tencent cloud


React Native

Last updated: 2024-12-17 14:36:39
    This article will guide you on how to quickly run through the Audio and Video Call Demo. By following this document, you can have the Demo up and running in 10 minutes, and ultimately experience an Audio and Video Call feature with a complete UI interface.
    1v1 Video Call
    Group call

    Step 1: Download the demo

    1. Open the terminal and clone the repository.
    git clone https://github.com/Tencent-RTC/TUICallKit.git
    2. Install dependencies.
    cd ./TUICallKit/ReactNative
    yarn install

    Step 2: Configure the demo

    1. Go to the Activate Service page and get the SDKAppID and SDKSecretKey
    2. Fill them in the TUICallKit/ReactNative/src/debug/GenerateTestUserSig-es.js file.

    Step 3: Run the demo

    # TUICallKit/ReactNative
    yarn start

    Step 4: Make the first call

    To experience the complete audio and video calling process, please log into the Demo on two devices as two different users, with one acting as the caller and the other as the callee.
    log in to userID (defined by you).
    Input the callee's userID and click all to experience your first call.
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