API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateInternalTable | Creates a managed internal table | 20 |
DescribeLakeFsDirSummary | Queries the summary of a specified directory in a managed storage | 20 |
DescribeLakeFsInfo | Queries managed storage information | 20 |
QueryResult | Queries the result of obtaining tasks | 200 |
GenerateCreateMangedTableSql | Generates SQL statements for creating a managed table | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateSparkSessionBatchSQL | Creates and executes a Spark SQL batch task | 30 |
CancelSparkSessionBatchSQL | Cancels a Spark SQL batch task | 20 |
CancelTask | Cancels a task | 20 |
CreateResultDownload | Creates a query result download task | 20 |
CreateSparkAppTask | Starts a Spark job | 20 |
CreateTask | Creates and executes a Spark SQL task | 50 |
CreateTasks | Creates and executes SQL tasks in batches | 20 |
DeleteSparkApp | Deletes a Spark job | 20 |
DescribeEngineUsageInfo | Queries the resource usage of a data engine | 20 |
DescribeResultDownload | Gets a query result download task | 20 |
DescribeSparkAppTasks | Queries the list of running task instances of a Spark application | 40 |
DescribeTaskResult | Queries task results (used for SparkSQL, PrestoSQL, and Spark job tasks) | 40 |
DescribeTasks | Queries the list of tasks | 1000 |
QueryTaskCostDetail | Queries task consumption details | 20 |
CreateSparkApp | Creates a Spark job | 20 |
DescribeSparkAppJob | Queries the information of a Spark job | 20 |
DescribeSparkSessionBatchSqlLog | Queries Spark SQL batch task logs | 50 |
ModifySparkApp | Updates a Spark job | 20 |
DescribeSparkAppJobs | Queries the list of Spark jobs | 20 |
ModifySparkAppBatch | Modifies Spark job parameters in batches | 20 |
DescribeJob | Obtains jobs | 20 |
DescribeJobs | Obtains the list of job information | 20 |
DescribeQuery | Obtains query results | 20 |
DescribeTaskStatistics | Obtains the task statistics data | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AlterDMSDatabase | Updates databases in the DMS metadata module | 20 |
CreateDMSDatabase | Creates databases in the DMS metadata module | 20 |
DescribeDMSDatabase | Obtains databases in the DMS metadata module | 20 |
DescribeTablesName | Queries the data table name list | 20 |
DropDMSDatabase | Deletes databases in the DMS metadata module | 20 |
DescribeForbiddenTablePro | Gets the list of disabled table attributes (new) | 20 |
DescribeDLCCatalogAccess | Queries the permission to visit DLCCatalog | 20 |
GrantDLCCatalogAccess | Grants permissions for visiting DLC Catalog | 20 |
RevokeDLCCatalogAccess | Revokes permissions for visiting DLC Catalog | 20 |
DropDMSTable | Deletes tables in the DMS metadata module. | 20 |
CopyDLCTable | Copies a table | 20 |
CreateDLCTable | Creates a table | 20 |
DescribeDLCTable | Obtains the table | 20 |
DescribeDLCTableList | Obtains the list of tables | 20 |
DescribeDMSDatabaseList | Obtains the list of databases | 20 |
DropDLCTable | Deletes the table | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateCHDFSBindingProduct | Creates metadata acceleration buckets and the binding relationship between products | 20 |
DeleteCHDFSBindingProduct | Deletes the binding relationship between metadata acceleration buckets and products | 20 |
DescribeOtherCHDFSBindingList | Queries the list of metadata acceleration buckets bound to other products | 20 |
CreateStoreLocation | Modifies the storage location of results | 20 |
DescribeStoreLocation | Queries the storage location of results | 20 |
ModifyDataEngineDescription | Modifies the engine's description | 20 |
RollbackDataEngineImage | Rolls back the versions of the engine image | 20 |
SwitchDataEngine | Switches between the primary and standby clusters | 20 |
SwitchDataEngineImage | Switches the versions of the engine image | 20 |
UpgradeDataEngineImage | Upgrades the engine image | 20 |
DeleteThirdPartyAccessUser | Removes users visiting through the third-party platform | 20 |
DescribeDataEngineImageVersions | Obtains the major version image list of exclusive clusters | 20 |
DescribeSubUserAccessPolicy | Queries the sub-user's visiting policy | 20 |
DescribeThirdPartyAccessUser | Queries the information of users visiting through the third-party platform | 20 |
RegisterThirdPartyAccessUser | Registers to be a user able to visit the third-party platform | 20 |
RestartDataEngine | Restarts engines | 20 |
UpdateUserDataEngineConfig | Modifies the custom configuration of the user's engine | 20 |
UpdateDataEngineConfig | Modifies engine configuration | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
AddUsersToWorkGroup | Adds users to working groups | 20 |
AttachUserPolicy | Binds the authentication policy to the user | 20 |
AttachWorkGroupPolicy | Binds the authentication policy to the working group | 20 |
BindWorkGroupsToUser | Binds working groups to users | 20 |
CreateUser | Creates users | 20 |
CreateWorkGroup | Creates working groups | 20 |
DeleteUser | Deletes users | 20 |
DeleteUsersFromWorkGroup | Deletes users from working groups | 20 |
DeleteWorkGroup | Deletes working groups | 20 |
DescribeUserInfo | Gets detailed user information | 20 |
DescribeUserRoles | Enumerates user roles | 20 |
DescribeUserType | Gets the types of users | 20 |
DescribeUsers | Obtains the user list information | 20 |
DescribeWorkGroupInfo | Gets detailed information about working groups | 20 |
DescribeWorkGroups | Gets a list of working groups | 20 |
DetachUserPolicy | Unbinds the authentication policy from the user | 20 |
DetachWorkGroupPolicy | Unbinds the authentication policy from the working group | 20 |
ModifyUser | Modifies user information | 20 |
ModifyUserType | Modifies the types of users | 20 |
ModifyWorkGroup | Modifies working group information | 20 |
UnbindWorkGroupsFromUser | Unbinds a user group from a user | 20 |
UpdateRowFilter | Updates row filters | 20 |
CheckGrantedPermission | Checks the permission status | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CheckDataEngineImageCanBeRollback | Checks whether the cluster can be rolled back | 20 |
CheckDataEngineImageCanBeUpgrade | Checks whether the cluster image can be upgraded | 20 |
DescribeDataEnginePythonSparkImages | Obtains the PYSPARK image list | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
ModifyAdvancedStoreLocation | Modifies advanced settings | 20 |
ModifyGovernEventRule | Changes data governance event thresholds | 20 |
DescribeAdvancedStoreLocation | Queries advanced settings | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
CreateDataEngine | Creates a data engine | 20 |
DescribeDataEnginesScaleDetail | Views engine specification details | 20 |
DeleteDataEngine | Deletes the data engine | 20 |
RenewDataEngine | Renews monthly subscriptions to the data engine | 20 |
SuspendResumeDataEngine | Suspends or starts a data engine | 20 |
UpdateDataEngine | Upgrades data engine configuration | 20 |
DescribeUpdatableDataEngines | Queries the list of engines able to upgrade their configuration | 20 |
DescribeDataEngine | Obtains detailed data engine information | 20 |
DescribeUserDataEngineConfig | Queries user-defined engine parameters | 20 |
CheckDataEngineConfigPairsValidity | Checks the validity of the engine's user-defined parameters | 20 |
API Name | Feature | Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second) |
GetOptimizerPolicy | Obtains the policy | 20 |
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