tencent cloud


Billing of MixTranscoding and Relay to CDN

Last updated: 2025-01-21 14:36:29


    Billing Components

    MixTranscoding is a paid Tencent RTC feature that can mix, transcode, and repackage multiple audio and video streams published in a TRTC room. You can use this feature either via the console or using APIs.

    Billing Instructions

    Billing mode: Daily pay-as-you-go.
    Billing cycle: Billing occurs on a daily basis. MixTranscoding fees incurred each day will be deducted the following day at the time of billing. For the billing details and actual billing time, see Billing Statement.
    Since June 1, 2022, the usage measurement for MixTranscoding has been changed from output-duration-based measurement to input-duration-based measurement.
    The billing rules in this document are only applicable to stream mixtranscoding performed using the MCU cluster provided by TRTC.
    The usage generated by pushing RTMP streams into TRTC rooms or pulling RTMP streams and relaying them into TRTC rooms will also be billed as transcoding fees.
    If you relay transcoded audio and video streams to a third-party CDN, Tencent Cloud Streaming Services (CSS) will charge fees based on the traffic or bandwidth consumed.
    If you relay transcoded audio and video streams to CSS or a third-party CDN, audio/video duration fees (for the streams received by the relay robot) and relay fees will be charged.
    If you use the Push Online Media Stream feature to share external media streams to a TRTC room, On-Cloud MixTranscoding fees will also be incurred, plus audio duration fees based on the robot’s length of stay in the room.
    If you use the transcoding feature only, On-Cloud MixTranscoding fees will still be charged according to the rules described in this document.
    When a transcoding task is initiated for a room, the system will assign a robot to the room (for multiple transcoding tasks, multiple robots will enter the room). The robot will subscribe to the audio and video streams that need to be transcoded, which will incur audio/video duration fees.
    In other scenarios (including but not limited to transcoding and relay to other rooms or platforms), the robot subscription duration will be normally charged.

    Billing Formula

    MixTranscoding fee = Audio transcoding fee + Video transcoding fee = Audio input duration × Audio transcoding unit price + Video input duration × Video transcoding unit price (determined by the aggregate resolution of input streams and encoding method for the output stream).

    Billing Prices

    The following table lists the unit prices of MixTranscoding.
    Billable Item
    Unit Price (USD/1,000 minutes)
    Audio transcoding
    Transcoding - Voice
    Transcoding-H264-High Definition HD
    Transcoding - H264 - Ultra High Definition FHD
    Transcoding-H265-High definition HD
    Transcoding-H265-Ultra high definition FHD
    MixTranscoding supports only pay-as-you-go on a daily basis. The fees incurred the previous day are deducted at 10:00 AM each day.

    Usage Calculation

    MixTranscoding usage is the duration of audio and video processed by the TRTC MixTranscoding MCU for all applications under your Tencent Cloud account. Depending on the input streams in the room, the transcoding duration falls into two categories: video input duration and audio input duration.

    Video Input Duration

    Video input duration refers to the length of a video segment in the input streams before they are transcoded. Each duration is categorized based on the aggregate video resolution of the input streams and charged separately. The relationships between video categories and resolutions are as follows:
    Video Category
    Input Resolution
    High Definition HD
    Not exceeding 1280 × 720 (inclusive)
    Ultra High Definition FHD
    1280 × 720 - 1920 × 1080 (inclusive)
    1920 × 1080 - 2560 ×1440 (inclusive)
    2560 × 1440 - 4096 × 2176 (inclusive)
    If a segment of an input stream contains both video and audio, the segment will only be charged as a video duration.
    The resolution of the same input stream may change over time, in which case TRTC will calculate the usage in segments. The data is usually updated every 60 seconds. Whenever a resolution change is detected, it will be reported and updated immediately.
    For the same stream mixing task at a certain moment, if the ratio of the output resolution to the aggregate input resolution is greater than 2:1, to guarantee the quality of the output video, the system will add an input stream with the same resolution as the transcoding output. This additional input stream will also incur MixTranscoding fees.
    When the host uses H.265 as the stream codec and the audience in TRTC room does not support H.265 decoding, the stream codec of the host will automatically downgrade to H.264 to ensure the playback experience of the audience in the room. Also, to ensure a consistent CDN playback experience, when streams are relayed to CDN, the TRTC background will automatically transcode the streams to H.265, which will incur H.265 transcoding fees.

    Audio Input Duration

    Audio input duration refers to the length of an audio-only segment in the input streams before they are transcoded. If there are multiple audio-only streams, they will be charged as one audio transcoding duration.
    Durations for each day are calculated in seconds for each application (SDKAppID) and then converted to minutes (rounded up to the nearest minute) for billing.
    If an input section has no video data at all, to ensure the output quality, the system will add a black screen stream with the same resolution as the transcoding output. This additional input stream will also incur MixTranscoding fees.
    If one segment of an input stream contains only audio and another segment contains video, the audio-only segment will be charged as an audio transcoding duration, and the video segment will be charged as a video transcoding duration.

    Billing Examples

    Audio Live Streaming

    An anchor streamed audio-only content for 30 minutes and then co-anchored with someone for 30 minutes, during which the two anchors’ streams were mixed and then published to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming system.
    In the first 30 minutes, because there was only one anchor, no MixTranscoding fees would be charged. In the 30 minutes afterward, there were two anchors who communicated over audio, so audio MixTranscoding fees would be charged.
    MixTranscoding fee = 1.99 x 30/1,000 = 0.0597 USD.

    Video Live Streaming

    Anchor A streamed video content at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 for 30 minutes and then co-anchored with anchor B over video for 10 minutes. Anchor B’s video resolution was 1280 x 720. The two anchors’ streams were mixed and then published to Tencent Cloud’s live streaming system.
    For anchor A, his or her own video was displayed as the big image, and anchor B’s video appeared in a small window in the top right corner. The resolution of the video viewed by anchor A was 1920 x 1080. For anchor B, his or her own video was displayed in the large video window, and anchor A’s video appeared in a small window in the top right corner. The resolution of the video viewed by anchor B was 1280 x 720.
    In the first 30 minutes, because there was only one anchor, no MixTranscoding fees would be charged. In the 10 minutes afterward, two anchors communicated over video, and two MixTranscoding tasks were started, which would be charged separately. The aggregate resolution of both tasks was 1920 x 1080 + 1280 x 720 = 2,995,200, and the H.264 codec was used, so the H.264 2K category would apply. Note that the applicable video category is not determined by the resolution of the output video.
    MixTranscoding fee = 25.99 x 10/1,000 + 25.99 x 10/1,000 = 0.5198 USD.

    Relay Fees

    Billing Instructions

    Billing mode: Monthly pay-as-you-go. Charges are based on the peak bandwidth usage in a month.
    Billing cycle: Fees for relaying TRTC streams to CDN are charged on a monthly basis. For detailed billing information and exact statement generation times, please refer to the actual Billing Statement.
    Billing Formula: Bandwidth fee for relay = Monthly peak bandwidth usage for relay x Unit price for relay


    The bandwidth used for relaying is priced as follows:
    Price (USD/Mbps/Month)
    Monthly peak bandwidth
    TRTC calculates relay usage based on the peak bandwidth (Mbps) used to relay streams by all applications under your account during each billing cycle, which is monthly by default.
    If you relay to Tencent Cloud CSS, and the monthly peak bandwidth consumed by the applications under your account does not exceed 100 Mbps, no bandwidth fees will be charged.

    Billing Examples

    Example 1

    Suppose the bitrate of a stream you published to Tencent Cloud live streaming platform was 500 Kbps (the sum of the audio bitrate and video bitrate), and there were 10 relaying tasks at the peak on that day. Daily peak bandwidth = 500 (Kbps) x 10 = 5,000 (Kbps) = 5 Mbps.
    If you use the relay service to Tencent Cloud during the month and the peak bandwidth generated is 5 Mbps, then this portion of the cost will not need to be paid.

    Example 2

    Suppose the bitrate of a stream you published toTencent Cloud live streaming platform was 500 Kbps (the sum of the audio bitrate and video bitrate), and there were 300 relaying tasks at the peak on that day. Daily peak bandwidth = 500 (Kbps) x 300 = 150,000 (Kbps) =150 Mbps.
    If you use relay to Tencent Cloud services during the month, the monthly peak bandwidth fee for relaying to Tencent Cloud= 18.99 (USD/Mbps/month) × 150 (Mbps) = 2848.50 USD.

    Example 3

    Suppose the bitrate of a stream you published to third-party platforms was 500 Kbps (the sum of the audio bitrate and video bitrate), and there were 10 relaying tasks at the peak on that day. Daily peak bandwidth = 500 (Kbps) x 10 = 5,000 (Kbps) =5 Mbps.
    The monthly peak bandwidth fee for relaying to third-party= 18.99 (USD/Mbps/month) × 5 (Mbps) = 94.95 USD.
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