tencent cloud


Read-Only Instance Overview

Last updated: 2023-08-22 15:30:08
    In scenarios with more reads but fewer writes, a single instance may not be able to handle the read load, which may even affect the business. To implement the auto-scaling of read capabilities and mitigate the pressure, you can create one or multiple read-only instances to sustain high numbers of database reads and increase the application throughput.


    The compatible database version is MySQL 5.7 or 8.0 (kernel version 3.1.2 or later).


    Instance Specification Billing Mode: The billing mode of the read-only instance is the same as that of the read-write instance. For example, if the read-write instance is monthly subscribed, so is the new read-only instance.
    Storage Billing Mode: As TDSQL-C for MySQL is billed by the actual storage used per hour, you don’t need to purchase storage space in advance. The storage of the read-only instance uses that of the entire cluster

    Adjusting read-only instance configuration

    Region and AZ: Read-only instance needs to be deployed in the same AZ of a region where the read-write instance resides.
    Database Compatibility: It must be the same as that of the read-write instance.
    Specification: It may be different from that of the read-write instance and can be modified at any time. The read-only instance must have a specification not less than that of the read-write instance; otherwise, it may experience high latency and load.
    Instance Name: It must contain less than 60 letters, digits, or symbols (-_.).
    Network: It is the same as that of the read-write instance.
    Project: It is the same as that of the read-write instance.
    Monitoring and Alarm: It provides rich monitoring views of system performance indicators, such as memory utilization, QPS, TPS, and max connections.

    Feature Limits

    The number of read-only instances can be created: 15
    Database management: Databases can be neither created nor deleted.
    Account management: Account creation, deletion, authorization, password modification of the account are not supported.

    Creating Read-Only Instance

    For more information, see Creating Read-Only Instance.
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