tencent cloud


Binding and Unbinding Resource Pack

Last updated: 2024-06-18 09:28:00
    If you want to use a resource pack, you need to bind the resource pack after purchasing it. You can also unbind a resource pack that has been bound to clusters. This document describes how to bind or unbind a resource pack.
    A resource pack can be bound to multiple serverless clusters.
    A serverless cluster can be associated with a maximum of 10 compute resource packs and 10 storage resource packs.


    You have created a serverless cluster. For more information, see Creating Serverless Cluster.
    You have purchased a resource pack. For more information, see Purchasing Resource Pack.

    Binding a resource pack

    Scenario 1: Binding a resource pack when creating a serverless cluster

    1. Go to the purchase page and complete the Database Configuration settings.
    Instance Mode
    Select Serverless.
    Database Engine
    Select MySQL.
    Select a region for database deployment.
    Currently, the serverless mode is supported only in Guangzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Nanjing, Hong Kong (China), Silicon Valley, Singapore, and Virginia regions. If you need to use it in other regions, submit a ticket for assistance.
    Source AZ
    Select an AZ for deployment. Specific AZs in the selected region are shown on the actual purchase page.
    Multi-AZ Deployment
    Currently, serverless instances don't support multi-AZ deployment.
    Transfer Linkage
    It is "High IO" by default.
    For performance and security considerations, only VPC network is supported currently. CVM instances can communicate with TDSQL-C for MySQL instances only in the same VPC.
    Database Version
    MySQL 5.7 and 8.0 are supported.
    Compute Unit
    Select the upper and lower limits of the TDSQL-C compute unit (CCU), and the instance will be automatically and elastically scaled within the selected resource range.
    CCU is the computing and billing unit for the serverless mode. A CCU is approximately equal to 1 CPU core and 2 GB memory. The number of CCUs used in each billing cycle is the greater of the number of CPU cores used by the database and 1/2 of the memory size. For more information, see Compute Unit.
    Configure the automatic pause time of the instance. If there is no connection to access the database within the set time, the instance will be automatically paused, with billing stopped.
    2. Complete the Specification Billing configuration and click Next.
    Total serverless cluster fees = compute node fees + storage space fees = serverless computing power price number of CCUs + storage space price storage space
    Compute Billing Mode
    Select Resource Pack.
    The compute resource pack will be used preferably for the deduction of actual usage of pay-as-you-go products. When the pack is used up, the resource usage will be pay-as-you-go. Compute resource packs are deducted based on the actual CCU used per second. The resource pack mode is more cost-effective and flexible than the pay-as-you-go option.
    Compute Resource Pack
    Binding a resource pack allows you to associate one or more (up to a maximum of ten) compute resource packs with the cluster selected in the region under the current account, provided they are within their validity period. If there are no available resource packs, you may proceed to purchase a resource package first.
    Storage Billing Mode
    Select Resource Pack.
    ‌The storage resource pack will be used preferably for the deduction of actual usage of pay-as-you-go products. When the pack is used up, the resource usage will be pay-as-you-go. Storage resource packs are deducted based on the actual storage used per hour. The resource pack mode is more cost-effective and flexible than the pay-as-you-go option.
    Storage Resource Pack
    Binding a resource pack allows you to associate one or multiple (up to a maximum of ten) storage resource packs with the cluster selected in the region under the current account, provided they are within their validity period. If there are no available resource packs, you may proceed to purchase a resource package first.
    3. Select the number of clusters. You can batch purchase multiple clusters of the same specification. Then, click Next.
    4. Complete the Basic Info and Advanced Configuration settings, confirm the fees, and click Buy Now.
    Basic Info
    Cluster Name
    Name the instance now or later. It must contain less than 60 letters, digits, or symbols (-_.).
    Admin Username
    It is root by default.
    The password can contain 8–64 characters in at least three of the following character types: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and symbols ~!@#$%^&*_-+=|\\(){}[]:;'<>,.?/.
    Default Character Set
    UTF8, GBK, LATIN1, and UTF8MB4 are supported.
    Custom Port
    It is 3306 by default and can be customized.
    Advanced Configuration
    Security Group
    Select or create a security group.
    Parameter Template
    Select or create a parameter template.
    Table Name Case Sensitivity
    Select Case-Insensitive or Case-Sensitive.
    Specify a project for the cluster to be created.
    Alarm Policy
    Select or create an alarm policy.
    Add a tag to facilitate resource categorization and management.
    Terms and Conditions
    Read and indicate your consent to the terms and conditions.
    5. After the purchase is completed, you will be redirected to the cluster list. After the status of the cluster becomes Running, it can be used normally.
    If only the compute resource pack is bound, the compute nodes of the serverless cluster will be deducted by using the bound compute resource pack, while the storage nodes will be billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
    If only the storage resource pack is bound, the storage nodes of the serverless cluster will be deducted by using the bound storage resource pack, while the compute nodes will be billed on a pay-as-you-go basis.
    If both the compute and storage resource packs are bound, both the compute and storage nodes of the serverless cluster will be deducted by using the bound compute and storage resource packs.

    Scenario 2: Binding a resource pack to an existing serverless cluster

    Binding a resource pack to an existing serverless cluster in the resource pack list

    After purchasing a resource pack, you can bind it to an existing serverless cluster in the resource pack list.
    1. Log in to the TDSQL-C for MySQL console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Resource Pack to enter the resource pack management page.
    3. Find the target resource pack directly on the page or quickly filter it out in the search box on the right, and click Bind/Unbind in the Operation column.
    4. In the pop-up window, select a region, select one or more serverless clusters to which the resource pack is bound, and click OK.

    Binding a resource pack to an existing serverless cluster on the cluster management page

    1. Log in to the TDSQL-C for MySQL console.
    2. Click the target cluster in the cluster list on the left to enter the cluster management page.
    3. On the cluster management page, select Resource Pack and click Bind Now.
    4. In the pop-up window, select the required resource packs. Multiple selections are supported. Click OK.

    Unbinding a resource pack

    When a resource pack expires or is used up, the resource pack will be automatically unbound. You can also unbind it manually.

    Unbinding a resource pack from an existing serverless cluster in the resource pack list

    1. Log in to the TDSQL-C for MySQL console.
    2. On the left sidebar, click Resource Pack to enter the resource pack management page.
    3. Find the target resource pack directly on the page or quickly filter it out in the search box on the right, and click Bind/Unbind in the Operation column.
    4. In the pop-up window, select a region, select the target bound serverless cluster, and click OK.

    Unbinding a resource pack from an existing serverless cluster on the cluster management page

    1. Log in to the TDSQL-C for MySQL console.
    2. Click the target cluster in the cluster list on the left to enter the cluster management page.
    3. On the cluster management page, select Resource Pack.
    4. Find the target resource pack, and click Unbind in the Operation column.
    5. In the pop-up window, click OK.
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