tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-08-21 11:16:24

    Are there discounts for high-demand customers?

    If your monthly spending on TRTC services exceeds 3,000 USD, you can contact us for contractual discounts.

    How are TRTC services billed?

    TRTC offers basic services and value-added services. For details about their billing, see Billing Overview. We provide users with a 10,000-minute free package each month.

    Price calculator

    You can use the TRTC Price Calculator to estimate your cost.

    How do I view my bills and transaction history?

    You can view your bills and transaction history in Billing Center > Bill Details.

    How do I view the details of my billable durations?

    Real-time durations: You can find a usage graph and view your usage details in Usage Statistics of the TRTC console. If you select a single day, the page will show usage statistics on a 5-minute basis. If you select multiple days, it will show usage statistics on a daily basis. The statistics are accurate to the minute.
    Billable durations: You can download an Excel file of your billable durations in Tencent Cloud’s billing center. The file shows your usage on a 5-minute as well as daily basis. The statistics are accurate to the second.
    Real-time usage statistics may be slightly different from the durations you are actually billed for. In case of conflicts, the statistics in your bills shall apply.

    How do I view the remaining minutes in my package?

    Durations are deducted from your package in real time, and the number of remaining minutes in your package is updated every 5 minutes. You can view your remaining minutes in Package Management.

    Given that billable durations are calculated in seconds and rounded up to the nearest minute, will more minutes than I actually use be deducted from my package?

    No. Deductions are based on your cumulative usage in a day. Below is an example of how deductions work:
    Calculation Period
    Period Usage
    Cumulative Usage
    Cumulative Billable Duration
    Period Deduction
    Cumulative Deduction
    00:00:00 - 00:04:59
    30 sec
    30 sec
    1 min
    1 min
    1 min
    00:05:00 - 00:09:59
    20 sec
    50 sec
    1 min
    0 min
    1 min
    00:10:00 - 00:14:59
    40 sec
    90 sec
    2 min
    1 min
    2 min

    How do I estimate my usage of TRTC services and the cost?

    You can use the TRTC Price Calculator to estimate your usage and cost.

    Why does a video call or video streaming session generate audio durations?

    In most cases, if a user subscribes to a stream, they receive both audio and video data. However, in cases where the sender’s camera is turned off, the recipient disables remote video or encounters a network problem, or there is only one user in the room, the user will receive no video data. To reduce your expenses, TRTC bills a period during which a user does not receive video data as audio duration.

    How are free Audio & Video Minutes and free MAU calculated in multiple subscription packages with the same SDKAppID?

    The calculation of our audio and video hours and MAUs with the same SDKAppID follows an aggregation logic. If you purchase multiple products such as Chat, Live, Call or Conference, the resources in each product package are added together. For example, if you have purchased the Live Standard package for the same SDKAppID, which includes 10,000 free MAUs and 300,000 free audio/video minutes, and the Call 1v1 package, which includes 5,000 free MAUs and 100,000 free audio/video minutes, you have 15,000 free MAUs and 100,000 free audio/video minutes for the same month. If you have purchased the Call 1v1 package, which includes 5000 free MAUs and 100,000 free minutes, your free MAUs for the month will be 15,000 and your free minutes will be 400,000.

    How is MAU (Monthly Active Users) calculated?

    MAU calculates the number of unique users that log in to app in a given month. After a user logs in successfully by calling the login function of the SDK to establish a persistent connection with the backend, MAU will be increased by one. A user that logs in repeatedly in the same month is considered as one user only for MAU. Use the login function appropriately according to business scenarios to avoid an excessively high MAU. In addition, if a user simultaneously uses Chat, Live, Call, or any combination of the products, they will only be counted once as one MAU.

    How is screen sharing billed?

    Screen sharing data is published as a separate stream. If a user receives a screen sharing stream, the user’s duration will be billed as video duration.

    How is relaying to CDN billed?

    TRTC leverages the capabilities of CSS to relay streams to CDNs. CSS charges you according to the billing rules described in CDN Relayed Live Streaming.

    Are fees charged if there is only one user in a room?

    A room with only one user consumes TRTC’s resources, even if no streams are pushed (no upstream data). The only user in a room cannot subscribe to other users’ streams and therefore won’t receive video data. As a result, the duration is billed as audio duration.

    Why is my service status "Disabled"?

    Overdue payments will lead to service suspension. The services will be resumed automatically after you make the payment.
    If you manually disabled an application, you can click Enable Application to resume TRTC services for the application.

    When purchasing Call, why can't I find the application(SDKAppId) I want to select?

    Currently, TRTC purchase page only supports purchasing Prepaid applications in the Chat Singapore Data Center. Other types of application purchase methods are as follows:
    If your application is a pay-as-you-go Chat application, you can refer to the Purchase Guide to proceed with the purchase.
    If your application is a Prepaid Chat application, but not in the Chat Singapore Data Center, you can go to the Chat purchase page, select the corresponding data center and application within the page, then check "Audio/Video call", and choose the Call version to purchase.
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