API | Description |
Login. | |
Logout. | |
To make a one-on-one call, supports custom room ID, call timeout, offline push content, and more. | |
To make a group call, supports custom room ID, call timeout, offline push content, and more. | |
Join a group call. | |
Customize user's ringtone. | |
Set your own nickname and profile photo. | |
Turn On/Off Ringtone. | |
Set Screen Orientation. | |
Listen to TUICallKit events | |
Cancel listening to TUICallKit events |
TUICallKit.login({sdkAppId: 0,userId: '',userSig: '',},(res) => {console.log('login success');},(errCode, errMsg) => {console.log('login error');});
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
sdkAppId | Number | |
userId | String | Customers define their own User ID based on their business. You can only include letters (a-z, A-Z), digits (0-9), underscores, and hyphens. |
userSig | String |
TUICallKit.login((res) => {console.log('login success', res);},(errCode, errMsg) => {console.log('login error', errCode, errMsg);});
TUICallKit.call({userId: calleeID,mediaType: MediaType.Audio,callParams: {offlinePushInfo: {title: '',desc: '',},},},() => {console.log('call success');},() => {console.log('call error');});
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
userId | String | target user's userId |
mediaType | The media type of the call, such as video call, voice call. MediaType.Audio: Voice Call. MediaType.Video: Video Call. | |
callParams | call extension parameters include room number, call invitation timeout, offline push custom content, etc. |
TUICallKit.groupCall({userIdList: userIDList,mediaType: MediaType.Audio,groupId: '',},(res) => {console.log('groupCall success', res);},(errCode, errMsg) => {console.log('groupCall error', errCode, errMsg);});
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
groupId | String | The group ID. |
userIdList | Array<String> | The target user IDs. |
mediaType | The media type of the call, such as video call, voice call MediaType.Audio: Voice Call. MediaType.Video: Video Call. | |
callParams | call extension parameters, for example: room number, call invitation timeout, custom content for offline push, etc. |
TUICallKit.joinInGroupCall({roomId: '',groupId: '',mediaType: '',});
.String filePath = '';TUICallKit.setCallingBell(filePath);
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
filePath | String | Ringtone file address |
Boolean enable = trueTUICallKit.enableMuteMode(enable);
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
enable | Boolean | Enable/Disable Ringtone. Default is false. |
Boolean enable = trueTUICallKit.enableVirtualBackground(enable);
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
enable | Boolean | enable = true Show blurry background button enable = false Do not show blurry background button |
Number orientation = 0TUICallKit.setScreenOrientation(orientation);
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
orientation | Number | orientation = 0 : Portrait display. orientation = 1 : Landscape display. orientation = 2 : Automatically select the best display mode based on the current state of the device. |
TUICallKit.on(TUICallEvent.onCallReceived, (res: any) => {console.log('onUserReject userId=' + res.userId);});
Parameter | Type | Meaning |
type | String | For the events you are listening to with TUICallKit, please refer to the event list in TUICallEvent . |
params | Any |
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