tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-09-25 17:22:57
    TUICallKit Vue3 Github version address: Github TUICallKit Web.

    Version 3.3.7 @2024.09.13

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the speaker remains off in the next call after being turned off in the first call.

    Version 3.3.6 @2024.09.13

    New features

    Added CallMessage component in React for integrating on-screen message display with chat.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized the on-screen message display logic to align with WeChat's message display.

    Version 3.3.4 @2024.09.10

    New features

    React added onMinimized Callback Event.

    Feature Optimization

    React supports Floating Window Drag and Drop.
    Optimized Mobile Terminal interaction for clicking the Speaker button, adjusted to turn on/off the Speaker.
    Optimized React Device List hierarchy.

    Version 3.3.3 @2024.08.06

    New features

    Added feature to turn on/off the speaker .

    Feature Optimization

    react: Optimized button loading effect.
    Optimized the creation and termination of ringtone instances.
    Optimized the interaction of flipping the camera and virtual background button after turning off the camera.
    Optimized the error content when directly calling call/groupCall API before the user init .
    Optimized the warning phenomenon of setVideoResolution in the console when the user has not init and introduced the TUICallKit component on the page.

    Bug Fixes

    react: Fixed the spacing issue of the Virtual Background button.
    react: Fixed the issue where the nickname was not truncated.

    Version 3.3.2 @2024.07.12

    New features

    Added support for showing and hiding the invite others button.
    Prompt when the network status is poor.

    Bug Fixes

    After selecting the device, redial. The selected device in the device list does not match the current device.
    When the device list is empty, do not display the device selection list.
    Fix the known issues of midway joining.

    Version 3.3.1 @2024.06.25

    Bug Fixes

    Fix some issues with midway joining feature .
    Delete the comments for debug files.

    Version 3.3.0 @2024.06.14

    New features

    Added support for Custom Definition window size display and setting camera initial state feature.
    Vue&React: Added support for passing in Custom Definition string Room Number.
    React: Added react TUICallKit Virtual Background feature.

    Feature Optimization

    Extended offlinePushInfo parameters to support Offline Push Sound Settings and other features.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where a call exception occurs immediately after a call is accepted and then timed out.
    Fix the issue with group call, caller waiting, answer page, remote user, and nickname display.

    Feature Optimization

    UI Customization:Add Interface Log Reporting

    Version 3.2.9 @2024.05.29

    Feature Optimization

    UI Customized Interface adds Log Reporting.

    Version 3.2.8 @2024.05.27

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed SDK Import ref Path Error issue.

    Version 3.2.7 @2024.05.17

    New features

    New Feature UI component for joining in group.
    New Feat UI interface, supporting setting of call background and button hiding.
    Adjusted parameter validation when initiating a call, supports string room numbers.

    Version 3.2.4 @2024.05.06

    New features

    Video call supports background blur.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an issue in uni-app packaging for web projects where image loading icon failed.
    Fixed the issue with the group call switch camera button.
    Optimized the application getting stuck after a button click, addressing the abnormal issues caused by clicking the button again.

    Version 3.2.3 @2024.04.19

    New features

    New Feature Group Call Supports Camera Switching.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimize TUICallKit SDK Readme.

    Version 3.2.2 @2024.03.25

    New features

    Brand new UI visual effects, clearer functions, and better experience.

    Feature Feature Optimization

    Optimize data reporting using TUICallKit.

    Version 3.2.1 @2024.03.08

    New features

    Language log reporting.

    Version 3.2.0 @2024.02.23

    New features

    New features default offline push parameters.

    Bug Fixes

    Bug Fixes the issue where group calls have no nickname.

    Version 3.1.9 @2024.01.30

    Bug Fixes

    Bug Fixes the issue where group calls do not display user information.
    Fixed the issue where the 'Confirm' button was still clickable in the selector component when there were no members available.
    Fixed the issue where muting the microphone during a call would prevent the audio stream from being transmitted in subsequent calls (upgrade trtc-cloud-js-sdk to v2.2.7+).

    Version 3.1.8 @2024.01.19

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the impact of the selector component's style on the page.

    Version 3.1.7 @2024.01.12

    Bug Fixes

    New features a retry mechanism for interfaces and fixed the playback failure issue due to the inability to find the DOM node.
    Fixed the device list selection style issue on PC.

    Version 3.1.6 @2023.12.29

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized the prompt message during group calls.
    Optimized the display issue when the nickname is too long.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the camera permission issue for voice call requests.
    Fixed the issue with 'destroyed'.
    Fixed the hang-up issue in the floating window under different call scenarios.
    Fixed the display remote issue during the caller call status.
    Fixed the incomplete fill style issue on PC.

    Version 3.1.5 @2023.12.15

    New features

    Optimized the timing of accessing device permissions. No longer access device permissions during initialization, only access when using call.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2,@tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2.6 components not having declare file issues.

    Version 3.1.4 @2023.12.01

    New features

    Integrated into Chat, added isFromChat reporting.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the button is clickable under loading.

    Version 3.1.3 @2023.11.17

    New features

    New features parameter validation to the interface.

    Version 3.1.2 @2023.11.03

    New features

    Add the inviteUser feature for inviting others.
    New features the feature to add people mid-call joinInGroupCall.
    Introduced the feature to mute incoming call ringtones enableMuteMode.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where remote stream microphone status was displayed incorrectly.

    Version 3.1.0 @2023.10.20

    New features

    New features Floating Window feature.
    New features enableFloatWindow interface for enabling/disabling Floating Window feature.
    Desktop Terminal supports switching Camera and Microphone devices.
    New features failure prompt message for calling blocked users.
    New features support for Japanese.

    Feature Optimization

    During video calls, the big screen defaults to displaying the remote user.

    Version 3.0.8 @2023.10.10

    New features

    New features reporting for version number, framework, and other information.

    Version 3.0.7 @2023.10.08

    New features

    Add desktop video call duration display.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized desktop video stream preview of rounded corners and black edges.
    Optimized display priority for remote stream user information: Remarks > Nickname > userId.
    Optimized TUICallKit component package size (Removed unused images and code).

    Version 3.0.6 @2023.09.19

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the message display issue integrated into TUIKit.

    Version 3.0.5 @2023.09.15

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized mutual references in TUICallKit to avoid the stack overflow issue that occurs when packaging mini-programs in uniapp.

    New features

    New features a prompt for desktop devices when there is no permission, guiding customers on how to authorize devices.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed setCallingBell where the called ringtone was overridden by the calling ringtone, leading to ringtone repetition issue.
    Fixed styling issues on mobile devices.

    Version 3.0.4 @2023.09.01

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed setCallingBell targeting incoming call ringtone (called ringtone).
    Fixed destroyed error reporting problem.
    Fixed the lack of Chinese and English in the error popup prompt.
    Fixed the issue where it is impossible to switch between multi-screen support after turning off the camera during a 1v1 call.

    Version 3.0.3 @2023.8.25

    New features

    Add @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2.6 compatible with Vue 2.6 version.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimize the default language of the component to the system default language.
    Optimize the log information printed.
    Optimize error message thrown by tuicall-engine-webrtc.
    Optimize resource cleanup after component destruction.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an issue where videoDisplayMode,videoResolution did not take effect when calling again after hanging up.
    Fixed the issue where statusChanged was not triggered during the call.
    Fixed the issue of init being called multiple times.
    Fixed the issue of being unable to switch between full and split screens when turning off the camera during a call.

    Version 3.0.2 @2023.8.14

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed styling issues of the called component on the H5 platform.
    Fixed the styling issues that occurred after switching to a small window during another call.

    Version 3.0.1 @2023.8.8

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue of the caller's local preview failing during a group call, and modified the component layer's default reading mode from the data layer.

    Version 3.0.0 @2023.8.4

    Breaking Change

    Upgraded the underlying dependency tuicall-engine-webrtc to ^2.0.0. It no longer supports creating tim instances with tim-js-sdk. If you need to create a tim instance, please use @tencentcloud/chat.


    Add the custom ringtone feature setCallingBell.

    Version 2.4.2 @2023.11.03

    New features

    Add the inviteUser feature for inviting others.
    New features the feature to add people mid-call joinInGroupCall.
    Introduced the feature to mute incoming call ringtones enableMuteMode.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where remote stream microphone status was displayed incorrectly.

    Version 2.4.0 @2023.10.20

    New features

    New features Floating Window feature.
    New features enableFloatWindow interface for enabling/disabling Floating Window feature.
    Desktop Terminal supports switching Camera and Microphone devices.
    New features failure prompt message for calling blocked users.
    New features support for Japanese.

    Feature Optimization

    During video calls, the big screen defaults to displaying the remote user.

    Version 2.3.9 @2023.10.10

    New features

    New features reporting for version number, framework, and other information.

    Version 2.3.8 @2023.10.08

    New features

    Add desktop video call duration display.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized desktop video stream preview of rounded corners and black edges.
    Optimized display priority for remote stream user information: Remarks > Nickname > userId.
    Optimized TUICallKit component package size (Removed unused images and code).

    Version 2.3.6 @2023.09.15

    Feature Optimization

    Optimized mutual references in TUICallKit to avoid the stack overflow issue that occurs when packaging mini-programs in uniapp.

    New features

    New features a prompt for desktop devices when there is no permission, guiding customers on how to authorize devices.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed setCallingBell where the called ringtone was overridden by the calling ringtone, leading to ringtone repetition issue.
    Fixed styling issues on mobile devices.

    Version 2.3.5 @2023.9.5

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the camera and microphone buttons were by default turned on before entering the room.

    Version 2.3.4 @2023.9.1

    New features

    Add the feature to disable or enable the camera before answering a video call.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where it is impossible to switch screen sizes after turning off the camera during a 1v1 call.
    Fixed the issue where statusChanged was not triggered when switching from a video call to a voice call.

    Version 2.3.3 @2023.8.22

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an issue where videoDisplayMode,videoResolution did not take effect when calling again after hanging up.
    Fixed the issue where statusChanged was not triggered during the call.

    Version 2.3.2 @2023.7.26

    Breaking Change

    Removed the TUICallKitMini floating window component, merged it into the TUICallKit component.
    The thrown @kicked-out event has been adjusted to the affinity callback :kickedOut.
    The thrown @status-changed event has been adjusted to the affinity callback :statusChanged.


    Add animation effect when the call page appears.
    Add group call layout on H5.

    Feature Optimization

    Optimize the problem prompt message during the call, prompt method.
    Optimize support on H5 page, interaction.
    Optimize the time it takes to bring up the call interface.
    Optimize the @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue package directory structure.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed call issues under boundary operations such as immediately hanging up after connecting.
    Fixed styling issues on H5 for some models, browsers.
    Fixed call anomaly issues caused by repeated clicks.

    Version 2.2.1 @2023.7.7


    @tencentcloud/call-uikit-vue2 Add detection and prompt for the Vue version.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where repeatedly clicking the "Answer" button on the incoming call page causes the answer to fail.

    Version 2.2.0 @2023.6.30


    call,groupCall support custom roomID parameter for digital room numbers.
    call,groupCall support custom userData parameter for extended fields (used to add additional information in the invitation signaling).
    Add setSelfInfo interface, supporting user configuration of aliases and profile photos.

    Version 2.1.0 @2023.4.14


    In the H5 voice chat pattern, while calling, it supports displaying the opposite party's nickname.
    When initiating a call fails, "Call initiation failed" will be displayed on the calling page.
    When answering a call fails, "Answer failed" will be shown on the incoming call page.
    Support for monitoring whether the current user is kicked out (e.g., due to being logged out), see TUICallKit Method - @kicked-out.
    Support for listening to TUICallKit call status, see TUICallKit Method - @status-changed.
    Support for business-side code to control the answering, canceling, and hanging up of calls, see More Features - Auto-answer through Interface Setting.
    The Vue2 version adds TypeScript type declaration files, allowing normal compilation of types in TypeScript projects.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a warning about updating personal profile interface appearing in the console during component initialization.
    Fixed background image misalignment issues of the callee answer button in the H5 pattern.

    Interface Change

    TUICallKitServer.destroy() New features invocation limit, can only be called in non-call status.

    Version 2.0.1 @2023.03.31


    Optimized the rendering logic of 1v1 and group call videos to improve performance and stability.
    Optimized UI presentation, support for displaying corresponding UI during the execution of TUICallKitServer.call(), which enables immediate UI display of <TUICallKit/> components upon clicking the call button.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue of incorrect nickname display in group calls.
    Fixed the issue of CSS not being scoped properly, leading to global style pollution.

    Version 2.0.0 @2023.03.21


    Support for importing the packaged CallKit file from npm.
    Support for Vue projects in JavaScript version.
    Supports all versions of Vue2 projects, applicable to the npm package for Vue2: call-uikit-vue2.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where calls could not be initiated due to the absence of a camera device or permission.

    Version 1.4.2 @2023.03.03


    Supports setting call resolution. See API Documentation for details.
    Supports changing the display pattern. See API Documentation for details.
    Optimized the integration steps.
    Optimized error throwing.

    Version 1.4.1 @2023.02.13


    Optimized the logic for previewing the local camera.
    Optimized the rendering logic for remote video streams.

    Version 1.4.0 @2023.01.06


    Supports importing in Vue2.7+ projects.
    Call interface defaults to displaying nicknames.

    Version 1.3.3 @2022.12.27


    New features null value detection for the call list when making calls in the Basic Demo.
    New features a loading icon when making calls in the Basic Demo.
    Optimized the logic for device detection in the Basic Demo, no longer proactively popping up after manually skipping.
    Optimized the reference method for component icons.
    Changed the default package management tool to npm.
    Optimized the rendering method for videos, reducing the number of iterative renderings.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed an error in the Basic Demo caused by outdated dependencies in vue-CLI.

    Version 1.3.2 @2022.12.07


    Language switching is supported, see setLanguage for interface details.
    Optimized the device detection logic in the Basic Demo; it will no longer pop up proactively after being manually skipped.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed a warning caused by introducing defineProps.

    Version 1.3.1 @2022.11.29

    This version depends on the SDK version tuicall-engine-webrtc@1.2.1, please update promptly.


    Optimize style details.
    Support monitoring the other party's modification of call type when the call is not answered.
    Basic demo adds device detection feature.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed errors caused by internal logic when hanging up the phone.

    Version 1.3.0 @2022.11.14


    Supports automatic switching to vertical screen style when using mobile H5.
    Supports previewing the local camera when making a phone call.
    Basic demo adds device detection before making a phone call.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the tim instance did not fully log out after calling TUICallKitServer.destroyed().
    Fixed the problem where a 'No response' message was displayed when the line was busy.
    Fixed the issue where TypeScript types were not successfully packaged in a vite environment.

    Interface Change

    When actively calling TUICallKitServer.call() or TUICallKitServer.groupCall(), if an error occurs, the beforeCalling callback will not be invoked. Please use try catch to capture errors directly.

    Version 1.2.0 @2022.11.03


    Adaptation to new versions of TUICallEngine SDK.

    Version 1.1.0 @2022.10.21


    During a call, the call page can be displayed in full screen.
    During a call, you can use <TUICallKitMini/> to minimize.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed known issues, improved stability.

    Version 1.0.3 @2022.10.14


    Basic demo adds quick copy UserID, one-click open new window.

    Version 1.0.2 @2022.09.30


    Optimized access documentation, added demonstration images and detailed guides.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the device status bit became invalid when first entering the room.
    Fixed the occasional failure of Icon loading when packaging with webpack.
    Fixed known styling issues.

    Version 1.0.1 @2022.09.26


    Hide the other party's microphone icon during a phone call.

    Bug Fixes

    Fixed the issue where the SDKAppID input box in the basic demo should be numeric.

    Version 1.0.0 @2022.09.23

    Quickly Run Through the TUICallKit Demo
    Quick Integration of TUICallKit
    TUICallKit API
    TUICallKit Customizable Interface Guide
    Frequently Asked Questions About TUICallKit (Web)
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    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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