Domain name for API request:
This API is used to edit the configuration of domain names protected by SaaS WAF.
A maximum of 2 requests can be initiated per second for this API.
The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.
Parameter Name | Required | Type | Description |
Action | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: ModifySpartaProtection. |
Version | Yes | String | Common Params. The value used for this API: 2018-01-25. |
Region | Yes | String | Common Params. For more information, please see the list of regions supported by the product. This API only supports: ap-guangzhou, ap-seoul. |
Domain | Yes | String | Domain name |
DomainId | Yes | String | Required. Unique domain name ID |
InstanceID | Yes | String | Required. Instance ID of the domain name |
CertType | No | Integer | Certificate type. 0: no certificate, with only the HTTP listening port configured; 1: self-owned certificate; 2: managed certificate. |
Cert | No | String | When CertType is 1, this parameter is required, indicating the self-owned certificate chain |
PrivateKey | No | String | When CertType=1, this parameter is required, indicating the private key of the self-owned certificate. |
SSLId | No | String | When CertType is 2, this parameter must be filled, indicating the certificate ID hosted on Tencent Cloud's SSL platform |
IsCdn | No | Integer | Whether a layer-7 proxy service is deployed before the WAF. 0: No proxy service is deployed; 1: The proxy service is deployed. The WAF will use XFF to obtain the client IP address; 2: The proxy service is deployed. The WAF will use remote_addr to obtain the client IP address; 3: The proxy service is deployed. The WAF will use a custom header in ip_headers to obtain the client IP address. |
UpstreamScheme | No | String | Origin-pull protocol for HTTPS when the service is configured with an HTTPS port. http: Use the HTTP protocol for origin-pull. It is used with HttpsUpstreamPort. https: Use the HTTPS protocol for origin-pull. |
HttpsUpstreamPort | No | String | HTTPS upstream port, required only when UpstreamScheme is http |
HttpsRewrite | No | Integer | Whether to enable forced redirection from HTTP to HTTPS. 0: disable; 1: enable |
UpstreamType | No | Integer | upstream type. 0: proxy to upstream by IP; 1: proxy to upstream by domain name |
UpstreamDomain | No | String | Upstream domain when proxy to upstream by domain. When UpstreamType=1, this field needs to be filled |
SrcList.N | No | Array of String | Upstream IP list when proxy to upstream by IP. When UpstreamType=0, this field is required |
IsHttp2 | No | Integer | Whether to enable HTTP2. You should enable HTTPS as well. 0: disable; 1: enable |
IsWebsocket | No | Integer | Whether to enable WebSocket. 0: disable; 1: enable |
LoadBalance | No | Integer | Load balancing policy for upstream. 0: round-robin scheduling; 1: IP hash; 2: weighted round-robin scheduling |
IsGray | No | Integer | To be deprecated, can be left blank. Whether to enable grayscale: 0 indicates not to enable grayscale. |
Edition | No | String | Instance type of the domain name |
Ports.N | No | Array of SpartaProtectionPort | Port information, which can be obtained through the DescribeDomains API |
IsKeepAlive | No | String | Whether to enable persistent connection. 0: non-persistent connection; 1: persistent connection |
Anycast | No | Integer | To be deprecated. Currently, set this parameter to 0. Anycast IP type switch. 0: common IP; 1: Anycast IP |
Weights.N | No | Array of Integer | Weight of each IP in the upstream IP List, corresponding to SrcList. Required only when UpstreamType is 0, and SrcList contains multiple IPs, and LoadBalance is 2; otherwise, fill in [ ]. |
ActiveCheck | No | Integer | Whether to enable proactive health detection. 0: disable; 1: enable |
TLSVersion | No | Integer | TLS version information |
Ciphers.N | No | Array of Integer | Cipher suite information |
CipherTemplate | No | Integer | Cipher suite template. 0: default template (no selection); 1: general template; 2: secure template; 3: custom template |
ProxyReadTimeout | No | Integer | Read timeout between WAF and upstream server, 300s by default. |
ProxySendTimeout | No | Integer | WAF and origin server write timeout, 300s by default. |
SniType | No | Integer | SNI type when proxy to upstream. 0: Disable SNI and do not configure server_name in client_hello. 1: Enable SNI. server_name in client_hello is the protected domain name. 2: Enable SNI. SNI is the origin server domain name when proxy to upstream by domain. 3: Enable SNI. SNI is the custom domain name. |
SniHost | No | String | When SniType=3, this parameter is required, indicating a custom SNI; |
IpHeaders.N | No | Array of String | IsCdn=3 required for this parameter, indicates custom header |
XFFReset | No | Integer | Whether to enable XFF reset. 0: disable; 1: enable |
Note | No | String | Domain name remarks |
UpstreamHost | No | String | Custom upstream host. The default value is a null string, indicating that the protected domain name is used as the upstream host. |
ProxyBuffer | No | Integer | Whether to enable caching. 0: disable; 1: enable. |
ProbeStatus | No | Integer | Whether to enable the test. 0: disable; 1: enable. The test is enabled by default. |
GmType | No | Integer | SM option. 0: do not enable SM; 1: add support for SM based on the existing TLS option; 2: enable SM and support only SM client access. |
GmCertType | No | Integer | SM certificate type. 0: no SM certificate is available; 1: the certificate is a self-owned SM certificate; 2: the certificate is a managed SM certificate. |
GmCert | No | String | When GmCertType is 1, this parameter needs to be set, indicating the certificate chain of the self-owned SM certificate. |
GmPrivateKey | No | String | When GmCertType is 1, this parameter needs to be set, indicating the private key of the self-owned SM certificate. |
GmEncCert | No | String | When GmCertType is 1, this parameter needs to be set, indicating the encryption certificate of the self-owned SM certificate. |
GmEncPrivateKey | No | String | When GmCertType is 1, this parameter needs to be set, indicating the private key of the encryption certificate for the self-owned SM certificate. |
GmSSLId | No | String | When GmCertType is 2, this parameter needs to be set, indicating the ID of the certificate managed by the Tencent Cloud SSL platform. |
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
RequestId | String | The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for locating a problem. |
Content-Type: application/json
X-TC-Action: ModifySpartaProtection
<common request parameters>
"Ports": [
"NginxServerId": 230056,
"Port": "80",
"Protocol": "http",
"UpstreamPort": "80",
"UpstreamProtocol": "http"
"NginxServerId": 321607,
"Port": "443",
"Protocol": "https",
"UpstreamPort": "80",
"UpstreamProtocol": "http"
"Domain": "",
"DomainId": "7d58ebf3db7e5f7e8f91eb017c6a7b31",
"SrcList": [
"Weights": [
"UpstreamType": 0,
"HttpsRewrite": 0,
"CertType": 2,
"ActiveCheck": 0,
"SSLId": "H0LMTjmj",
"IsCdn": 1,
"UpstreamScheme": "http",
"HttpsUpstreamPort": "80",
"IsGray": 0,
"IsHttp2": 0,
"IsWebsocket": 0,
"ProxyBuffer": 1,
"IsKeepAlive": "1",
"LoadBalance": 0,
"InstanceID": "waf_2kw60zgy0508e8j3",
"Anycast": 0,
"CipherTemplate": 2,
"TLSVersion": 3,
"Ciphers": [
"ProxyReadTimeout": 10,
"ProxySendTimeout": 300,
"SniHost": "",
"SniType": 1,
"IpHeaders": [
"XFFReset": 0,
"UpstreamHost": "",
"Note": "randy domain",
"ProbeStatus": 1
"Response": {
"RequestId": "13b8a309-3e7d-4393-91a4-271bf6d5dd71"
TencentCloud API 3.0 integrates SDKs that support various programming languages to make it easier for you to call APIs.
The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.
Error Code | Description |
FailedOperation | Operation failed. |
FailedOperation.MysqlDBOperationFailed | Failed to operate the MySQL database. |
InternalError | Internal error. |
InternalError.AsynchronousCallFailed | Asynchronous call failed. |
InvalidParameter | Parameter error. |
InvalidParameter.CertificationParameterErr | Certificate information parameter error |
InvalidParameter.PortParameterErr | Port information parameter error |
InvalidParameter.ProtectionDomainParameterErr | Protective domain parameter error |
InvalidParameter.SupportTLSConfFailed | The current instance version does not support enabling TLS by definition. Please upgrade to the Advanced Edition or above. |
InvalidParameter.TLSParameterErr | TLS or encryption suite parameter error |
InvalidParameter.UpstreamParameterErr | Origin information parameter error |
InvalidParameterValue | Invalid parameter value. |
LimitExceeded | The quota limit is exceeded. |
MissingParameter | Parameters are missing |
ResourceInUse | Resources are occupied. |
ResourceInsufficient | Insufficient resources. |
ResourceNotFound | Resources do not exist. |
ResourceUnavailable | Resources are unavailable. |
ResourcesSoldOut | Resources are sold out. |
UnauthorizedOperation | Unauthorized operation. |
UnknownParameter | Unknown parameter. |
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