tencent cloud


라이브 방송 모드 실행(Windows)

Last updated: 2022-01-05 11:57:22


    This document describes how to use the TRTC SDK to build a live streaming service that supports both co-anchoring and high-concurrency streaming to over 10,000 users. Only the most commonly used APIs are covered in this document. To learn about other APIs, please see the API documentation.

    Sample Code

    Sample Code
    Windows (MFC)
    Windows (Duilib)
    Windows (C#)

    Online Live Streaming

    1. Initialize the SDK

    The first step is to get a singleton object of TRTCCloud and subscribe to the SDK’s event callbacks.
    Inherit the ITRTCCloudCallback callback API class and rewrite the callback APIs for key events including room entry/exit by local user, room entry/exit by remote user, error event, and warning event.
    Call the addCallback API to subscribe to the SDK’s events.
    If addCallback is called N times, the SDK will trigger N callbacks for the same event. Therefore, you are advised to call addCallback only once.
    // TRTCMainViewController.h
    // Inherit the `ITRTCCloudCallback` callback API class
    class TRTCMainViewController : public ITRTCCloudCallback
    virtual ~TRTCMainViewController();
    virtual void onError(TXLiteAVError errCode, const char* errMsg, void* arg);
    virtual void onWarning(TXLiteAVWarning warningCode, const char* warningMsg, void* arg);
    virtual void onEnterRoom(uint64_t elapsed);
    virtual void onExitRoom(int reason);
    virtual void onRemoteUserEnterRoom(const char* userId);
    virtual void onRemoteUserLeaveRoom(const char* userId, int reason);
    virtual void onUserVideoAvailable(const char* userId, bool available);
    virtual void onUserAudioAvailable(const char* userId, bool available);
    ITRTCCloud * m_pTRTCSDK = NULL;
    // TRTCMainViewController.cpp
    // Create a `TRTCCloud` instance
    m_pTRTCSDK = getTRTCShareInstance();
    // Subscribe to the SDK’s events
    // Unsubscribe from the SDK’s events
    if(m_pTRTCSDK) {
    // Release the `TRTCCloud` instance
    if(m_pTRTCSDK != NULL) {
    m_pTRTCSDK = null;
    // Error notifications indicate that the SDK has stopped working and therefore must be listened for.
    virtual void TRTCMainViewController::onError(TXLiteAVError errCode, const char* errMsg, void* arg)
    if (errCode == ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL) {
    LOGE(L"onError errorCode[%d], errorInfo[%s]", errCode, UTF82Wide(errMsg).c_str());
    // TRTCMainForm.cs
    // Inherit the `ITRTCCloudCallback` callback API class
    public partial class TRTCMainForm : Form, ITRTCCloudCallback, ITRTCLogCallback
    private ITRTCCloud mTRTCCloud;
    public TRTCMainForm(TRTCLoginForm loginForm)
    this.Disposed += new EventHandler(OnDisposed);
    // Create a `TRTCCloud` instance
    mTRTCCloud = ITRTCCloud.getTRTCShareInstance();
    // Subscribe to the SDK’s events
    private void OnDisposed(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (mTRTCCloud != null)
    // Unsubscribe from the SDK’s events
    // Release the `TRTCCloud` instance
    mTRTCCloud = null;
    // Error notifications indicate that the SDK has stopped working and therefore must be listened for.
    public void onError(TXLiteAVError errCode, string errMsg, IntPtr arg)
    if (errCode == TXLiteAVError.ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL) {

    2. Assemble TRTCParams

    TRTCParams is the most critical parameter in the SDK. It contains four required fields: sdkAppId, userId, userSig, and roomId.
    SDKAppID Log in to the TRTC console. If you don't have an application yet, create one, and you will see its SDKAppID.
    userId A custom string, which you can keep in line with the naming of your account. Please note that there cannot be users with identical userId in a room.
    userSig Calculated based on SDKAppID and userID. For details, see UserSig.
    roomId A custom number. Note that you cannot assign the same roomId to two rooms under the same application. For string-type room ID, use strRoomId in TRTCParams.

    3. Enable preview of the local camera

    Camera capturing is disabled by default. You can call startLocalPreview to turn the local camera on and enable preview, and stopLocalPreview to disable camera capturing and preview.
    Before enabling preview of the local camera, you can call setLocalViewFillMode to set the video display mode to Fill or Fit. Video may be resized proportionally in both modes, but they differ in that:
    In the Fill mode, the image fills the entire screen. If the dimensions of the image do not match those of the screen after scaling, the parts that do not fit are cropped.
    In the Fit mode, the image is displayed in whole. If the dimensions of the image do not match those of the screen after scaling, the unoccupied space is painted black.
    void TRTCMainViewController::onEnterRoom(uint64_t elapsed)
    // Get the handle of the rendering window
    CWnd *pLocalVideoView = GetDlgItem(IDC_LOCAL_VIDEO_VIEW);
    HWND hwnd = pLocalVideoView->GetSafeHwnd();
    // Call the APIs below to set the rendering mode and rendering window
    // TRTCMainForm.cs
    public void onEnterRoom(int result)
    // Get the handle of the rendering window
    IntPtr ptr = GetHandle();
    if (mTRTCCloud != null)
    // Call the APIs below to set the rendering mode and rendering window

    4. Enable mic capturing

    Mic capturing is disabled by default. Call startLocalAudio to enable local audio capturing and send the data captured, and stopLocalAudio to disable audio capturing. You can call startLocalAudio after startLocalPreview.
    After you call startLocalAudio, the SDK will check mic access and will ask for mic permission from the user if it does not have access.

    5. Create a room and push streams

    Call enterRoom to create a room, setting role to TRTCRoleAnchor (anchor) and specifying roomId in the TRTCParams parameter.
    Specify appScene, which indicates the application scenario. TRTCAppSceneLIVE (online live streaming) is used in the example of this document.
    If the room is created successfully, you will receive the onEnterRoom callback, in which the elapsed field represents the time (ms) room entry takes.
    If room creation fails, you will receive the onError callback, which contains errCode (error code, whose value is ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL; for other error code values, please see TXLiteAVCode.h), errMsg (error message), and extraInfo (reserved parameter).
    // TRTCMainViewController.cpp
    void TRTCMainViewController::startBroadCasting()
    // For the definition of `TRTCParams`, please see the header file `TRTCCloudDef.h`.
    TRTCParams params;
    params.sdkAppId = sdkappid;
    params.userId = userid;
    params.userSig = usersig;
    params.roomId = 908; // Set it to the ID of the room you want to enter
    params.role = TRTCRoleAnchor; //Anchor
    m_pTRTCSDK->enterRoom(params, TRTCAppSceneLIVE);
    void TRTCMainViewController::onError(TXLiteAVError errCode, const char* errMsg, void* arg)
    if(errCode == ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL)
    LOGE(L"onError errorCode[%d], errorInfo[%s]", errCode, UTF82Wide(errMsg).c_str());
    // Check whether `userSig` is valid, network is normal, etc.
    void TRTCMainViewController::onEnterRoom(uint64_t elapsed)
    LOGI(L"onEnterRoom elapsed[%lld]", elapsed);
    // Enable local video preview. For details, please see the sections below about encoding settings and local video preview
    // TRTCMainForm.cs
    public void createRoom()
    // For the definition of `TRTCParams`, please see the `TRTCCloudDef.h` header file
    TRTCParams @params = new TRTCParams();
    @params.sdkAppId = sdkappid;
    @params.userId = userid;
    @params.userSig = usersig;
    @params.roomId = 908; // Set it to the ID of the room you want to enter
    @params.role = TRTCRoleAnchor; // Anchor
    if(mTRTCCloud != null)
    mTRTCCloud.enterRoom(@params, TRTCAppSceneLIVE);
    public void onError(TXLiteAVError errCode, string errMsg, IntPtr arg)
    if(errCode == TXLiteAVError.ERR_ROOM_ENTER_FAIL)
    Log.E(String.Format("errCode : {0}, errMsg : {1}, arg = {2}", errCode, errMsg, arg));
    // Check whether `userSig` is valid, network is normal, etc.
    public void onEnterRoom(int result)
    // Enable local video preview. For details, please see the sections below about encoding settings and local video preview

    6. Enable/Disable the privacy mode

    At some points during a live stream, you may not want to publish your video or audio for privacy concerns. You can call muteLocalVideo to stop publishing local video and muteLocalAudio to stop publishing local audio.

    7. Enter the room as audience

    Call enterRoom to enter the room, specifying the room number via the roomId field in TRTCParams. Set appScene to TRTCAppSceneLIVE (online live streaming), and role to TRTCRoleAudience (audience).
    void TRTCMainViewController::startPlaying()
    // For the definition of `TRTCParams`, please see the header file `TRTCCloudDef.h`.
    TRTCParams params;
    params.sdkAppId = sdkappid;
    params.userId = userid;
    params.userSig = usersig;
    params.roomId = 908; // Set it to the ID of the room you want to enter
    params.role = TRTCRoleAudience; // Viewer
    m_pTRTCSDK->enterRoom(params, TRTCAppSceneLIVE);
    public void startPlaying()
    // For the definition of `TRTCParams`, please see the `TRTCCloudDef.h` header file
    TRTCParams @params = new TRTCParams();
    @params.sdkAppId = sdkappid;
    @params.userId = userid;
    @params.userSig = usersig;
    @params.roomId = 908; // Set it to the ID of the room you want to enter
    @params.role = TRTCRoleAudience; // Viewer
    if(mTRTCCloud != null)
    mTRTCCloud.enterRoom(@params, TRTCAppSceneLIVE);
    If the anchor is in the room, you can find the anchor’s userid in the onUserVideoAvailable callback in TRTCCloudDelegate, and then call startRemoteView to display the anchor’s video.
    Call setRemoteViewFillMode to set the video display mode to Fill or Fit. Video may be resized proportionally in both modes, but they differ in that:
    In the Fill mode, the image fills the entire screen. If the dimensions of the image do not match those of the screen after scaling, the excess parts are cropped.
    In the Fit mode, the image is displayed in whole. If the dimensions of the image do not match those of the screen after scaling, the blank area is filled with black bars.
    void TRTCMainViewController::onUserVideoAvailable(const char* userId, bool available){
    if (available) {
    // Get the handle of the rendering window
    CWnd *pRemoteVideoView = GetDlgItem(IDC_REMOTE_VIDEO_VIEW);
    HWND hwnd = pRemoteVideoView->GetSafeHwnd();
    // Set the rendering mode of the remote video
    // Call the API below to play the remote video
    m_pTRTCSDK->startRemoteView(userId, hwnd);
    } else {
    public void onUserVideoAvailable(string userId, bool available)
    if (available)
    // Get the window handle
    IntPtr ptr = GetHandleAndSetUserId(pos, userId, false);
    SetVisableInfoView(pos, false);
    // Set the rendering mode of the remote video
    mTRTCCloud.setRemoteViewFillMode(userId, TRTCVideoFillMode.TRTCVideoFillMode_Fit);
    // Call the API below to play the remote video
    mTRTCCloud.startRemoteView(userId, ptr);
    In the TRTCAppSceneLIVE mode, there is no limit on the number of users in the role of “audience” (TRTCRoleAudience) in a room.
    The value of appScene must be the same on each client. Inconsistent appScene may cause unexpected problems.

    8. Co-anchor

    Both audience and anchors can call the switchRole API of TRTCCloud to switch their roles. The most common application for the API is co-anchoring: audience call this API to switch their role to “anchor” so as to interact with the room owner.

    9. Exit the room

    Call exitRoom to exit the room. Whether the live streaming has ended or not, the SDK will start a complex handshake process where it releases all resources used by the live streaming. The process finishes only after you receive the onExitRoom callback.
    // TRTCMainViewController.cpp
    void TRTCMainViewController::exitRoom()
    void TRTCMainViewController::onExitRoom(int reason)
    // Exited room successfully. `reason` is a reserved parameter and is not used for the time being.
    // TRTCMainForm.cs
    public void OnExit()
    if(mTRTCCloud != null)
    public void onExitRoom(int reason)
    // Exited room successfully
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