tencent cloud


Data Types

Last updated: 2024-09-29 20:49:00


Face box information

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
X Integer Yes Top-left X-axis coordinate of the face box
Y Integer Yes Top-left Y-axis coordinate of the face box
Width Integer Yes Face box width
Height Integer Yes Face box height


Fusion parameter

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
ImageCodecParam ImageCodecParam No Image encoding parameter


Image encoding parameter

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
MetaData Array of MetaData No Metadata. The number of metadata entries cannot exceed 1.


Logo parameter

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
LogoRect FaceRect Yes Coordinates of the logo image in the fusion result image. The logo image will be stretched according to the coordinates.
LogoUrl String No Logo image URL
●Either the Base64 code or URL must be provided. If both are provided, URL prevails.
●Supported image format: JPG or PNG
LogoImage String No Logo image Base64 code
●Either the Base64 code or URL must be provided. If both are provided, URL prevails.
●Supported image format: JPG or PNG


Face position information on the face image and material template image for fusion

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
Image String No Enter the image Base64 code.
●Either the Base64 code or URL must be provided. If both are provided, URL prevails.
●Material image limitation: face size in the image greater than 34×34 pixels; image size greater than 64×64 pixels. (After encoding, the image size may increase by about 30%. It is recommended to control the image size reasonably.)
●Supported image format: JPG or PNG
Url String No Enter the image URL.
●Either the Base64 code or URL must be provided. If both are provided, URL prevails.
●Material image limitation: face size in the image greater than 34×34 pixels; image size greater than 64×64 pixels. (After encoding, the image size may increase by about 30%. It is recommended to control the image size reasonably.)
●Supported image format: JPG or PNG
InputImageFaceRect FaceRect No Face position information (face box) on the uploaded image
Width and height are no less than 30.
TemplateFaceID String No Material face ID. If this parameter is left blank, the largest face is used by default.
TemplateFaceRect FaceRect No Face position information (face box) on the template. If this parameter is left blank, the largest face is used by default. This parameter applies to scenes where custom material templates are used for fusion.
Width and height are no less than 30.


Metadata structure, in key/value format

Used by actions: FuseFace.

Name Type Required Description
MetaKey String Yes Metadata key
MetaValue String Yes Metadata value