC id |
DedicatedClusterTypeId | String | CDC type id (moved to the next level, obsolete and will be deleted later) |
SupportedStorageType | Array of String | List of supported storage types (moved to the next level, obsolete and will be deleted later) |
SupportedUplinkSpeed | Array of Integer | Supported uplink switch transmission rate (GiB) (moved to the next level, obsolete and will be deleted later) |
SupportedInstanceFamily | Array of String | List of supported instance families (moved to the next level, obsolete and will be deleted later) |
Weight | Integer | Floor weight capacity (KG) |
PowerDraw | Float | Power requirements (KW) |
OrderStatus | String | Order status |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Order creation time |
DedicatedClusterOrderId | String | Large order ID |
Action | String | Order type, CREATE or EXTEND |
DedicatedClusterOrderItems | Array of DedicatedClusterOrderItem | List of sub-order details Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Cpu | Integer | CPU value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Mem | Integer | MEM value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Gpu | Integer | GPU value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
PayStatus | Integer | 0 for unpaid, 1 for paid Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
PayType | String | Payment method: lump-sum, monthly, and annually Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
TimeUnit | String | Unit of purchased period Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
TimeSpan | Integer | Purchased period Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
OrderType | String | Order type Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
CheckStatus | String | |
DeliverExpectTime | String | |
DeliverFinishTime | String | |
CheckExpectTime | String | |
CheckFinishTime | String | |
OrderSLA | String | |
OrderPayPlan | String |
CDC sub-order
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOrders.
Name | Type | Description |
DedicatedClusterTypeId | String | CDC type id |
SupportedStorageType | Array of String | List of supported storage types |
SupportedUplinkSpeed | Array of Integer | Supported uplink switch transmission rate (GiB) |
SupportedInstanceFamily | Array of String | List of supported instance families |
Weight | Integer | Floor weight capacity (KG) |
PowerDraw | Float | Power requirements (KW) |
SubOrderStatus | String | Order status |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Order creation time |
SubOrderId | String | Sub-order ID |
Count | Integer | Number of linked cluster types |
Name | String | Brief description of type |
Description | String | Detailed description of type |
TotalCpu | Integer | Number of CPUs |
TotalMem | Integer | Number of memories |
TotalGpu | Integer | Total GPUs |
TypeName | String | English type name |
ComputeFormat | String | Type display Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
TypeFamily | String | Type family Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
SubOrderPayStatus | Integer | 0 for unpaid, 1 for paid Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
CDC configurations
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterTypes.
Name | Type | Description |
DedicatedClusterTypeId | String | Configuration id |
Description | String | Configuration description, corresponding to description Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Name | String | Configuration name, corresponding to computing resource type |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Configuration creation time |
SupportedStorageType | Array of String | List of supported storage types |
SupportedUplinkGiB | Array of Integer | Supported uplink switch transmission rate |
SupportedInstanceFamily | Array of String | List of supported instance families |
Weight | Integer | Floor weight capacity (KG) |
PowerDrawKva | Float | Power requirements (KW) |
ComputeFormatDesc | String | Displays the details of computing resource types, and does not display resources such as storage; corresponding to type |
DedicatedClusterType => (Id, Count)
Used by actions: CreateDedicatedClusterOrder.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
Id | String | Yes | Cluster type id |
Count | Integer | Yes | Cluster type count |
Time-stamped detailed data
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamps | Array of Float | Timestamp Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Values | Array of Float | Corresponding value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
HostTypeFamily | String | |
CpuTotal | Float | |
CpuAvailable | Float | |
MemTotal | Float | |
MemAvailable | Float |
CDC host details
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterHosts.
Name | Type | Description |
HostIp | String | Host IP |
ServiceType | String | Cloud service type |
HostStatus | String | Host running status |
HostType | String | Host type |
CpuAvailable | Integer | Number of available CPUs |
CpuTotal | Integer | Total CPUs |
MemAvailable | Integer | Available memories |
MemTotal | Integer | Total memories |
RunTime | String | Running time |
ExpireTime | String | Expiration time |
HostId | String | Host id Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Statistic information of hosts in the CDC
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterHostStatistics.
Name | Type | Description |
HostType | String | Host type |
HostFamily | String | Host model family |
Cpu | Integer | Number of CPU cores of host, in cores |
Memory | Integer | Host memory, in GB |
Count | Integer | Number of hosts of this type |
CpuAverage | Float | Average CPU load percentage Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
MemAverage | Float | Average memory usage percentage Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
NetAverage | Float | Average network traffic Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
CpuDetailData | DetailData | Detailed CPU monitoring data Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
MemDetailData | DetailData | Memory details Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
NetRateDetailData | DetailData | Network rate details Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
NetPacketDetailData | DetailData | Network packet details Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Inbound bandwidth data
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamps | Array of Float | Timestamp Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Values | Array of Float | Time-specific value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Local network information
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
Protocol | String | Protocol Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
VpcId | String | Network id Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
BGPRoute | String | Routing information Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
LocalIp | String | Local IP Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Outbound bandwidth data
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
Timestamps | Array of Float | Timestamp Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Values | Array of Float | Time-specific value Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
Information of RegionZoneInfo
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones.
Name | Type | Description |
RegionId | Integer | Region id |
Zones | Array of ZoneInfo | ZoneInfo array |
Customer site information
Used by actions: DescribeSites.
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Site name |
SiteId | String | Site id |
Description | String | Site description Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Site creation time |
Site details
Used by actions: DescribeSitesDetail.
Name | Type | Description |
SiteId | String | Site id |
Name | String | Site name |
Description | String | Site description |
CreateTime | Timestamp ISO8601 | Site creation time |
FiberType | String | Optical fiber type |
UplinkSpeedGbps | Integer | Uplink speed from the network to Tencent Cloud Region |
UplinkCount | Integer | Number of uplinks used by each CDC device (2 devices per rack) when connected to the network |
OpticalStandard | String | Optical standard used to connect the CDC device to the network |
RedundantNetworking | Boolean | Whether redundant upstream equipment (switch or router) is provided so that both network devices can be connected to the network. |
PowerConnectors | String | Type of power connector |
PowerFeedDrop | String | Whether power is supplied from above or below the rack |
PowerDrawKva | Float | Power consumption (KW) |
ConditionRequirement | Boolean | Whether the following environmental conditions are met: 1. There are no material requirements or the acceptance standard on site that will affect the delivery and installation of the CDC device. 2. The following conditions are met for finalized rack positions: Temperature ranges from 41 to 104°F (5 to 40°C). Humidity ranges from 10°F (-12°C) to 70°F (21°C) and relative humidity ranges from 8% RH to 80% RH. Air flows from front to back at the rack position and there is sufficient air in CFM (cubic feet per minute). The air quantity in CFM must be 145.8 times the power consumption (in KVA) of CDC. |
DimensionRequirement | Boolean | Whether the following dimension conditions are met: Your loading dock can accommodate one rack container (H x W x D = 94" x 54" x 48"). You can provide a clear route from the delivery point of your rack (H x W x D = 80" x 24" x 48") to its final installation location. You should consider platforms, corridors, doors, turns, ramps, freight elevators as well as other access restrictions when measuring the depth. There shall be a 48" or greater front clearance and a 24" or greater rear clearance where the CDC is finally installed. |
MaxWeight | Integer | Maximum weight capacity (KG) |
AddressLine | String | Site address |
OptionalAddressLine | String | Detailed address of the site area (to be added) |
NeedHelp | Boolean | Whether you need help from Tencent Cloud for rack installation? |
BreakerRequirement | Boolean | Whether there is an upstream circuit breaker? |
RedundantPower | Boolean | Whether there is power redundancy? |
Country | String | Country where the site is located |
Province | String | Province where the site is located |
City | String | City where the site is located |
PostalCode | Integer | Postal code of the site area |
VPN gateway traffic monitoring data
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedClusterOverview.
Name | Type | Description |
OutBandwidth | OutBandwidth | Outbound bandwidth traffic Note: The returned value of this field may be null, indicating that no valid value is obtained. |
InBandwidth | InBandwidth | Inbound bandwidth traffic |
AZ information
Used by actions: DescribeDedicatedSupportedZones.
Name | Type | Description |
Zone | String | AZ name |
ZoneName | String | AZ description |
ZoneId | Integer | AZ ID |
ZoneState | String | AZ status: AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE AVAILABLE means the AZ is available while UNAVAILABLE means the AZ is unavailable. |