tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-09-27 13:00:43

    Description of the Feature

    Conference (TUIRoomKit) supports the in-conference call feature. Users can call other users to join the current conference at any time without prior reservation or scheduling. With the in-conference call feature, users can flexibly invite or remind relevant personnel to participate in the In-conference call, enhancing interactivity and efficiency. This article will provide a detailed introduction to this feature and explain how to use it in the TUIRoomKit component.

    Use Instructions

    Calling Users

    When you are in a conference, you can call users who have not joined the room in the following two ways:

    Method 1: Call users from the member list who have not joined

    In the member list of the room, you will see a title bar named Not Entered. Clicking on Not Entered will show all members who have not currently joined the conference, and you can call these members who have not yet joined.
    The list of users who have not joined includes two types:
    Members who were invited during the conference scheduling but have not joined
    Members who have been called but still have not joined the conference

    Method 2: Call users from the contact list

    By clicking on Invite in the bottom bar > Add Members, you can bring up your own contact list interface and call selected members from it.
    If you need to use this feature, you need to import your own implemented contact list interface based on your business needs in the following way:
    How to experience the call contact list members feature
    First, please refer to Run Sample Code to complete the demo running. In the members.json file of the demo project, we have pre-configured some test user information. You can choose two accounts, log in on two phones respectively using the configured userId, and then in the conference click Invite in the bottom bar > Add Members to bring up the contact list. Select another user from the contact list and click Confirm to make a call. This way, the other user will receive your call.
    How to use the custom contact list
    1. TUIRoomKit linking with the custom contact list: Before calling users in the contact list, you need to set up the custom contact list using the following methods:
    // Replace SelectParticipantActivity.class with the custom contact list activity
    // Replace SelectParticipantActivity.class with the custom contact list activity
    SelectParticipantActivity is an example code for the custom contact list. You can view it in the Demo project (directory: app/src/main/java/com/tencent/liteav/demo/SelectParticipants).
    2. Return the selected user list from the custom contact list to TUIRoomKit: After completing user selection in the contact list, you need to return the selected user list to TUIRoomKit. You can return the data to TUIRoomKit using the following method.
    Intent intent = new Intent();
    // participants is the list of selected users, must be of type ArrayList<User>.
    ConferenceParticipants participants = new ConferenceParticipants();
    // Add your members
    intent.putExtra(SELECTED_PARTICIPANTS, participants);
    setResult(3, intent);
    val intent = Intent()
    // participants is the list of selected users, must be of type ArrayList<User>.
    intent.putExtra(SELECTED_PARTICIPANTS, participants)
    setResult(3, intent)
    How to experience the call contact list members feature
    First, please refer to Run Sample Code to complete the demo running. In the members.json file of the demo project, we have pre-configured some test user information. You can choose two accounts, log in on two phones respectively using the configured userId, and then in the conference click Invite in the bottom bar > Add Members to bring up the contact list. Select another user from the contact list and click Confirm to make a call. This way, the other user will receive your call.
    How to use the custom contact list
    Considering the complexity of the user list data on the Invite Members Page, we have designed a solution that allows you to customize the Member Selection Interface. Next, we will guide you on how to integrate your own Member Selection Page (of course, you can also directly use the UI we provide in the demo, which will be introduced later).
    1. Prepare your friend selection page viewController and implement the ContactViewProtocol protocol.
    // Sample Code
    class SelectMemberViewController: UIViewController, ContactViewProtocol {
    weak var delegate: ContactViewSelectDelegate?
    var selectedList: [User]
    func didSelectFinished() {
    // Through the delegate, call back the selected members to RoomKit in the method where the selection is
    delegate?.onMemberSelected(self, invitees: selectedMembers)
    It is recommended to place a ConferenceParticipants object in the constructor parameters of your Address Book Page, with data sources mentioned in the code of the second step.
    The ConferenceParticipants class has two members:
    selectedList: the selected members;
    unSelectableList: Unselectable members. You can set specific members as unselectable in the UI. During the conference call, unselectable members are those already in the conference.
    2. Before calling users in the contact list before, you need to pass your custom contact list into TUIRoomKit using the following method:
    ConferenceSession.sharedInstance.setContactsViewProvider { participants in
    return SelectMemberViewController(participants: participants)
    3. Following the above two steps, you can display your own contact list page. We also provide the contact list page code in the demo as shown in the image above. You can directly copy these files into your project to obtain our example page.
    In the SelectMembersViewModel class, you can load your member list data (or directly fetch Chat relationship chain data) using the loadMembers method.

    A call was received

    When you receive a call within the app, a page similar to the one below will pop up. You can drag the slider to choose Join now, or click Do not enter for now to decline the call.
    When a user is either in a conference or being called, they will automatically reject all incoming cal

    Feature Customization

    If the current UI doesn't meet your needs, you can achieve your desired UI effects by modifying the source code. To facilitate your UI customization, files related to the in-conference call feature are introduced here.

    Customize the called page view

    If you need a custom view for the called page, please refer to the following path for changes.
    // File Location: Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/view/component/
    // File Location: iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/View/ConferenceOptions/ConferenceInvitation
    └── ConferenceInvitationViewController.swift // Called Page View

    Customize Member list call view

    If you need a custom call view in the member list, please refer to the following path for changes.
    // File Location: Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/view/page/widget/UserControlPanel/
    └── CallUserView.java // Call button in member list
    // File Location: iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Page/Widget/UserControlPanel
    UserControlPanel // Directory of Views Related to Member List
    └── UserListCell.swift // Individual Member View in Member List, Including User Call Status

    Key Code

    Calling Users

    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/blob/main/Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/model/controller/InvitationController.java
    public void inviteUsers(List<UserState.UserInfo> userInfoList, TUIConferenceInvitationManager.InviteUsersCallback callback) {
    Log.d(TAG, "inviteUsers");
    if (userInfoList.isEmpty()) {
    mConferenceInvitationManager.inviteUsers(mRoomState.roomId.get(), getUserIdListFromUserList(userInfoList), INVITE_TIME_OUT_SECONDS, "", new TUIConferenceInvitationManager.InviteUsersCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(Map<String, TUIConferenceInvitationManager.InvitationCode> invitationResultMap) {
    Log.d(TAG, "inviteUsers success");
    if (callback != null) {
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "inviteUsers error=" + error + " message=" + message);
    if (callback != null) {
    callback.onError(error, message);
    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Service/ConferenceInvitationService.swift
    func inviteUsers(roomId: String, userIdList: [String]) -> AnyPublisher<InviteUsersResult, RoomError> {
    return Future<InviteUsersResult, RoomError> { [weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.invitationManager?.inviteUsers(roomId, userIdList: userIdList, timeout: timeout, extensionInfo: "") {dic in
    } onError: { error, message in
    promise(.failure(RoomError(error: error, message: message)))

    Accept Call

    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/blob/main/Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/model/controller/InvitationController.java
    public void accept(String roomId, TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) {
    Log.d(TAG, "accept");
    mConferenceInvitationManager.accept(roomId, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.d(TAG, "accept success");
    if (callback != null) {
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "accept error=" + error + " message=" + message);
    if (callback != null) {
    callback.onError(error, message);
    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Service/ConferenceInvitationService.swift
    func accept(roomId: String) -> AnyPublisher<String, RoomError> {
    return Future<String, RoomError> { [weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.invitationManager?.accept(roomId) {
    } onError: { error, message in
    promise(.failure(RoomError(error: error, message: message)))

    Call denied

    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/model/controller/InvitationController.java
    public void reject(String roomId, TUIConferenceInvitationManager.RejectedReason reason, TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) {
    Log.d(TAG, "reject roomId= " + roomId + " reason=" + reason);
    mConferenceInvitationManager.reject(roomId, reason, new TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback() {
    public void onSuccess() {
    Log.d(TAG, "reject success");
    if (callback != null) {
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "reject error=" + error + " message=" + message);
    if (callback != null) {
    callback.onError(error, message);
    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Service/ConferenceInvitationService.swift
    func reject(roomId: String, reason: TUIInvitationRejectedReason) -> AnyPublisher<String, RoomError> {
    return Future<String, RoomError> { [weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.invitationManager?.reject(roomId, reason: reason) {
    } onError: { error, message in
    promise(.failure(RoomError(error: error, message: message)))

    Get the call list in the room

    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/model/controller/InvitationController.java
    private void getInvitationList() {
    Log.d(TAG, "getInvitationList");
    mConferenceInvitationManager.getInvitationList(mRoomState.roomId.get(), getAttendeeListCursor, SINGLE_FETCH_COUNT, new TUIConferenceInvitationManager.GetInvitationListCallback() {
    public void onSuccess(TUIConferenceInvitationManager.InvitationListResult invitationListResult) {
    Log.d(TAG, "getInvitationList");
    for (TUIConferenceInvitationManager.Invitation invitation : invitationListResult.invitationList) {
    InvitationState.Invitation invitationState = new InvitationState.Invitation();
    invitationState.invitee = new UserState.UserInfo(invitation.invitee);
    invitationState.inviter = new UserState.UserInfo(invitation.inviter);
    invitationState.invitationStatus = invitation.status;
    getInvitationListCursor = invitationListResult.cursor;
    if (!"".equals(getInvitationListCursor)) {
    public void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String message) {
    Log.d(TAG, "getInvitationList onError error=" + error + " message=" + message);
    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Service/ConferenceInvitationService.swift
    func getInvitationList(roomId: String, cursor: String, count: Int = 20) -> AnyPublisher<InvitationfetchResult, RoomError> {
    return Future<InvitationfetchResult, RoomError> { [weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    self.invitationManager?.getInvitationList(roomId, cursor: cursor, count: count) {invitations, cursor in
    promise(.success((invitations, cursor)))
    } onError: { error, message in
    promise(.failure(RoomError(error: error, message: message)))

    User received call listener

    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/Android/tuiroomkit/src/main/java/com/tencent/cloud/tuikit/roomkit/model/ConferenceServiceInitializer.java
    private void initConferenceInvitationObserver() {
    TUIConferenceInvitationManager invitationManager = (TUIConferenceInvitationManager) TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getExtension(TUICommonDefine.ExtensionType.CONFERENCE_INVITATION_MANAGER);
    invitationManager.addObserver(new TUIConferenceInvitationManager.Observer() {
    public void onReceiveInvitation(TUIRoomDefine.RoomInfo roomInfo, TUIConferenceInvitationManager.Invitation invitation, String extensionInfo) {
    if (ConferenceController.sharedInstance().getViewState().isInvitationPending.get()) {
    ConferenceController.sharedInstance().getInvitationController().reject(roomInfo.roomId, REJECT_TO_ENTER, null);
    if (ConferenceController.sharedInstance().getRoomController().isInRoom()) {
    ConferenceController.sharedInstance().getInvitationController().reject(roomInfo.roomId, IN_OTHER_CONFERENCE, null);
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putString("roomId", roomInfo.roomId);
    bundle.putString("conferenceName", roomInfo.name);
    bundle.putString("ownerName", roomInfo.ownerName);
    bundle.putString("inviterName", invitation.inviter.userName);
    bundle.putString("inviterAvatarUrl", roomInfo.ownerAvatarUrl);
    bundle.putInt("memberCount", roomInfo.memberCount);
    TUICore.startActivity("InvitationReceivedActivity", bundle);
    // File Location: TUIRoomKit/iOS/TUIRoomKit/Source/Service/InvitationObserverService.swift
    func onReceiveInvitation(roomInfo: TUIRoomInfo, invitation: TUIInvitation, extensionInfo: String) {
    let store = Container.shared.conferenceStore()
    store.dispatch(action: ConferenceInvitationActions.onReceiveInvitation(payload: (roomInfo, invitation)))
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