Common parameters are used for all APIs authenticating requestors. Common parameters must be included in all API requests, and they will not be described in individual API documents.
The exact contents of the common parameters will vary depending on the version of the signature method you use.
When the TC3-HMAC-SHA256 algorithm is used, the common parameters should be uniformly placed in the HTTP request header, as shown below:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
X-TC-Action | String | Yes | The name of the API for the desired operation. For the specific value, see the description of common parameter Action in the input parameters in related API documentation. For example, the API for querying the CVM instance list is DescribeInstances . |
X-TC-Region | String | Yes | Region parameter, which is used to identify the region to which the data you want to work with belongs. For values supported for an API, see the description of common parameter Region in the input parameters in related API documentation. Note: This parameter is not required for some APIs (which will be indicated in related API documentation), and will not take effect even it is passed. |
X-TC-Timestamp | Integer | Yes | The current UNIX timestamp that records the time when the API request was initiated, for example, 1529223702. Note: If the difference between the UNIX timestamp and the server time is greater than 5 minutes, a signature expiration error may occur. |
X-TC-Version | String | Yes | API version of the action. For the valid values, see the description of the common input parameter Version in the API documentation. For example, the version of CVM is 2017-03-12. |
Authorization | String | Yes | The HTTP authentication request header, for example: TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKID*******/Date/service/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=fe5f80f77d5fa3beca038a248ff027d0445342fe2855ddc963176630326f1024 Here: - TC3-HMAC-SHA256: Signature method, currently fixed as this value; - Credential: Signature credential; AKID******* is the SecretId; Date is a date in UTC time, and this value must match the value of X-TC-Timestamp (a common parameter) in UTC time format; service is the name of the product/service, and is generally a domain name prefix. For example, a domain name refers to the CVM product and the value would be cvm; - SignedHeaders: The headers that contains the authentication information; content-type and host are the required headers; - Signature: Signature digest. |
X-TC-Token | String | No | The token used for a temporary certificate. It must be used with a temporary key. You can obtain the temporary key and token by calling a CAM API. No token is required for a long-term key. |
Assuming you want to query the list of Cloud Virtual Machine instances in the Guangzhou region, the request structure in the form of request URL, request header and request body may be as follows:
Example of an HTTP GET request structure:
Authorization: TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKID********************************/2018-10-09/cvm/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=5da7a33f6993f0614b047e5df4582db9e9bf4672ba50567dba16c6ccf174c474
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
X-TC-Version: 2017-03-12
X-TC-Timestamp: 1539084154
X-TC-Region: ap-guangzhou
The following example shows you how to structure an HTTP POST (application/json) request:
Authorization: TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKID********************************/2018-05-30/cvm/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=582c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
X-TC-Version: 2017-03-12
X-TC-Timestamp: 1527672334
X-TC-Region: ap-guangzhou
Example of an HTTP POST (multipart/form-data) request structure (only supported by specific APIs):
Authorization: TC3-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKID********************************/2018-05-30/cvm/tc3_request, SignedHeaders=content-type;host, Signature=582c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=58731222010402
X-TC-Action: DescribeInstances
X-TC-Version: 2017-03-12
X-TC-Timestamp: 1527672334
X-TC-Region: ap-guangzhou
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Offset"
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Limit"
To adopt the HmacSHA1 and HmacSHA256 signature methods, common parameters must be put into the request string, as shown below:
Parameter Name | Type | Required | Description |
Action | String | Yes | The name of the API for the desired operation. For the specific value, see the description of common parameter Action in the input parameters in related API documentation. For example, the API for querying the CVM instance list is DescribeInstances . |
Region | String | Yes | Region parameter, which is used to identify the region to which the data you want to work with belongs. For values supported for an API, see the description of common parameter Region in the input parameters in related API documentation. Note: This parameter is not required for some APIs (which will be indicated in related API documentation), and will not take effect even if it is passed. |
Timestamp | Integer | Yes | The current UNIX timestamp that records the time when the API request was initiated, for example, 1529223702. If the difference between the value and the current system time is too large, a signature expiration error may occur. |
Nonce | Integer | Yes | A random positive integer used along with Timestamp to prevent replay attacks. |
SecretId | String | Yes | The identifying SecretId obtained on the Cloud API Key page. A SecretId corresponds to a unique SecretKey which is used to generate the request signature (Signature). |
Signature | String | Yes | Request signature used to verify the validity of this request. This is calculated based on the actual input parameters. For more information about how this is calculated, see the API authentication documentation. |
Version | String | Yes | API version of the action. For the valid values, see the description of the common input parameter Version in the API documentation. For example, the version of CVM is 2017-03-12. |
SignatureMethod | String | No | Signature method. Currently, only HmacSHA256 and HmacSHA1 are supported. The HmacSHA256 algorithm is used to verify the signature only when this parameter is specified as HmacSHA256. In other cases, the signature is verified with HmacSHA1. |
Token | String | No | The token used for a temporary certificate. It must be used with a temporary key. You can obtain the temporary key and token by calling a CAM API. No token is required for a long-term key. |
Assuming you want to query the list of Cloud Virtual Machine instances in the Guangzhou region, the request structure in the form of request URL, request header and request body may be as follows:
Example of an HTTP GET request structure:********************************
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Example of an HTTP POST request structure:
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The supported Region field values for all APIs in this product are listed as below. For any API that does not support any of the following regions, this field will be described additionally in the relevant API document.
Region | Value |
Southeast Asia (Singapore) | ap-singapore |