tencent cloud



Last updated: 2025-01-22 16:10:43

    Create Instance And Event Callback

    Create TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)
    Terminate TRTCCloud instance (singleton mode)
    Add TRTC event callback
    Remove TRTC event callback
    Set the queue that drives the TRTCCloudListener event callback

    Room APIs

    Enter room
    Exit room
    Switch role
    Switch room
    Request cross-room call
    Exit cross-room call
    Set subscription mode (which must be set before room entry for it to take effect)
    Create room subinstance (for concurrent multi-room listen/watch)
    Terminate room subinstance

    CDN APIs

    Publish a stream
    Modify publishing parameters
    Stop publishing

    Video APIs

    Enable the preview image of local camera (mobile)
    Update the preview image of local camera
    Stop camera preview
    Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
    Set placeholder image during local video pause
    Subscribe to remote user's video stream and bind video rendering control
    Update remote user's video rendering control
    Stop subscribing to remote user's video stream and release rendering control
    Stop subscribing to all remote users' video streams and release all rendering resources
    Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
    Pause/Resume subscribing to all remote users' video streams
    Set the encoding parameters of video encoder
    Set network quality control parameters
    Set the rendering parameters of local video image
    Set the rendering mode of remote video image
    Enable dual-channel encoding mode with big and small images
    Switch the big/small image of specified remote user
    Screencapture video
    Sets perspective correction coordinate points.
    Set the adaptation mode of gravity sensing (version 11.7 and above)

    Audio APIs

    Enable local audio capturing and publishing
    Stop local audio capturing and publishing
    Pause/Resume publishing local audio stream
    Pause/Resume playing back remote audio stream
    Pause/Resume playing back all remote users' audio streams
    Set audio route
    Set the audio playback volume of remote user
    Set the capturing volume of local audio
    Get the capturing volume of local audio
    Set the playback volume of remote audio
    Get the playback volume of remote audio
    Enable volume reminder
    Start audio recording
    Stop audio recording
    Start local media recording
    Stop local media recording
    Set the parallel strategy of remote audio streams
    Enable 3D spatial effect
    Update self position and orientation for 3D spatial effect
    Update the specified remote user's position for 3D spatial effect
    Set the maximum 3D spatial attenuation range for userId's audio stream

    Device management APIs

    Get device management class (TXDeviceManager)

    Beauty filter and watermark APIs

    Get beauty filter management class (TXBeautyManager)
    Add watermark

    Background music and sound effect APIs

    Get sound effect management class (TXAudioEffectManager)
    Enable system audio capturing
    Stop system audio capturing(iOS not supported)

    Screen sharing APIs

    Start screen sharing
    Stop screen sharing
    Pause screen sharing
    Resume screen sharing
    Set the video encoding parameters of screen sharing (i.e., substream) (for desktop and mobile systems)

    Custom capturing and rendering APIs

    Enable/Disable custom video capturing mode
    Deliver captured video frames to SDK
    Enable custom audio capturing mode
    Deliver captured audio data to SDK
    Enable/Disable custom audio track
    Mix custom audio track into SDK
    Set the publish volume and playback volume of mixed custom audio track
    Generate custom capturing timestamp
    Set video data callback for third-party beauty filters
    Set the callback of custom rendering for local video
    Set the callback of custom rendering for remote video
    Set custom audio data callback
    Set the callback format of audio frames captured by local mic
    Set the callback format of preprocessed local audio frames
    Set the callback format of audio frames to be played back by system
    Enabling custom audio playback
    Getting playable audio data

    Custom message sending APIs

    Use UDP channel to send custom message to all users in room
    Use SEI channel to send custom message to all users in room

    Network test APIs

    Start network speed test (used before room entry)
    Stop network speed test

    Debugging APIs

    Get SDK version information
    Set log output level
    Enable/Disable console log printing
    Enable/Disable local log compression
    Set local log storage path
    Set log callback
    Display dashboard
    Set dashboard margin
    Call experimental APIs

    Encrypted interface

    Enable or disable private encryption of media streams

    Error and warning events

    Error event callback
    Warning event callback

    Room event callback

    Whether room entry is successful
    Room exit
    Role switching
    Result of room switching
    Result of requesting cross-room call
    Result of ending cross-room call
    Result of changing the upstream capability of the cross-room anchor

    User event callback

    A user entered the room
    A user exited the room
    A remote user published/unpublished primary stream video
    A remote user published/unpublished substream video
    A remote user published/unpublished audio
    The SDK started rendering the first video frame of the local or a remote user
    The SDK started playing the first audio frame of a remote user
    The first local video frame was published
    The first local audio frame was published
    Change of remote video status
    Change of remote audio status
    Change of remote video size

    Callback of statistics on network and technical metrics

    Real-time network quality statistics
    Real-time statistics on technical metrics
    Callback of network speed test

    Callback of connection to the cloud

    The SDK was disconnected from the cloud
    The SDK is reconnecting to the cloud
    The SDK is reconnected to the cloud

    Callback of hardware events

    The camera is ready
    The mic is ready
    The audio route changed (for mobile devices only)

    Callback of the receipt of a custom message

    Receipt of custom message
    Loss of custom message
    Receipt of SEI message

    CDN event callback

    Started publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
    Stopped publishing to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
    Started publishing to non-Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN
    Stopped publishing to non-Tencent Cloud’s live streaming CDN
    Set the layout and transcoding parameters for On-Cloud MixTranscoding
    Callback for starting to publish
    Callback for modifying publishing parameters
    Callback for stopping publishing
    Callback for change of RTMP/RTMPS publishing status

    Screen sharing event callback

    Screen sharing started
    Screen sharing was paused
    Screen sharing was resumed
    Screen sharing stopped

    Callback of local recording and screenshot events

    Local recording started
    Local media is being recorded
    Record fragment finished.
    Local recording stopped
    Finished taking a local screenshot

    Disused callbacks

    An anchor entered the room (disused)
    An anchor left the room (disused)
    Audio effects ended (disused)
    Result of server speed testing (disused)

    Callback of custom video processing

    Custom video rendering
    An OpenGL context was created in the SDK.
    Video processing by third-party beauty filters
    The OpenGL context in the SDK was destroyed

    Callback of custom audio processing

    Audio data captured by the local mic and pre-processed by the audio module
    Audio data captured by the local mic, pre-processed by the audio module, effect-processed and BGM-mixed
    Audio data of each remote user before audio mixing
    Data mixed from each channel before being submitted to the system for playback
    Data mixed from all the captured and to-be-played audio in the SDK
    In-ear monitoring data

    Other event callbacks

    Printing of local log

    Background music preload event callback

    Background music preload progress
    Background music preload error

    Callback of playing background music

    Background music started.
    Playback progress of background music
    Background music ended

    Voice effect APIs

    Enabling in-ear monitoring
    Setting in-ear monitoring volume
    Setting voice reverb effects
    Setting voice changing effects
    Setting speech volume
    Setting speech pitch

    Background music APIs

    Setting the background music callback
    Starting background music
    Stopping background music
    Pausing background music
    Resuming background music
    Setting the local and remote playback volume of background music
    Setting the remote playback volume of a specific music track
    Setting the local playback volume of a specific music track
    Adjusting the pitch of background music
    Changing the speed of background music
    Getting the playback progress (ms) of background music
    Getting the total length (ms) of background music
    Setting the playback progress (ms) of background music
    Adjust the speed change effect of the scratch disc
    Setting music preload callback
    Preload background music
    Get the number of tracks of background music
    Specify the playback track of background music

    beauty interface

    Sets the beauty (skin smoothing) filter algorithm.
    Sets the strength of the beauty filter.
    Sets the strength of the brightening filter.
    Enables clarity enhancement.
    Sets the strength of the rosy skin filter.
    Sets color filter.
    Sets the strength of color filter.
    Sets green screen video
    Sets the strength of the eye enlarging filter.
    Sets the strength of the face slimming filter.
    Sets the strength of the chin slimming filter.
    Sets the strength of the chin lengthening/shortening filter.
    Sets the strength of the face shortening filter.
    Sets the strength of the face narrowing filter.
    Sets the strength of the nose slimming filter.
    Sets the strength of the eye brightening filter.
    Sets the strength of the teeth whitening filter.
    Sets the strength of the wrinkle removal filter.
    Sets the strength of the eye bag removal filter.
    Sets the strength of the smile line removal filter.
    Sets the strength of the hairline adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the eye distance adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the eye corner adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the mouth shape adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the nose wing narrowing filter.
    Sets the strength of the nose position adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the lip thickness adjustment filter.
    Sets the strength of the face shape adjustment filter.
    Selects the AI animated effect pendant.
    Sets whether to mute during animated effect playback.

    Device APIs

    Querying whether the front camera is being used
    Switching to the front/rear camera (for mobile OS)
    Getting the maximum zoom ratio of the camera (for mobile OS)
    Setting the camera zoom ratio (for mobile OS)
    Querying whether automatic face detection is supported (for mobile OS)
    Enabling auto focus (for mobile OS)
    Adjusting the focus (for mobile OS)
    Enabling/Disabling flash, i.e., the torch mode (for mobile OS)
    Setting the audio route (for mobile OS)
    Set the exposure parameters of the camera, ranging from - 1 to 1
    Set camera acquisition preferences

    Disused APIs

    Setting the system volume type (for mobile OS)

    Disused APIs

    Set TRTC event callback
    Set the strength of beauty, brightening, and rosy skin filters.
    Set the strength of eye enlarging filter
    Set the strength of face slimming filter
    Set the strength of chin slimming filter
    Set the strength of chin lengthening/shortening filter
    Set the strength of face shortening filter
    Set the strength of nose slimming filter
    Set animated sticker
    Mute animated sticker
    Set color filter
    Set the strength of color filter
    Set green screen video
    Set reverb effect
    Set voice changing type
    Enable or disable in-ear monitoring
    Enable volume reminder
    Switch camera
    Query whether the current camera supports zoom
    Set camera zoom ratio (focal length)
    Query whether the device supports flash
    Enable/Disable flash
    Query whether the camera supports setting focus
    Set the focal position of camera
    Query whether the device supports the automatic recognition of face position
    Setting the system volume type (for mobile OS)
    Query whether a certain audio capability is supported (only for Android)
    Set sound quality
    Start displaying remote video image
    Stop displaying remote video image and pulling the video data stream of remote user
    Set the rendering mode of local image
    Set the clockwise rotation angle of local image
    Set the mirror mode of local camera's preview image
    Set the fill mode of substream image
    Set the clockwise rotation angle of remote image
    Start displaying the substream image of remote user
    Stop displaying the substream image of remote user
    Set the fill mode of substream image
    Set the clockwise rotation angle of substream image
    Set sound quality
    Specify whether to view the big or small image
    Set mic volume
    Start background music
    Stop background music
    Stop background music
    Stop background music
    Get the total length of background music in ms
    Set background music playback progress
    Set background music volume
    Set the local playback volume of background music
    Set the remote playback volume of background music
    Play sound effect
    Set sound effect volume
    Stop sound effect
    Stop all sound effects
    Set the volume of all sound effects
    Pause sound effect
    Pause sound effect
    Enable custom video capturing mode
    Deliver captured video data to SDK
    Pause/Resume publishing local video stream
    Pause/Resume subscribing to remote user's video stream
    Screencapture video
    Start network speed test (used before room entry)
    Start screen sharing
    Set the direction of image output by video encoder
    Set the mirror mode of image output by encoder
    Set the adaptation mode of G-sensor
    Start publishing audio/video streams to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
    Stop publishing audio/video streams to Tencent Cloud CSS CDN
    Start publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN
    Stop publishing audio/video streams to non-Tencent Cloud CDN
    Set the layout and transcoding parameters of On-Cloud MixTranscoding
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