If there is an Error field in the response, it means that the API call failed. For example:
"Response": {
"Error": {
"Code": "AuthFailure.SignatureFailure",
"Message": "The provided credentials could not be validated. Please check your signature is correct."
"RequestId": "ed93f3cb-f35e-473f-b9f3-0d451b8b79c6"
Code in Error indicates the error code, and Message indicates the specific information of the error.
Error Code | Description |
ActionOffline | This API has been deprecated. |
AuthFailure.InvalidAuthorization | Authorization in the request header is invalid. |
AuthFailure.InvalidSecretId | Invalid key (not a TencentCloud API key type). |
AuthFailure.MFAFailure | MFA failed. |
AuthFailure.SecretIdNotFound | Key does not exist. Check if the key has been deleted or disabled in the console, and if not, check if the key is correctly entered. Note that whitespaces should not exist before or after the key. |
AuthFailure.SignatureExpire | Signature expired. Timestamp and server time cannot differ by more than five minutes. Please ensure your current local time matches the standard time. |
AuthFailure.SignatureFailure | Invalid signature. Signature calculation error. Please ensure you’ve followed the signature calculation process described in the Signature API documentation. |
AuthFailure.TokenFailure | Token error. |
AuthFailure.UnauthorizedOperation | The request is not authorized. For more information, see the CAM documentation. |
DryRunOperation | DryRun Operation. It means that the request would have succeeded, but the DryRun parameter was used. |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InvalidAction | The API does not exist. |
InvalidParameter | Incorrect parameter. |
InvalidParameterValue | Invalid parameter value. |
InvalidRequest | The multipart format of the request body is incorrect. |
IpInBlacklist | Your IP is in uin IP blacklist. |
IpNotInWhitelist | Your IP is not in uin IP whitelist. |
LimitExceeded | Quota limit exceeded. |
MissingParameter | A parameter is missing. |
NoSuchProduct | The product does not exist. |
NoSuchVersion | The API version does not exist. |
RequestLimitExceeded | The number of requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.GlobalRegionUinLimitExceeded | Uin exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.IPLimitExceeded | The number of ip requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestLimitExceeded.UinLimitExceeded | The number of uin requests exceeds the frequency limit. |
RequestSizeLimitExceeded | The request size exceeds the upper limit. |
ResourceInUse | Resource is in use. |
ResourceInsufficient | Insufficient resource. |
ResourceNotFound | The resource does not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable | Resource is unavailable. |
ResponseSizeLimitExceeded | The response size exceeds the upper limit. |
ServiceUnavailable | Service is unavailable now. |
UnauthorizedOperation | Unauthorized operation. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
UnsupportedOperation | Unsupported operation. |
UnsupportedProtocol | HTTP(S) request protocol error; only GET and POST requests are supported. |
UnsupportedRegion | API does not support the requested region. |
Error Code | Description |
AuthFailure | CAM signature/authentication error. |
FailedOperation.AbnormalOrderStatus | Order status exception. |
FailedOperation.AnotherCreateProcessRunning | Another data source is being created. |
FailedOperation.AnotherProcessRunning | Another operation is in progress. Please try again later. |
FailedOperation.AnotherRequestProcessing | Another request is being processed. Try again later. |
FailedOperation.BalanceNotEnough | Insufficient account balance. |
FailedOperation.BillingSystemError | Billing system exception. |
FailedOperation.BindTooManyTags | The number of tags set reached the limit. |
FailedOperation.CreateDataEngineFailed | Failed to create the engine. |
FailedOperation.DeleteDataEngineFailed | The deletion of the data engine failed. |
FailedOperation.DeliverGoodsFailed | Failed to deliver the goods. |
FailedOperation.DuplicateTagKey | Duplicate tag keys. |
FailedOperation.FeeDeductionFailed | Deduction failed. |
FailedOperation.GetPolicyFailed | Obtaining the authentication policy failed. |
FailedOperation.GetProductInformationFailed | Failed to get product information. |
FailedOperation.GetUserInfoFailed | Obtaining user information failed. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us. |
FailedOperation.GetWorkGroupInfoFailed | Obtaining working group information failed. |
FailedOperation.GrantPolicyFailed | Authorization failed. |
FailedOperation.HttpClientDoRequestFailed | The HTTP client request failed. |
FailedOperation.IllegalResource | Invalid resources. |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagKey | Invalid characters in the tag key. |
FailedOperation.IllegalTagValue | Invalid characters in the tag value. |
FailedOperation.InquirePriceFailed | Price query failed. |
FailedOperation.ModifyInstanceFailed | Failed to scale up/down the instance. |
FailedOperation.NoPermission | No permission. |
FailedOperation.NoPermissionToUseTheDataEngine | The user does not have permission to specify the engine. |
FailedOperation.NoRealNameAuthentication | Unverified account. |
FailedOperation.NumberExceedLimit | Reached the allowed limit of engines. |
FailedOperation.ParameterValidationFailed | Failed to verify parameters. |
FailedOperation.RefundDepositFailed | Refunding failed. |
FailedOperation.RevokePolicyFailed | Canceling authorization failed. |
FailedOperation.SQLTaskParseFailed | Syntax parsing failed. Please verify and try again. |
FailedOperation.TagAlreadyAttached | A tag key of the same name has been set for the resource. |
FailedOperation.TagKeyTooLong | The tag key exceeded the length limit. |
FailedOperation.TagNotExist | The tag does not exist. |
FailedOperation.TagValueTooLong | The tag value exceeded the length limit. |
FailedOperation.TooManyResources | The number of resources reached the limit. |
FailedOperation.TooManyTags | The number of tags reached the limit. |
InternalError.DBError | A database error occurred. |
InternalError.InternalSystemException | The business system is abnormal. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us. |
InvalidParameter.BatchSQLCustomKeyNotUnique | The custom primary key of the specified interactive SQL task is not unique. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineClusterTypeNotMatch | The specified cluster resource type does not match. Currently, only spark_cu (corresponding to Spark cluster) and presto_cu (corresponding to Presto cluster) are supported. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineConfigPairsDuplicate | The specified cluster parameter already exists |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineExecTypeNotMatch | The parameter ExecType passing to the specified cluster is invalid. Currently, only SQL or BATCH is supported. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineImageOperateNotMatch | The specified cluster image operation does not match. Currently, only InitImage/UpgradeImage/SwitchImage/RollbackImage/ModifyResource is supported. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineModeNotMatch | The specified cluster billing mode does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: pay-as-you-go and 2: annual and monthly subscriptions. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineOnlySupportSQL | The current task only supports SQL engine operation. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineOnlySupportSparkBatch | The current task only supports the Spark batch job processing engine. |
InvalidParameter.DataEnginePayModeTypeNotMatch | The specified cluster payment type does not match. Currently, it only supports 0: postpaid and 1: prepaid. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineSizeNotMatch | The specified cluster specifications are not compliant. |
InvalidParameter.DataEngineTypeNotMatch | The specified cluster type does not match. Currently, only spark/presto is supported. |
InvalidParameter.DuplicateDataEngineName | Duplicate engine name. |
InvalidParameter.DuplicateGroupName | The working group name is duplicated. |
InvalidParameter.DuplicateUserName | The username is duplicated. |
InvalidParameter.FiltersValuesNumberOutOfLimit | The number of specified Filter.Values parameters exceeds the limit. Currently, it should be less than or equal to 50. |
InvalidParameter.ImageClusterParametersFormatNotJson | The specified cluster image Cluster parameter format is not JSON. |
InvalidParameter.ImageEngineTypeNotMatch | The specified engine type does not match. Currently, only SparkSQL, PrestoSQL, and SparkBatch are supported. |
InvalidParameter.ImageIsPublicNotMatch | The specified isPublic does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: public and 2: private. |
InvalidParameter.ImageParameterNotFound | The specified cluster image parameter does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.ImageParameterSubmitMethodNotMatch | The specified cluster image ParameterSubmitMethod does not match. Currently, only User and BackGround are supported. |
InvalidParameter.ImageParameterTypeNotMatch | The specified cluster image ParameterType does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: session; 2: common; 3: cluster. |
InvalidParameter.ImageSessionParametersFormatNotJson | The specified cluster image Session parameter format is not JSON. |
InvalidParameter.ImageStateNotMatch | The specified state does not match. Currently, it only supports 1: initializing, 2: online, 3: offline. |
InvalidParameter.ImageUserRecordsTypeNotMatch | The specified cluster image UserRecords does not match. Currently, it only supports: 1: parentVersion; 2: childVersion; 3: pySpark. |
InvalidParameter.InstanceInProcess | Instances are in other processes. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAccessPolicy | The access policy is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidAppFileFormat | The specified Spark task package file format does not match. Currently, only .jar or .py is supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidColumnNameLength | The field name is set incorrectly. The field name must be less than or equal to 128 bytes. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidColumnNumber | The number of fields is set incorrectly. The number of fields must be less than or equal to 4096. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidConfigKeyNotFound | The specified task parameter Key value does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidConfigValueLengthOutLimit | The length of the specified task parameter Value exceeds the limit. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidConfigValueRegexpNotMatch | The specified task parameter Value does not conform to the rules. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineCidrFormat | The specified cluster CIDR format does not match, and the reference style is |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineConfigPairs | The specified cluster parameters are invalid. Please verify and try again. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineDescription | The engine description information is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineMode | Invalid data engine mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineName | The data engine name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineSpecs | Invalid data engine spec. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineTimeSpan | The usage duration of the specified cluster resource: Postpaid: Fill in 3,600 as a fixed figure; prepaid: Fill in a figure equal to or bigger than 1 which means purchasing resources for one month. The maximum figure is no more than 120. The default is 3,600. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDataEngineTimeUnit | The unit of the usage duration of the specified cluster resource does not match; postpaid: h; prepaid: m. The default is h. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDecimalType | The DecimalType setting is invalid. Precision must be greater than or equal to Scale, and Precision must be less than 38. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDefaultDataEngine | The default data engine parameters are invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDescription | The description information is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDriverSize | The current DriverSize specification only supports small/medium/large/xlarge/m.small/m.medium/m.large/m.xlarge. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidDynamicAllocationMaxExecutors | The specified dynamic number of executors must be the current maximum value. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidEngineExecType | The engine execution type is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidEngineType | The engine type is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidExecutorSize | The current ExecutorSize specification only supports small/medium/large/xlarge/m.small/m.medium/m.large/m.xlarge. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFailureTolerance | The task fault tolerance type is wrong. Currently, only Proceed/Terminate is supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFileCompressionFormat | The specified file compression format is not compliant. Currently, only .tar.gz/.tar/.tgz is supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFilePathFormat | The specified file path format is not compliant. Currently, only cosn:// or lakefs:// is supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFilterKey | The filter condition is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidFilterLength | The number of filter conditions is invalid. When filter conditions are specified, the number of filter conditions should be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 5. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidGroupId | The working group ID is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidInfoType | The requested message type is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMaxResults | Invalid maximum number of results. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidMinClusters | The minimum number of clusters is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidOffset | The Offset value is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidPayMode | Invalid billing mode. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidRoleArn | The CAM role arn is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSQL | SQL parsing failed. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSQLConfigSQL | Parameter verification failed. Please adjust the parameters or submit a ticket to contact us. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSQLNum | The number of executed SQL statements is incorrect. The number of SQL statements must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 50. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSQLTaskMaxResults | The number of SQL task results obtained at a time must be greater than 0 and less than 1,000. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSessionKindType | Currently, types supported by Session only include spark/pyspark/sparkr/sql. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSortByType | The sorting type is not supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSorting | Invalid Sorting |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSparkAppParam | The SparkAppParam is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidSparkConfigFormat | The specified Spark job configuration format is abnormal. Please see spark.network.timeout=120s. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidStatementKindType | Currently, Statement only supports the type of sql. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidStoreLocation | The storage location is incorrect. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTableNameLength | The table name is set incorrectly. The length of the table name must be less than or equal to 128 bytes. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTaskId | The taskid is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTaskType | The TaskType is incorrect. The Spark engine task type is SparkSQLTask, and the Presto engine task type is SQLTask. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTcrSparkImageFormat | The specified TCR Spark image format does not match. The example for reference is my-image/ndf/python/latest. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeFormat | The specified time format is not compliant. Currently, only YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS is supported. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeParameter | The date parameters are abnormal. For example, the end time is earlier than the start time. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeSpan | Invalid billing period. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidTimeUnit | Invalid unit of billing period. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidUserAlias | The username is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidUserName | The username is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidUserType | The user type is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidWhiteListKey | There is an error in getting an allowlist. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us. |
InvalidParameter.InvalidWorkGroupName | The working group name is invalid. |
InvalidParameter.JobNotFound | Job not found. |
InvalidParameter.MaxResultOnlySupportHundred | You are currently only allowed to view 100 results. If you need to make an adjustment, please contact us. |
InvalidParameter.NumberOfSQLExceedsTheLimit | The number of SQL statements submitted is limited to 1~50. |
InvalidParameter.ParameterBase64DecodeFailed | Base64 parsing of the specified parameter failed. |
InvalidParameter.ParameterNotFoundOrBeNone | The parameter is not found or empty. |
InvalidParameter.SQLBase64DecodeFail | Base64 parsing of the SQL script failed. |
InvalidParameter.SQLParameterPreprocessingFailed | SQL parameter preprocessing failed. |
InvalidParameter.SQLTaskFiltersKeyTypeNotMath | The specified Filter.Key does not match. Currently, only task-id/task-sql-keyword/task-kind/task-operator/batch-id/session-id/task-state is supported. |
InvalidParameter.SQLTaskNotFound | The specified SQL task does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.SQLTaskSortByTypeNotMatch | The SortBy type specified in the SQL task does not match. Currently, only create-time/data-amount/used-time/resource-usage is supported. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobFiltersKeyTypeNotMath | The specified Spark task Filter.Key does not match. Currently, only spark-app-type/user-name/spark-job-name/spark-job-id/key-word is supported. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobIsInheritTypeNotMatch | The specified Spark task IsInherit type does not match. Currently, it only supports: 0: Inherit; 1: Do not inherit. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobNotFound | The specified Spark task does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobNotUnique | The specified Spark task already exists. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobOnlySupportSparkBatchEngine | Spark tasks can only be run using the Spark job engine. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobRoleArnNotFound | The specified Spark task RoleArn does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.SparkJobSortByTypeNotMatch | The specified Spark task sorting type does not match. Currently, only create-time/update-time/user-name/data-engine-name is supported. |
InvalidParameter.TaskAlreadyFinished | The task has ended and cannot be canceled. |
InvalidParameter.TaskNotFound | The task does not exist. |
InvalidParameter.TaskStateTypeNotMath | The specified task status does not match. Currently, it only supports 0: initializing, 1: running, 2: successful, 3: writing data, 4: queuing, -1: failed, and -3: deleted. |
InvalidParameter.VpcCidrFormatError | Invalid VPC CIDR format. |
OperationDenied | Operation denied. |
ResourceInUse.UnfinishedSQLs | Some SQL tasks have not yet been completed. |
ResourceInsufficient.SparkJobInsufficientResources | The specified spark job resources are insufficient. Please adjust the driver/executor specifications. |
ResourceNotFound.BatchSQLTaskNotFound | The specified interactive SQL task does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.BatchSQLTaskNotUnique | The specified interactive SQL task is not unique. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineConfigInstanceNotFound | The specified cluster configuration instance does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineConfigInstanceNotUnique | The specified cluster configuration instance already exists. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineNotActivity | The specified cluster is not running. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineNotFound | The specified engine does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineNotMultiVersion | The specified cluster is not a multi-version type and does not support this operation. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineNotRunning | The specified engine is not running. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineNotUnique | The specified engine already exists. |
ResourceNotFound.DataEngineTypeOnlySupportBatch | The specified cluster is not a Spark batch job type and does not support this operation. |
ResourceNotFound.DatasourceNotFound | The data source connection does not exist. Please try again or submit a ticket to contact us. |
ResourceNotFound.DefaultDataEngineNotFound | No default engine can be found. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageSessionConfigNotFound | The specified cluster image Session configuration does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageSessionConfigNotUnique | The specified cluster image Session configuration already exists. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageVersionNotActivity | The specified cluster image is not activated. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageVersionNotFound | The specified cluster image version does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.ImageVersionNotUnique | The specified cluster image version already exists. |
ResourceNotFound.ResourceUsageOutOfLimit | The specified task resources exceed the limit of the remaining resources of the cluster. Please try again after adjustment. |
ResourceNotFound.ResultOutputPathNotFound | The result path was not found. |
ResourceNotFound.ResultSavePathNotFound | Obtaining the result storage path failed. Please go to the Console -> Data Exploration page for settings. |
ResourceNotFound.RoleArnResourceNotFound | The specified RoleArn does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.SessionInsufficientResources | There are currently no resources to create a session. Please try again later or use an annual or monthly subscription cluster. |
ResourceNotFound.SessionNotFound | The session does not exist. |
ResourceNotFound.SessionStateDead | The session has expired. |
ResourceNotFound.ShuffleDirNotFound | The Spark Shuffle storage path cannot be found. Please go to the Console -> Data Exploration page -> Storage Configuration to set it. |
ResourceNotFound.TaskAlreadyFailed | The task has failed. |
ResourceNotFound.TaskAlreadyFinished | The task has been completed. |
ResourceNotFound.WarehouseDirNotFound | The Warehouse storage path cannot be found. Please go to the Console->Data Exploration page->Storage Configuration to set it. |
ResourceUnavailable.BalanceInsufficient | The account balance is insufficient to run the SQL task. |
ResourceUnavailable.WhiteListFunction | Currently, the allowlist function is available. Please contact us to activate it. |
ResourcesSoldOut | The resource is sold out. |
ResourcesSoldOut.UnauthorizedGrantPolicy | There is no permission authorization policy. |
ResourcesSoldOut.UnauthorizedOperation | There is no permission to operate. |
ResourcesSoldOut.UnauthorizedRevokePolicy | There is no permission to reclaim permissions. |
UnauthorizedOperation.AddUsersToWorkgroup | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot add users to working groups. |
UnauthorizedOperation.BindWorkgroupsToUser | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot bind working groups to users. |
UnauthorizedOperation.CreateWorkgroup | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot create working groups. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteComputingEngine | Sub-users cannot delete a computing engine. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteUser | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot delete users. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteUsersFromWorkgroup | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot unbind users from working groups. |
UnauthorizedOperation.DeleteWorkgroup | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot delete working groups. |
UnauthorizedOperation.GrantPolicy | Sub-users do not have the authority to grant specific permissions. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ModifyComputingEngine | Sub-users cannot modify engine configuration. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ModifyUserInfo | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify user information. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ModifyUserType | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify user types. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ModifyWorkgroupInfo | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot modify working group information. |
UnauthorizedOperation.MonitorComputingEngine | Sub-users do not have the permission to view engine monitoring. |
UnauthorizedOperation.NoPaymentAuthority | No permission to pay. |
UnauthorizedOperation.OperateComputingEngine | Unauthorized engine operation by a sub-user. |
UnauthorizedOperation.ProhibitedOperationAdmin | Prohibited operation admin |
UnauthorizedOperation.RenewComputingEngine | Sub-users have no authority to renew the computing engine. |
UnauthorizedOperation.RevokePolicy | Sub-users do not have the authority to revoke specific permissions. |
UnauthorizedOperation.UnbindWorkgroupsFromUser | Sub-users are not administrators and cannot unbind working groups and users. |
UnauthorizedOperation.UseComputingEngine | The sub-user does not have permission to use the compute engine. |
UnauthorizedOperation.UserNotExist | The sub-user does not exist. |
UnsupportedOperation.ModifyOwnerUnsupported | The root account cannot be modified. |
UnsupportedOperation.UnsupportedFileType | The current file format is not supported. Currently, it only supports json/csv/avro/orc/parquet. |
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