tencent cloud



Announcement on Update of Database Audit Feature

Last updated: 2024-03-07 10:14:53
Dear Tencent Cloud User, as of September 25, 2023, Tencent Cloud will release an updated database audit function for TencentDB for CynosDB. This update optimizes the number of bound rule templates supported by instances, as well as the binding relationship between the rule template and the instance, and increases the event warning capability, which helps users to access risk warnings in time, and quickly locate the audit log. In order to better use the database audit function, you need to pay attention to the following relevant explanations.

Precondition Description

Some features of the database audit features require a ticket submission for use, as specifically outlined below.
If you want to use the rule audit feature, please submit a ticket.
The event alarm feature currently only supports regions including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Singapore. If you need to use it, please submit a ticket.
For instances with a full audit type, if you need to set the risk level and alarm policy for audit logs, please submit a ticket.

Feature Update Description

1. The number of bound rule templates supported by the instance has been adjusted from 1 to 5.
2. The relationship between the rule template and the instance has been adjusted from initialization to strong binding. That is, if the content of the rule template is modified, the audit rules applied to instances that have been bound with this rule template will also be synchronously modified.
3. Viewing a rule template bound by each instance , an audit log hit by audit rules, and an instance bound with rule templates is supported.
4. The logic of the rule template for different audit types is as follows:
4.1 Rule templates for instances belonging to Rule Audit are used for retaining audit logs that hit the rule template content, setting risk levels, and alarm policies. Audit logs that did not hit the rule template content are no longer retained.
4.2 Rule templates for instances belonging to Full Audit is only used for setting risk levels and alarm policies for audit logs that hit the rule template content. Audit logs that didn't hit the rule template content are still retained.
5. TencentDB for CynosDB database audit has added some interfaces with CAM authentication. For detailed interfaces and authorization operation guide, refer to [Announcement of New API Interface Authentication for Database Audit on September 25, 2023].
Within the realm of database audit, the creation, modification, query, and deletion of rule templates are operation level authentication- altering these rule templates will impact the audit rules of instances that already adhere to the said rule template.


In The Article

Announcement on Update of Database Audit Feature

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