tencent cloud


API Category

Last updated: 2024-11-28 17:22:09

Instance APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
ActivateInstance Removes the isolation of an instance to make it accessible again 20
AddInstances Adds instance in cluster 20
CloseClusterPasswordComplexity Disables the password complexity for a cluster 20
CopyClusterPasswordComplexity Replicates the password complexity for a cluster 20
CreateClusters Creates a cluster 20
DescribeClusterInstanceGrps Queries instance groups 1000
DescribeClusterDetail Displays cluster details 20
DescribeClusterPasswordComplexity Queries the details of password complexity for a cluster 20
DescribeClusters Queries cluster list 1000
DescribeInstanceDetail Queries instance details 1000
DescribeInstanceSpecs Queries instance specifications 100
DescribeMaintainPeriod Queries instance maintenance window 1000
IsolateCluster Isolates cluster 20
IsolateInstance Isolates instance 20
ModifyClusterName Modifies cluster name 20
ModifyClusterPasswordComplexity Modifies the password complexity for a cluster 20
ModifyInstanceName Modifies instance name 20
ModifyMaintainPeriodConfig Modifies maintenance time configuration 20
OfflineCluster Deactivates cluster 20
OfflineInstance Deactivates instance 20
OpenClusterPasswordComplexity Enables the password complexity for a cluster 20
RestartInstance Restarts an instance 20
SearchClusterDatabases Searches the list of cluster databases 20
SearchClusterTables Searches the list of cluster data tables 20
SetRenewFlag Sets auto-renewal 20
UpgradeClusterVersion Upgrades the kernel version of a TDSQL-C for MySQL cluster 20
UpgradeInstance Upgrades instance 20
DescribeInstances Queries the instance list 1000

Multi-AZ APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AddClusterSlaveZone Adds the replica AZ 20
ModifyClusterSlaveZone Modifies the replica AZ 20
RemoveClusterSlaveZone Deletes the replica AZ 20
SwitchClusterZone Switches to the replica AZ 20

Other APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CloseWan Disables the public network 20
CreateClusterDatabase Creates a database 20
DeleteClusterDatabase Deletes a database 20
DescribeClusterDetailDatabases Queries the database list 20
DescribeDBSecurityGroups Queries the security group information of instance 20
DescribeFlow Queries task flow information 20
DescribeProjectSecurityGroups Queries the security group information of project 20
DescribeZones Queries the AZ information in a purchasable region 1000
ModifyClusterDatabase Modifies the database 20
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups Modifies security groups bound to instance 20
ModifyVipVport Modifies the IP and port of an instance group 20
OpenWan Enables the public network 20
SwitchProxyVpc Modifies the database proxy VPC 20
SwitchClusterVpc Modifies the cluster VPC 20
OpenReadOnlyInstanceExclusiveAccess Enables the dedicated access group for a read-only instance 20
OpenClusterReadOnlyInstanceGroupAccess This API is used to enable the access to read-only instance group. 20

Account APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateAccounts Creates an account 20
DeleteAccounts Deletes an account 20
DescribeAccountPrivileges Queries the existing permissions of an account 20
DescribeAccounts Queries database management accounts 20
ModifyAccountDescription Modifies the descriptions of a database account 20
ModifyAccountHost Modifies the account host 20
ModifyAccountPrivileges Modifies the account permissions 20
ResetAccountPassword Resets the password of a TencentDB instance account 20

Audit APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CloseAuditService Disables the audit service for an instance 20
CreateAuditRuleTemplate Creates an audit rule template 20
DeleteAuditRuleTemplates Deletes an audit rule template 20
DescribeAuditRuleTemplates Queries audit rule templates 20
DescribeAuditRuleWithInstanceIds Gets the audit rule templates of an instance 20
ModifyAuditRuleTemplates Modifies an audit rule template 20
ModifyAuditService Modifies the audit service of an instance 20
OpenAuditService Enables the audit service for an instance 20

Database Proxy APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeProxyNodes Queries the list of the proxy nodes 20
DescribeProxySpecs This API is used to query the specifications of a database proxy. 20
CloseProxy Disables the database proxy 20
CreateProxy Creates a database proxy 20
DescribeProxies Queries the list of database proxies 20
UpgradeProxy Upgrades the configuration of a database proxy 20
DescribeSupportProxyVersion Queries the supported database proxy versions. 20
ModifyProxyDesc Modifies the description of a database proxy 20
ReloadBalanceProxyNode Rebalances the load on the database proxy. 20
UpgradeProxyVersion Upgrades the version of a database proxy 20
CreateProxyEndPoint Creates a database proxy connection 20
ModifyProxyRwSplit This API is used to configure the read/write separation of a database proxy. 20

Backup and Restoration APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateBackup Creates manual backup 20
DeleteBackup Deletes the manual backup 20
DescribeBackupConfig Queries backup configuration information 20
DescribeBackupDownloadUrl Queries the download address of a backup file 20
DescribeBackupList Queries backup file list 20
DescribeBinlogDownloadUrl Queries the download address of a binlog 20
DescribeBinlogSaveDays Queries the binlog retention period in days 20
DescribeBinlogs Queries the list of binlogs 20
DescribeRollbackTimeRange Queries valid rollback time range 20
DescribeRollbackTimeValidity Queries whether rollback is possible based on specified time 20
ModifyBackupConfig Modifies backup configuration 20
ModifyBackupName Renames a backup file 20
ModifyBinlogSaveDays Modifies the binlog retention period in days 20

Parameter Management APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateParamTemplate Creates a parameter template 20
DeleteParamTemplate Deletes a parameter template 20
DescribeClusterParams Queries the parameters of a cluster 20
DescribeInstanceParams Queries the parameter list of an instance 20
DescribeParamTemplateDetail Queries the details of a parameter template 20
DescribeParamTemplates Queries the information of parameter templates 1000
ModifyClusterParam Modifies the parameters of a cluster 20
ModifyInstanceParam Modifies the instance parameters 20
ModifyParamTemplate Modifies a parameter template 20

Performance Analysis APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeInstanceErrorLogs Queries the list of error logs for an instance 20
DescribeInstanceSlowQueries Queries the slow query logs of an instance 20
ExportInstanceErrorLogs Exports the error logs of an instance 20
ExportInstanceSlowQueries Exports the slow logs of an instance 20

Billing APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeResourcesByDealName Queries resource information by order ID 20
InquirePriceRenew Queries the renewal price of a cluster 20
InquirePriceCreate Queries the purchasable price of a cluster 20

Serverless APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
PauseServerless Pauses a serverless cluster 20
ResumeServerless Resumes a serverless cluster 20

ResourcePackage APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
BindClusterResourcePackages Binds a resource pack to a cluster 20
CreateResourcePackage Purchases a resource pack 20
DescribeResourcePackageDetail Queries the usage details of a resource pack 20
DescribeResourcePackageSaleSpec Queries the specifications of a resource pack 20
ModifyResourcePackageName Modifies the name of a resource pack 20
RefundResourcePackage Refunds a resource pack 20
UnbindClusterResourcePackages Unbinds a TDSQL-C for MySQL resource pack 20
DescribeResourcePackageList Queries the list of the resource packs 20
ModifyResourcePackageClusters Modifies the association between the cluster and the resource pack 20
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