tencent cloud


Data Types

最后更新时间:2024-07-01 09:55:46


    Details of the Anycast package

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    NormalBandwidth Integer Application bandwidth (in Mbps).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ForwardRulesLimit Integer Number of forwarding rules
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Auto-renewal flag
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CurDeadline String Expiration date
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Anti-DDoS Advanced instance details

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceDetail InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance details
    SpecificationLimit BGPIPInstanceSpecification Anti-DDoS instance specifications
    Usage BGPIPInstanceUsages Anti-DDoS instance usage statistics
    Region RegionInfo Region of the Anti-DDoS instance
    Status String Status of the Anti-DDoS instance. Valid values:
    idle: running
    attacking: under attacks
    blocking: blocked
    creating: creating
    deblocking: unblocking
    isolate: reprocessed and isolated
    ExpiredTime Timestamp Purchase time
    CreatedTime Timestamp Expired At
    Name String Name of the Anti-DDoS instance
    PackInfo PackInfo Package details of the Anti-DDoS instance.
    Note: This field is null for an Anti-DDoS instance without using a package.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    StaticPackRelation StaticPackRelation Non-BGP package details of the Anti-DDoS instance.
    Note: This field is null for an Anti-DDoS instance without using a non-BGP package.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ZoneId Integer Specifies the ISP. 0: Chinese mainland ISPs (default); 1:Radware;2: Tencent; 3: NSFOCUS. Note that 1, 2 and 3 are used for services outside the Chinese mainland.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Tgw Integer Used to differentiate clusters
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipAddressStatus String EIP states: CREATING, BINDING, BIND, UNBINDING, UNBIND, OFFLINING, and BIND_ENI. The EIP must be bound to an Anti-DDoS Advanced instance.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipFlag Integer Whether it is an Anti-DDoS EIP instance. 1: Yes; 0: No.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipAddressPackRelation EipAddressPackRelation EIP package details of the Anti-DDoS Advanced instance.
    Note: This field is null for an Anti-DDoS Advanced instance without using an EIP package.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipAddressInfo EipAddressRelation Details of the Anti-DDoS Advanced instance bound to the EIP.
    Note: This field is null if the EIP is not bound to an Anti-DDoS Advanced instance.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    Domain String Recommended domain name for clients to access.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DamDDoSStatus Integer Whether to enable Sec-MCA. Valid values: 1 (enabled) and 0 (disabled).
    V6Flag Integer Whether it’s an IPv6 address. 1: Yes; 0: No.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BGPIPChannelFlag Integer Whether it’s an Anti-DDoS Advanced instance from Tencent Cloud channels. 1: Yes; 0: No.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    TagInfoList Array of TagInfo Tag that the Anti-DDoS Advanced instance is associated with
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    AnycastOutPackRelation AnycastOutPackRelation All-out package details of the instance
    When an all-out package is not used by the instance, this field is null.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    InstanceVersion Integer Edition of the instance
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ConvoyId String Convoy instance ID
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ElasticBandwidth Integer Pay-as-you-go bandwidth
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EOFlag Integer Whether it’s the IP broadcasted by EdgeOne. Values: 1 (yes), 0 (no)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Anti-DDoS Advanced instance specifications

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    ProtectBandwidth Integer Base protection bandwidth (in Mbps)
    ProtectCCQPS Integer CC protection bandwidth (in QPS)
    NormalBandwidth Integer Normal application bandwidth (in Mbps)
    ForwardRulesLimit Integer Number of forwarding rules
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Auto-renewal status. Valid values:
    0: disabled
    1: enabled
    Line Integer Anti-DDoS Advanced line. Valid values:
    1: BGP
    2: China Telecom
    3: China Unicom
    4: China Mobile
    99: third-party line
    ElasticBandwidth Integer Elastic protection bandwidth (in Mbps)


    Anti-DDoS Advanced instance usage statistics

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    PortRulesUsage Integer Number of used port rules
    DomainRulesUsage Integer Number of used domain name rules
    Last7DayAttackCount Integer Number of attack times in the last 7 days


    Details of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceDetail InstanceRelation Details of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    SpecificationLimit BGPInstanceSpecification Specifications of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    Usage BGPInstanceUsages Usage statistics of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    Region RegionInfo Region of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    Status String Status of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance. Valid values:
    idle: The instance is running normally.
    attacking: The instance is under attack.
    blocking: The instance is blocked.
    creating: The instance is being created.
    deblocking: Unblocking the instance
    isolate: The instance is being isolated.
    CreatedTime Timestamp Purchase time
    ExpiredTime Timestamp Expiration time
    Name String Name of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    PackInfo PackInfo Details of the package to which the Anti-DDoS Pro instance belongs.
    When the package provided is not used by the instance, this field is null.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipProductInfos Array of EipProductInfo Details of the cloud product used by the EIP bound to the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    BoundStatus String Binding status of the Anti-DDoS Pro instance
    idle: The instance is bound.
    bounding: Binding the instance.
    failed: Failed to bind
    DDoSLevel String Layer-4 protection level
    CCEnable Integer Status of CC protection
    TagInfoList Array of TagInfo Tags associated with the resource
    IpCountNewFlag Integer New edition of Anti-DDoS Pro
    VitalityVersion Integer The version of attack defense package
    Line Integer Network line
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ElasticServiceBandwidth Integer Whether to enable elastic bandwidth
    GiftServiceBandWidth Integer Bandwidth quota given away by Tencent Cloud


    Anti-DDoS Pro instance specifications

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    ProtectBandwidth Integer Base protection bandwidth (in Gbps)
    ProtectCountLimit Integer Number of protection chances
    ProtectIPNumberLimit Integer Number of protected IPs
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Auto-renewal status. Values:
    0: Disabled
    1: Enabled
    UnionPackFlag Integer Protection type of Anti-DDoS Pro. Valid values: 0 (general protection) and 1 (Lighthouse-based protection).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ServiceBandWidth Integer Application bandwidth
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    BattleEditionFlag Integer Whether it’s an Anti-DDoS Pro Premium edition. Values: 0 (General edition); 1 (Premium edition).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ChannelEditionFlag Integer Whether it’s an Anti-DDoS Pro Standard edition. Values: 0 (General edition); 1 (Standard edition).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    EnterpriseFlag Integer Whether it’s an Anti-DDoS Pro Enterprise edition. Values: 0 (General edition); 1 (Enterprise edition).
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    ElasticLimit Integer Elastic bandwidth threshold of the Anti-DDoS Pro Enterprise edition.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    DownGradeProtect Integer Protection bandwidth after the plan downgrade, in Gbps.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value was found.


    Anti-DDoS Pro instance usage statistics

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    ProtectCountUsage Integer Number of used protection chances
    ProtectIPNumberUsage Integer Number of protected IPs
    Last7DayAttackCount Integer Number of attack times in the last 7 days


    IP blocklist/allowlist

    Used by actions: DescribeListBlackWhiteIpList.

    Name Type Description
    Ip String IP address
    Type String IP type. Valid values: black (blocklisted IP), white(allowlisted IP).
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured
    Mask Integer IP mask. 0 indicates a 32-bit IP.
    ModifyTime String Modification time


    IP bound to the Anti-DDoS Pro instance

    Used by actions: CreateBoundIP.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes IP address
    BizType String No Category of product that can be bound. Valid values: public (CVM and CLB), bm (BM), eni (ENI), vpngw (VPN gateway), natgw (NAT gateway), waf (WAF), fpc (financial products), gaap (GAAP), and other (hosted IP). This field is required when you perform binding.
    InstanceId String No Anti-DDoS instance ID of the IP. This field is required only when the instance is bound to an IP. For example, this field InstanceId will be eni-* if the instance ID is bound to an ENI IP; none if there is no instance to bind to a managed IP.
    DeviceType String No Sub-product category. Valid values: cvm (CVM), lb (Load balancer), eni (ENI), vpngw (VPN gateway), natgw (NAT gateway), waf (WAF), fpc (financial products), gaap (GAAP), eip (BM EIP) and other (managed IP). This field is required when you perform binding.
    IspCode Integer No ISP. Valid values: 0 (China Telecom), 1 (China Unicom), 2 (China Mobile), and 5 (BGP). This field is required when you perform binding.


    The level-defining policy of CC attacks

    Used by actions: DescribeCCLevelList.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Ip String Ip
    Protocol String Protocol
    Domain String Domain name
    Level String Protection level. Values: default, loose and strict.
    CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
    ModifyTime Timestamp Modification time


    CC precise protection configuration fields

    Used by actions: CreateCCPrecisionPolicy, DescribeCCPrecisionPlyList, ModifyCCPrecisionPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    FieldType String Yes Type of the configuration field. Only value is supported.
    FieldName String Yes Configuration field. Valid values: cgi, ua, cookie, referer, accept, and srcip.
    Value String Yes Value of the configuration field
    ValueOperator String Yes Filters values of configuration fields. equal: The value matches the configuration field. not_equal: The value does not match the configuration field. include: The value is included.


    CC precise protection policy information

    Used by actions: DescribeCCPrecisionPlyList.

    Name Type Description
    PolicyId String Policy ID
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Ip String IP address
    Protocol String Protocol
    Domain String Domain name
    PolicyAction String Action of limiting request frequency. Valid values: alg (limit request frequency via verification codes) and drop(drop requests).
    PolicyList Array of CCPrecisionPlyRecord List of policies
    CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
    ModifyTime Timestamp Modification time


    Configuration fields of CC frequency limit policies

    Used by actions: CreateCCReqLimitPolicy.

    Name Type Required Description
    Period Integer Yes Sampling interval (in seconds). Valid values: 1, 10, 30, and 60.
    RequestNum Integer Yes Number of requests. Value range: 1-2000.
    Action String Yes Action of limiting request frequency. Valid values: alg (limit request frequency via verification codes) and drop(drop requests).
    ExecuteDuration Integer Yes Sets an interval of the frequency limit policy. Value range: 1-86400 (in seconds).
    Mode String Yes Filters values of configuration fields. include: The value is included. equal: The value matches the configuration field.
    Uri String No URI, which cannot be used together with User-Agent and Cookie.
    UserAgent String No User-Agent, which cannot be used together with Uri and Cookie.
    Cookie String No Cookie, which cannot be used together with Uri and User-Agent.


    CC cleansing threshold policy

    Used by actions: DescribeCCThresholdList.

    Name Type Description
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Ip String IP address
    Protocol String Protocol
    Domain String Domain name
    Threshold Integer Cleansing threshold
    CreateTime Timestamp Creation time
    ModifyTime Timestamp Modification time


    Layer-4 access control list

    Used by actions: DescribeCcBlackWhiteIpList.

    Name Type Description
    PolicyId String Policy ID
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Ip String IP address
    Domain String Domain name
    Protocol String Protocol
    Type String IP type. Valid values: black (blocklisted IP), white(allowlisted IP).
    BlackWhiteIp String Blocklist/Allowlist IP address
    Mask Integer Mask
    CreateTime String Creation time
    ModifyTime String Modification time


    Anti-DDoS regional blocking configuration

    Used by actions: CreateCcGeoIPBlockConfig, DeleteCcGeoIPBlockConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    RegionType String Yes Region type. Valid values:
    oversea: Outside the Chinese mainland.
    china: The Chinese mainland.
    customized: User-specified region.
    Action String Yes Blocking action. Valid values:
    drop: Block the request.
    alg: Verify the request via CAPTCHA.
    Id String No Configuration ID, which is generated after a configuration is added. This field is only required to modify or delete a configuration.
    AreaList Array of Integer No This field is required when RegionType is customized; it can be left empty when RegionType is china or oversea.


    Information of the policy list

    Used by actions: DescribeCcGeoIPBlockConfigList.

    Name Type Description
    PolicyId String Policy ID
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Ip String IP address
    Domain String
    Protocol String Protocol. Valid values: HTTP and HTTPS.
    Action String Action. Valid values: drop and alg.
    RegionType String Region type. Valid values: china, oversea and customized.
    AreaList Array of Integer ID list of regions to be blocked
    CreateTime String Creation time
    ModifyTime String Modification time


    Set of rules configured for certificates

    Used by actions: DescribeL7RulesBySSLCertId.

    Name Type Description
    L7Rules Array of InsL7Rules List of rules configured for certificates
    CertId String Certificate ID


    Anti-DDoS AI protection switch

    Used by actions: DescribeListDDoSAI.

    Name Type Description
    DDoSAI String AI protection switch. Valid values:
    on: enabled
    off: disabled
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured


    Anti-DDoS region blocking configuration

    Used by actions: CreateDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig, DeleteDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig, DescribeListDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig, ModifyDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    RegionType String Yes Region type. Valid values:
    oversea: Outside the Chinese mainland
    china: The Chinese mainland
    customized: User-specified region
    Action String Yes Blocking action. Valid values:
    drop: the request is blocked.
    trans: the request is allowed.
    Id String No Configuration ID, which is generated after a configuration is added. This field is only required to modify or delete a configuration.
    AreaList Array of Integer No When RegionType = customized, AreaList is required and contains up to 128 areas.


    Anti-DDoS region blocking configuration details

    Used by actions: DescribeListDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig.

    Name Type Description
    GeoIPBlockConfig DDoSGeoIPBlockConfig Anti-DDoS region blocking configuration
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured


    Anti-DDoS access rate limit configuration

    Used by actions: CreateDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, DeleteDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, DescribeListDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, ModifyDDoSSpeedLimitConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    Mode Integer Yes Rate limit mode. Valid values:
    1: rate limit based on the real server IP
    2: rate limit based on the destination port
    SpeedValues Array of SpeedValue Yes Rate limit value. This field contains at least one valid rate limit type. Note that only up to one value of each type is supported.
    DstPortScopes Array of PortSegment No This field is replaced with a new field DstPortList.
    Id String No
    ProtocolList String No IP protocol number. Valid values:
    ALL: all protocols
    TCP: TCP protocol
    UDP: UDP protocol
    SMP: SMP protocol
    1;2–100: user-defined protocol with up to 8 ranges
    Note: For custom protocol ranges, only protocol number is supported. Multiple ranges are separated by ";". If the value is ALL, any other protocol or protocol number should be excluded.
    DstPortList String No Port range list, which contains up to 8 ranges. Use ";" to separate multiple ports and "–" to indicate a range of ports, as described in the following formats: 0–65535, 80;443;1000–2000.


    DDoS access rate limit configuration details

    Used by actions: DescribeListDDoSSpeedLimitConfig.

    Name Type Description
    SpeedLimitConfig DDoSSpeedLimitConfig Anti-DDoS access rate limit configuration
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured


    Default alarm threshold configuration of an IP

    Used by actions: CreateDefaultAlarmThreshold, DescribeDefaultAlarmThreshold.

    Name Type Required Description
    AlarmType Integer No Alarm threshold type. Valid values:
    1: alarm threshold for inbound traffic
    2: alarm threshold for cleansing attack traffic
    AlarmThreshold Integer No Alarm threshold (Mbps). The value should be greater than or equal to 0. Note that the alarm threshold configuration will be removed if you pass the parameter for input and set it to 0.


    Details of the Anycast package

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    IpCount Integer Number of package IPs
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Auto-renewal flag
    CurDeadline Timestamp Current expiration time


    EIP association details

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    EipAddressRegion String Region of the Anti-DDoS instance bound to the EIP. For example, hk indicates Hong Kong.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipBoundRscIns String ID of the bound resource. For example, an ID may be bound to an CVM instance.
    Note: This is field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipBoundRscEni String ID of the bound ENI
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    EipBoundRscVip String Private IP of the bound resource
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ModifyTime String Modification time
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Details of the cloud product used by the EIP

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes IP address
    BizType String Yes Cloud product category. Valid values:
    public: CVM
    bm: BM
    eni: ENI
    vpngw: VPN gateway
    natgw: NAT gateway
    waf: WAF
    fpc: financial products
    gaap: GAAP
    other: hosted IP
    DeviceType String Yes Cloud sub-product category. Valid values: cvm (CVM), lb (Load balancer), eni (ENI), vpngw (VPN gateway), natgw (NAT gateway), waf (WAF), fpc (financial products), gaap (GAAP), eip (BM EIP) and other (hosted IP).
    InstanceId String Yes Cloud instance ID of the IP. This field InstanceId will be eni-* if the instance ID is bound to an ENI IP; none if there is no instance ID to bind to a hosted IP.


    Forwarding listener

    Used by actions: CreateWaterPrintConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    FrontendPort Integer Yes The starting port for listener forwarding. Value range: 1 to 65535.
    ForwardProtocol String Yes Forwarding protocol. Valid values:
    FrontendPortEnd Integer No The ending port for listener forwarding. Value range: 1 to 65535.


    Aggregated data on the HTTP status codes of business traffic

    Used by actions: DescribeBizHttpStatus.

    Name Type Description
    SourceHttp2xx Array of Float HTTP 2xx Forwarding status code
    Http5xx Array of Float HTTP 5xx Status code
    SourceHttp5xx Array of Float HTTP 5xx Forwarding status code
    SourceHttp404 Array of Float HTTP 404 Forwarding status code
    Http4xx Array of Float HTTP 4xx Status code
    SourceHttp4xx Array of Float HTTP 4xx Forwarding status code
    Http2xx Array of Float HTTP 2xx Status code
    Http404 Array of Float HTTP 404 Status code
    SourceHttp3xx Array of Float HTTP 3xx Forwarding status code
    Http3xx Array of Float HTTP 3xx Status code


    Single IP alarm threshold configuration

    Used by actions: CreateIPAlarmThresholdConfig, DescribeListIPAlarmConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    AlarmType Integer Yes Alarm threshold type. Valid values:
    1: alarm threshold for inbound traffic
    2: alarm threshold for cleansing attack traffic
    AlarmThreshold Integer Yes Alarm threshold (Mbps). The value should be greater than or equal to 0. Note that the alarm threshold configuration will be removed if you pass the parameter for input and set it to 0.
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Yes Anti-DDoS instance configured


    IP line information

    Used by actions: DescribeListSchedulingDomain.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type String Yes IP line type. Valid values:
    bgp: BGP IP
    ctcc: CTCC IP
    cucc: CUCC IP
    cmcc: CMCC IP
    abroad: IP outside the Chinese mainland
    Eip String Yes
    Cname String No CNAME of the instance
    ResourceFlag Integer No Flag of the instance. 0: Anti-DDoS Pro instance; 1: Anti-DDoS Advanced instance; 2: Non-Anti-DDoS Advanced instance.


    Layer-7 instance rules

    Used by actions: CreateL7RuleCerts, DescribeL7RulesBySSLCertId.

    Name Type Required Description
    Status Integer Yes Rules can only be modified when the status is 0, 2, or 8.
    Rule status. Values: 0 (Normal), 1 (Being configured), 2 (Configuration failed), 3 (Being deleted), 5 (Failed to be deleted), 6 (Pending add), 7 (Pending delete), 8 (Pending certificate upload), 9 (Associated resource not exist), 10 (Pending modify), 11 (Being modified).
    Domain String Yes Domain name
    Protocol String Yes Protocol
    InsId String Yes Instance ID
    AppId String Yes User App ID
    VirtualPort String Yes High-defense port
    SSLId String Yes Certificate ID


    Instance IP information

    Used by actions: CreateIPAlarmThresholdConfig, DescribeListBGPIPInstances, DescribeListBGPInstances, DescribeListBlackWhiteIpList, DescribeListDDoSAI, DescribeListDDoSGeoIPBlockConfig, DescribeListDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, DescribeListIPAlarmConfig, DescribeListListener, DescribeListPacketFilterConfig, DescribeListProtectThresholdConfig, DescribeListProtocolBlockConfig, DescribeListWaterPrintConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    EipList Array of String Yes Instance IP
    InstanceId String Yes Instance ID


    Structure of IP range

    Used by actions: CreateCcBlackWhiteIpList, ModifyCcBlackWhiteIpList.

    Name Type Required Description
    Ip String Yes IP address
    Mask Integer Yes IP mask. For a 32-bit IP address, enter 0.


    Status of the IP

    Used by actions: DescribeBasicDeviceStatus, DescribeNewL7RulesErrHealth.

    Name Type Description
    Key String IP
    Value String Status of the IP. Values: 1 (blocked); 2 (normal); 3 (being attacked)


    List of layer-4 forwarding rules

    Used by actions: CreateNewL7Rules, DescribeNewL7Rules, ModifyNewDomainRules.

    Name Type Required Description
    Source String Yes IP or domain name for forwarding.
    Weight Integer Yes Weight. Value range: [0,100].
    Port Integer No 8000
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    Backup Integer No Secondary origin server. 1: secondary origin server; 0: general origin server.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Layer-7 forwarding rule.

    Used by actions: CreateNewL7Rules.

    Name Type Required Description
    KeepTime Integer Yes Session persistence duration, in seconds.
    Domain String Yes Forwarding domain name.
    Protocol String Yes Forwarding protocol. Valid values: http and https.
    SourceType Integer Yes Forwarding method. Valid values: 1 (by domain name); 2 (by IP).
    LbType Integer Yes Load balancing method. Valid value: 1 (weighed polling).
    SourceList Array of L4RuleSource Yes List of origins
    KeepEnable Integer Yes Whether session persistence is enabled. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    Status Integer No Rule status. Valid values: 0 (the rule was successfully configured), 1 (configuring the rule), 2 (rule configuration failed), 3 (deleting the rule), 5 (failed to delete rule), 6 (rule awaiting configuration), 7 (rule awaiting deletion), and 8 (rule awaiting certificate configuration).
    RuleId String No Rule ID. This field is not required for adding a rule, but is required for modifying or deleting a rule.
    CCThreshold Integer No CC protection threshold based on HTTPS.
    PrivateKey String No [Disused] When the certificate is an external certificate, the certificate key should be provided here.
    CCEnable Integer No CC protection status based on HTTPS. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    HttpsToHttpEnable Integer No Whether to enable Forward HTTPS requests via HTTP. Valid values: 0 (disable) and 1 (enable). It defaults to 0.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    CertType Integer No Certificate source. When the forwarding protocol is HTTPS, this field must be set to 2 (Tencent Cloud managed certificate), and for HTTP protocol, it can be set to 0.
    Cert String No [Disused] When the certificate is an external certificate, the certificate content should be provided here.
    CCLevel String No CC protection level based on HTTPS.
    RuleName String No Rule description.
    CCStatus Integer No CC protection status. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    VirtualPort Integer No Access port number.
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SSLId String No When the certificate is managed by Tencent Cloud, this field must be set to the ID of the managed certificate.
    Id String No ID of the rule
    CCAIEnable Integer No Intelligent CC protection status. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).


    Health check parameters of layer-7 forwarding rules

    Used by actions: DescribeNewL7Rules.

    Name Type Required Description
    Status Integer Yes Configuration status. Values: 0 (normal), 1 (configuration in progress) and 2 (configuration failed).
    Enable Integer Yes Switch. Values: 1: Enable; 0: Disable.
    RuleId String Yes ID of the rule
    Url String Yes HTTP request path. The default value is /.
    Interval Integer Yes Health check interval. Unit: second.
    AliveNum Integer Yes Healthy threshold, which specifies the number of consecutive successful health checks.
    KickNum Integer Yes Unhealthy threshold, which specifies the number of consecutive failed health checks.
    Method String Yes HTTP request method. Values: HEAD and GET.
    StatusCode Integer Yes Status code that signifies a normal state. Values: 1 (1xx), 2 (2xx), 4 (3xx), 8 (4xx), and 16 (5xx).
    ProtocolFlag Integer No Whether to deploy both HTTP and HTTPS health check rules
    PassiveEnable Integer No Enables passive detection. Values: 1 (enable) and 0 (disable).
    BlockInter Integer No Blocking period in the passive detection configuration
    FailedCountInter Integer No Time interval between passive detections
    FailedThreshold Integer No Unhealthy threshold in the passive detection configuration
    PassiveStatusCode Integer No Status code that signals that the passive detection considers the status normal. Values: 1 (1xx), 2 (2xx), 4 (3xx), 8 (4xx), and 16 (5xx).
    PassiveStatus Integer No Configuration status of the passive health check. Values: 0 (Normal), 1 (configuration in progress) and 2 (configuration failed).


    Layer-4 forwarding rule

    Used by actions: DescribeListListener.

    Name Type Required Description
    BackendPort Integer Yes Real server port. Value range: 1–65535.
    FrontendPort Integer Yes Forwarding port. Value range: 1–65535.
    Protocol String Yes Forwarding rule. Valid values:
    RealServers Array of SourceServer Yes List of real servers
    InstanceDetails Array of InstanceRelation Yes Information of the Anti-DDoS instance
    InstanceDetailRule Array of RuleInstanceRelation No Information of the Anti-DDoS instance configured


    Layer-7 forwarding rule

    Used by actions: DescribeListListener.

    Name Type Required Description
    Domain String Yes Domain name
    ProxyTypeList Array of ProxyTypeInfo Yes List of forwarding types
    RealServers Array of SourceServer Yes List of real servers
    InstanceDetails Array of InstanceRelation Yes Information of the Anti-DDoS instance
    InstanceDetailRule Array of RuleInstanceRelation No Information of the Anti-DDoS instance configured
    Protocol String No Protocol
    Vport Integer No Port number


    CC protection thresholds of the domain name and protocol

    Used by actions: DescribeListProtectThresholdConfig.

    Name Type Description
    Domain String Domain name
    Protocol String Protocol. Value: https.
    CCEnable Integer Status. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled).
    CCThreshold Integer CC protection threshold


    Layer-7 rule.

    Used by actions: DescribeNewL7Rules, ModifyNewDomainRules.

    Name Type Required Description
    Protocol String Yes Forwarding protocol. Valid values: http and https.
    Domain String Yes Forwarding domain name.
    LbType Integer Yes Load balancing method. Valid value: 1 (weighed polling).
    KeepEnable Integer Yes Whether session persistence is enabled. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    KeepTime Integer Yes Session persistence duration, in seconds.
    SourceType Integer Yes Forwarding method. Valid values: 1 (by domain name); 2 (by IP).
    SourceList Array of L4RuleSource Yes List of origins
    Region Integer No Region code.
    Id String No Resource ID.
    Ip String No Anti-DDoS instance IP address.
    RuleId String No Rule ID. This field is not required for adding a rule, but is required for modifying or deleting a rule.
    RuleName String No Rule description.
    CertType Integer No Certificate source. When the forwarding protocol is HTTPS, this field must be set to 2 (Tencent Cloud managed certificate), and for HTTP protocol, it can be set to 0.
    SSLId String No When the certificate is managed by Tencent Cloud, this field must be set to the ID of the managed certificate.
    Cert String No [Disused] When the certificate is an external certificate, the certificate content should be provided here.
    PrivateKey String No [Disused] When the certificate is an external certificate, the certificate key should be provided here.
    Status Integer No Rule status. Valid values: 0 (the rule was successfully configured), 1 (configuring the rule), 2 (rule configuration failed), 3 (deleting the rule), 5 (failed to delete rule), 6 (rule awaiting configuration), 7 (rule awaiting deletion), and 8 (rule awaiting certificate configuration).
    CCStatus Integer No CC protection status. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    CCEnable Integer No CC protection status based on HTTPS. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled).
    CCThreshold Integer No CC protection threshold based on HTTPS.
    CCLevel String No CC protection level based on HTTPS.
    ModifyTime Timestamp No Modification time.
    HttpsToHttpEnable Integer No Whether to enable Forward HTTPS requests via HTTP. Valid values: 0 (disabled) and 1 (enabled). It defaults to 0.
    VirtualPort Integer No Access port number.
    Note: this field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RewriteHttps Integer No Specifies whether to forcibly redirect HTTP to HTTPS. 1: Enable. 0: Disable.
    ErrCode Integer No Returns an error code when the rule configuration fails (only valid when Status=2). 1001: The certificate does not exist. 1002: Failed to obtain the certificate. 1003: Failed to upload the certificate. 1004: The certificate has expired.
    Version Integer No Version
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    DDoS events recorded

    Used by actions: DescribeOverviewDDoSEventList.

    Name Type Description
    Id String Event ID
    Vip String IP
    StartTime String Start time
    EndTime String End time
    AttackType String Attack type
    AttackStatus Integer Attack status. 0: The attack is ongoing; 1: The attack ends.
    Mbps Integer Attack traffic, in Mbps
    Pps Integer Attack packets, in PPS
    Business String Anti-DDoS service type. bgp-multip: Anti-DDoS Pro; bgpip: Anti-DDoS Advanced; basic: Anti-DDoS Basic.
    InstanceId String Anti-DDoS instance ID
    InstanceName String Anti-DDoS instance name


    Package information

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances, DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Required Description
    PackType String Yes Package type. Valid values:
    staticpack: non-BGP package
    insurance: guarantee package
    PackId String Yes Package ID


    Feature filtering configuration

    Used by actions: CreatePacketFilterConfig, DeletePacketFilterConfig, DescribeListPacketFilterConfig, ModifyPacketFilterConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    Protocol String Yes Protocol. Valid values: tcp, udp, icmp, all.
    SportStart Integer Yes Start source port. Value range: 0–65535.
    SportEnd Integer Yes End source port. Value range: 0–65535. The value also should be greater than or equal to that of the start source port.
    DportStart Integer Yes Start destination port
    DportEnd Integer Yes End destination port. Value range: 1–65535. The value also should be greater than or equal to that of the start source port.
    PktlenMin Integer Yes Minimum message length. Value range: 1–1500.
    PktlenMax Integer Yes Maximum message length. Value range: 1–1500. The value also should be greater than or equal to that of the minimum message length.
    Action String Yes Action. Valid values:
    drop: discards the request.
    transmit: allows the request.
    drop_black: discards the request and adds the IP to blocklist.
    drop_rst: blocks the request.
    drop_black_rst: blocks the request and adds the IP to blocklist.
    forward: continues protection.
    MatchBegin String No Detection location:
    begin_l3: IP header
    begin_l4: TCP/UDP header
    begin_l5: T load
    no_match: no match
    MatchType String No Detection type:
    sunday: keyword
    pcre: regular expression
    Str String No Detection value. Should be in key string or regular expression.
    When the MatchType is sunday, enter a string or a string in hexadecimal byte code representation. For example, a string "123" corresponds to the hexadecimal byte code "\x313233".
    When the MatchType is pcre, enter a regular expression.
    Depth Integer No Detection depth starting from the detection position. Value range: [0, 1500].
    Offset Integer No Offset starting from the detection position. Value range: [0, Depth].
    IsNot Integer No Whether the detection value is included:
    0: included
    1: excluded
    MatchLogic String No Relationship between the first and second detection conditions:
    and: under both the first and second detection conditions
    none: under only the first detection condition
    MatchBegin2 String No The second detection position:
    begin_l5: load
    no_match: no match
    MatchType2 String No The second detection type:
    sunday: keyword
    pcre: regular expression
    Str2 String No The second detection value. Should be in key string or regular expression.
    When the MatchType is sunday, enter a string or a string in hexadecimal byte code representation. For example, a string "123" corresponds to the hexadecimal byte code "\x313233".
    When the MatchType is pcre, enter a regular expression.
    Depth2 Integer No Detection depth starting from the second detection position. Value range: [0, 1500].
    Offset2 Integer No Offset starting from the second detection position. Value range: [0, Depth2].
    IsNot2 Integer No Whether the second detection value is included:
    0: included
    1: excluded
    Id String No A rule ID is generated after a feature filtering configuration is added successfully. Leave this field empty when adding a new feature filtering configuration.
    PktLenGT Integer No Byte threshold of the packet. Packets larger than the specified size are not returned. It must be an integer larger than 1.


    Feature filtering information

    Used by actions: DescribeListPacketFilterConfig.

    Name Type Description
    PacketFilterConfig PacketFilterConfig Feature filtering configuration
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured
    ModifyTime String Modification time


    Port range information

    Used by actions: CreateDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, DeleteDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, ModifyDDoSSpeedLimitConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    BeginPort Integer Yes Start port. Value range: 1–65535.
    EndPort Integer Yes End port. The value should be in the range 1–65535 and cannot be less than that of the start port.


    Protection threshold configuration information

    Used by actions: DescribeListProtectThresholdConfig.

    Name Type Description
    DDoSLevel String DDoS protection level:
    low: loose protection
    middle: medium protection
    high: strict protection
    DDoSThreshold Integer DDoS cleansing threshold (in Mbps)
    DDoSAI String DDoS AI protection switch:
    on: enabled
    off: disabled
    CCEnable Integer CC cleansing switch
    0: disabled
    1: enabled
    CCThreshold Integer CC cleansing threshold (in QPS)
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured
    ListenerCcThresholdList Array of ListenerCcThreholdConfig Domain name and protocol protection thresholds
    SynFloodThreshold Integer SYN traffic threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SynFloodPktThreshold Integer SYN packet threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UdpFloodThreshold Integer UDP traffic threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    UdpFloodPktThreshold Integer UDP packet threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AckFloodThreshold Integer ACK traffic threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    AckFloodPktThreshold Integer ACK packet threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SynAckFloodThreshold Integer SYNACK traffic threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    SynAckFloodPktThreshold Integer SYNACK packet threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RstFloodThreshold Integer RST traffic threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.
    RstFloodPktThreshold Integer RST packet threshold
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Protocol blocking configuration

    Used by actions: CreateProtocolBlockConfig, DescribeListProtocolBlockConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    DropTcp Integer Yes TCP blocking. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1(enabled).
    DropUdp Integer Yes UDP blocking. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1(enabled).
    DropIcmp Integer Yes ICMP blocking. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1(enabled).
    DropOther Integer Yes Other protocol blocking. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1(enabled).
    CheckExceptNullConnect Integer Yes Null connection protection. Valid values: 0 (disabled), 1 (enabled).
    PingOfDeath Integer No PoD protection. Values: 0 (disable), 1 (enable).
    TearDrop Integer No Teardrop protection. Values: 0 (disable), 1 (enable).


    Protocol blocking information

    Used by actions: DescribeListProtocolBlockConfig.

    Name Type Description
    ProtocolBlockConfig ProtocolBlockConfig Protocol blocking configuration
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured


    "Protocol" and "Port" parameters

    Used by actions: DescribeBizHttpStatus, DescribeBizTrend.

    Name Type Required Description
    Protocol String Yes Protocol. Valid values: tcp, udp
    Port Integer Yes Port


    Forwarding type

    Used by actions: DescribeListListener.

    Name Type Required Description
    ProxyPorts Array of Integer Yes List of forwarding listening ports. Value range: 1–65535.
    ProxyType String Yes Forwarding protocol:
    http: HTTP protocol
    https: HTTPS protocol


    Region information.

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances, DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Required Description
    Region String Yes Region name, such as ap-guangzhou


    Information of the Anti-DDoS instance using layer-4/7 forwarding rules

    Used by actions: DescribeListListener.

    Name Type Description
    EipList Array of String Instance IP
    InstanceId String Instance ID
    Cname String Instance CNAME


    Scheduling domain name details

    Used by actions: DescribeListSchedulingDomain.

    Name Type Description
    Domain String Scheduling domain name
    LineIPList Array of IPLineInfo List of line IPs
    Method String Scheduling mode. Valid value: priority (priority scheduling).
    TTL Integer TTL value recorded from the scheduling domain name resolution
    Status Integer Running status. Valid values:
    0: not running
    1: running
    2: abnormal
    CreatedTime Timestamp Creation time
    ModifyTime Timestamp Last modification time
    UsrDomainName String Domain name
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Real server details

    Used by actions: DescribeListListener.

    Name Type Required Description
    RealServer String Yes Types of the real server address, such as IP or domain name.
    RsType Integer Yes Types of the real server address:
    1: domain name
    2: IP
    Weight Integer Yes Forward weight of the real server. Value range: 1–100.
    Port Integer No Port number. Value range: 0-65535.


    Rate limit value types, such as pps and bps.

    Used by actions: CreateDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, DeleteDDoSSpeedLimitConfig, ModifyDDoSSpeedLimitConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    Type Integer Yes Rate limit value types:
    1: packets per second (pps)
    2: bits per second (bps)
    Value Integer Yes Value


    Non-BGP package details

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    ProtectBandwidth Integer Base protection bandwidth
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    NormalBandwidth Integer Application bandwidth
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    ForwardRulesLimit Integer Forwarding rules
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    AutoRenewFlag Integer Auto-renewal flag
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.
    CurDeadline String Expiration time
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid value can be obtained.


    Return code, only used to report success.

    Used by actions: CreateBoundIP, CreateL7RuleCerts, CreateNewL7Rules, ModifyNewDomainRules.

    Name Type Description
    Message String Description
    Code String Success/Error code


    Tag type

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances, DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Required Description
    TagKey String Yes Tag key
    TagValue Array of String Yes Tag value


    Tag information, which is used to return the tag of the associated instance

    Used by actions: DescribeListBGPIPInstances, DescribeListBGPInstances.

    Name Type Description
    TagKey String Tag key
    TagValue String Tag value


    Watermark configuration

    Used by actions: CreateWaterPrintConfig, DescribeListWaterPrintConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    Offset Integer Yes Watermark offset. Value range: [0, 100).
    OpenStatus Integer Yes Start status. Valid values:
    0: manual start
    1: instant start
    Listeners Array of ForwardListener Yes List of forwarding listeners configured
    Keys Array of WaterPrintKey No A list of watermark keys is generated after a watermark is added successfully. Each watermark can have up to 2 keys. When there is only one valid key, it cannot be deleted.
    Verify String No Watermark checking mode, which can be:
    checkall: normal mode
    shortfpcheckall: compact mode
    CloudSdkProxy Integer No Whether to enable proxy. Values: 1 (Enable proxy and ignore IP+port verification), 0 (Do not enable proxy and IP+port verification is required)
    Note: This field may return null, indicating that no valid values can be obtained.


    Created watermark key

    Used by actions: CreateWaterPrintConfig.

    Name Type Required Description
    KeyVersion String Yes Key version
    KeyContent String Yes Key content
    KeyId String Yes Key ID
    KeyOpenStatus Integer Yes Key status. Valid value: 1 (enabled).
    CreateTime Timestamp Yes Key creation time


    Watermark configuration details

    Used by actions: DescribeListWaterPrintConfig.

    Name Type Description
    WaterPrintConfig WaterPrintConfig Watermark configuration
    InstanceDetailList Array of InstanceRelation Anti-DDoS instance configured