FuncList | DESC |
Destroy the TUIRoomEngine instance (singleton mode) | |
After creating a TUIRoomEngine instance, you should login with sdkAppId, userId and userSig then you can call TUIRoomEngine instance and other function. | |
Log out of your account. If you are in the room, there will be active leaving room and destroying resource operations. | |
Update user name and avatar for logged-in user. | |
Return the basic information of the logged-in user, including nickname and avatar. | |
Update user basic information for logged-in user. | |
Set event observer. | |
Remove event observer. | |
Create a room. | |
Dismiss the room. | |
Enter a room. | |
Enter a room. | |
Enter a room. | |
Exit the room. | |
Fetch room information. | |
Fetch room information. | |
Update room name (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Update room seat mode (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Update room password. | |
Get room metadata. | |
Set room metadata, if the key already exists, update its value, if not, add the key. | |
Set the local camera to preview the render view. | |
Open the local camera. | |
Close the local camera. | |
Start publishing local video stream, default enabled. | |
Stop publishing local video stream. | |
Update video encoding quality. | |
Set the video encoding parameters. | |
Set the video resolution mode (horizontal resolution or vertical resolution). | |
Turn on gravity sensing mode. (only availble on mobile OS and the camera capture scene inside the SDK). | |
Start screen sharing (only available on mobile OS). | |
Stop screen sharing. | |
Open local microphone. | |
Close the local microphone. | |
Update audio encoding quality. | |
Pause publishing the local audio stream. | |
Resume publishing the local audio stream. | |
Enable system audio sharing | |
Set the render view for remote user. | |
Start playing the remote user's video stream. | |
Stop playing the remote user's video stream. | |
Mute the remote user's audio stream. | |
Get the list of user in the room. | |
Get user information. | |
Change user role (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Change user nickname in the room (only support to change all user for administrators or room owner, user can only change by self). | |
Kick the remote user out of the room (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Add a tag for the user (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Remove tag for user (only support for room owner). | |
Get user information in the room based on the tag. | |
Set custom information for room users. | |
The owner or administrator control that all users whether can open device. For example: all users are prohibited from opening the microphone(only available in the conference scenario). | |
Request the remote user to open the media device (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Close remote user media devices (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Apply to open the local media device (available to general users). | |
Get seat list. | |
Lock the seat (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Take the seat. | |
Leave the seat. | |
Move to seat. | |
Invite user to take the seat (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Kick off the user from seat (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Get the request list of users who want to take the seat in the room (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Disable the ability of remote users to send messages (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Disable the ability of all users to send messages (only support for administrators or room owner). | |
Cancel request. | |
Response request. | |
Get the TRTC instance object. | |
Set the beauty level. | |
Set whitening level. | |
Get the extension. | |
Get device management class. | |
Get live-connection management class. | |
Get live-battle management class. | |
Call experimental APIs. |
void login | (Context context |
| int sdkAppId |
| String userId |
| String userSig |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
sdkAppId | |
userId | User ID, it is the unique identifier used by Tencent Cloud to distinguish users. |
userSig | The user signature designed by Tencent Cloud based on the UserId, which is used to access Tencent Cloud services. More details, see UserSig |
void logout | (TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
void setSelfInfo | (String userName |
| String avatarURL |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
avatarURL | User avatar URL. |
userName | User name. |
void setSelfInfo | |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
userInfo | Local user information. |
void addObserver |
Param | DESC |
observer | Listening instance. |
void removeObserver |
Param | DESC |
observer | The event observer to be removed. |
void createRoom | |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
roomInfo |
void destroyRoom | (TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
void enterRoom | (String roomId |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
void enterRoom | (String roomId |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
roomType |
void enterRoom | (String roomId |
| |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
options | |
roomId | Room ID. |
roomType |
void exitRoom | (boolean syncWaiting |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
syncWaiting | true: wait for exit request finished, false: exit immediately. |
void fetchRoomInfo | (TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback) |
void fetchRoomInfo | (String roomId |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomInfoCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
roomId | Room ID. |
roomType |
void updateRoomNameByAdmin | (String roomName |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
roomName | Room name. |
void updateRoomSeatModeByAdmin | |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
seatMode | TUISeatModeFreeToTake: Free to take seat mode, users can take the seat without application; TUISeatModeApplyToTake: Apply to take seat mode, users can only take the seat after the owner or administrator approved. |
void updateRoomPasswordByAdmin | (String password |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
password | Room password. |
void getRoomMetadata | (List<String> keys |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetRoomMetadataCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
keys | Room metadata key list, if keys are passed as empty, all metadata will be retrieved. |
void setRoomMetadataByAdmin | (HashMap<String, String> metadata |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
metadata | Key-Value in room metadata. |
void setLocalVideoView | (TUIVideoView view) |
Param | DESC |
view | Render view. |
void openLocalCamera | (boolean isFront |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
isFront | true: front false: rear (only available on mobile OS). |
void updateVideoQuality |
void updateVideoQualityEx | |
Param | DESC |
params | |
streamType |
void setVideoResolutionMode | |
Param | DESC |
resolutionMode | |
streamType |
void enableGravitySensor | (boolean enable) |
Param | DESC |
enable | true: Open false: Close. |
void openLocalMicrophone | |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
quality | Audio quality. |
void updateAudioQuality |
void unmuteLocalAudio | (TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
void enableSystemAudioSharing | (boolean enable) |
void setRemoteVideoView | (String userId |
| |
| TUIVideoView view) |
Param | DESC |
streamType | |
userId | Remote user ID. |
view | Render view. |
void startPlayRemoteVideo | (String userId |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.PlayCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
streamType | |
userId | User ID. |
void stopPlayRemoteVideo | (String userId |
Param | DESC |
streamType | |
userId | User ID. |
void muteRemoteAudioStream | (String userId |
| boolean isMute) |
Param | DESC |
isMute | true: pause pulling remote user's audio stream, false: resume pulling remote user's audio stream. |
userId | User ID. |
void getUserList | (long nextSequence |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetUserListCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
nextSequence | Filling in 0 for the first request, if the returned data of the callback is not zero, paging is required, continue the operation until it is 0. |
void getUserInfo | (String userId |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetUserInfoCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
userId | User ID. |
void changeUserRole | (String userId |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
role | |
userId | User ID. |
void changeUserNameCard | (String userId |
| String nameCard |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
nameCard | User nickname to set, maximum support is 32 bytes |
userId | User ID to change. |
void kickRemoteUserOutOfRoom | (String userId |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
userId | User ID. |
void addCategoryTagForUsers | (int tag |
| List<String> userList |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
tag | Integer type, it is recommended that this value must be greater than or equal to 1000, you can customize it. |
userList | User list. |
void removeCategoryTagForUsers | (int tag |
| List<String> userList |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
tag | Integer type, it is recommended that this value must be greater than or equal to 1000, you can customize it. |
userList | User list. |
void getUserListByTag | (int tag |
| long nextSequence |
| TUIRoomDefine.GetUserListCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
nextSequence | Filling in 0 for the first request, if the returned data of the callback is not zero, paging is required, continue the operation until it is 0. |
tag | Integer type, it is recommended that this value must be greater than or equal to 1000, you can customize it. |
void setCustomInfoForUser | (String userId |
| HashMap<String |
| byte[]> customInfo |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
customInfo | Custom information. |
userId | User userId. |
void disableDeviceForAllUserByAdmin | |
| boolean isDisable |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
device | |
isDisable | true: disable user to open device, false: enable user to open device. |
Request openRemoteDeviceByAdmin | (String userId |
| |
| int timeout |
| TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
device | |
timeout | Timeout time, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not execute timeout detection and will not trigger a timeout callback. |
userId | User ID. |
void closeRemoteDeviceByAdmin | (String userId |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
device | |
userId | User ID. |
Request applyToAdminToOpenLocalDevice | |
| int timeout |
| TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
device | |
timeout | Timeout time, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not execute timeout detection and will not trigger a timeout callback. |
void getSeatList | (TUIRoomDefine.GetSeatListCallback callback) |
void lockSeatByAdmin | (int seatIndex |
| |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
lockParams | Seat lock parameter. More details, see: $TUISeatLockParam$. |
seatIndex | Seat index. |
Request takeSeat | (int seatIndex |
| int timeout |
| TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
seatIndex | Seat index. If the seat is not enabled or the sequence of seats is not concerned, just fill in -1. |
timeout | Timeout time, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not execute timeout detection and will not trigger a timeout callback. |
void leaveSeat | (TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
void moveToSeat | (int targetSeatIndex |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Request takeUserOnSeatByAdmin | (int seatIndex |
| String userId |
| int timeout |
| TUIRoomDefine.RequestCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
seatIndex | Seat index. |
timeout | Timeout time, in seconds. If it is set to 0, the SDK will not execute timeout detection and will not trigger a timeout callback. |
userId | User ID. |
void kickUserOffSeatByAdmin | (int seatIndex |
| String userId |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
seatIndex | Seat index. If the seat is not enabled and the sequence of seats is not concerned, just fill in -1. |
userId | User ID. |
void getSeatApplicationList | (TUIRoomDefine.RequestListCallback callback) |
void disableSendingMessageByAdmin | (String userId |
| boolean isDisable |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable user to send message, false: enable user to send message. |
userId | User ID. |
void disableSendingMessageForAllUser | (boolean isDisable |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
isDisable | true: disable all users to send message, false: enable all users to send message. |
void cancelRequest | (String requestId |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
requestId | Request ID (get from the sent request). |
void responseRemoteRequest | (String requestId |
| boolean agree |
| TUIRoomDefine.ActionCallback callback) |
Param | DESC |
agree | YES: Agree the request, NO: Reject the request. |
requestId | Request ID (get from the sent request or notification of the OnRequestReceived event). |
void setBeautyLevel | (int beautyStyle |
| float beautyLevel) |
Param | DESC |
beautyLevel | Beauty level, the value range is 0 - 9; 0 indicates to disable the filter, and 9 indicates the most obvious effect. |
beautyStyle | Beauty style: TXBeautyStyleSmooth: Smooth; TXBeautyStyleNature: Natural; TXBeautyStylePitu: Pitu style. |
void setWhitenessLevel | (float whitenessLevel) |
Param | DESC |
whitenessLevel | Whitening level, ranging from 0 - 9; 0 indicates to disable the filter, and 9 indicates the most obvious effect. |
Object getExtension |
Param | DESC |
extensionType |
Object callExperimentalAPI | (String jsonStr) |
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