tencent cloud



Last updated: 2022-03-10 09:48:45
    This document describes how to enter a room as audience and start co-anchoring. The process of entering a room and publishing streams as an anchor in live streaming scenarios is the same as that in call scenarios. Please see Real-Time Audio/Video Call.


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    Step 1. Create a client object

    Create a client object using TRTC.createClient(). Set the parameters as follows:
    mode: TRTC mode, which should be set to live
    sdkAppId: the sdkAppId you obtain from Tencent Cloud
    userId: user ID
    userSig: user signature
    const client = TRTC.createClient({
    mode: 'live',

    Step 2. Enter a room as audience

    Call Client.join() to enter a TRTC room. Below are the request parameters:
    roomId: room ID
    role: role
    anchor (default): users in the role of “anchor” can publish local streams and play remote streams.
    audience. Users in the role of “audience” can play remote streams but cannot publish local streams. To co-anchor and publish local streams, audience must switch the role to anchor using Client.switchRole().
    // Enter a room as audience
    .join({ roomId, role: 'audience' })
    .then(() => {
    console.log('Entered room successfully');
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to enter room' + error);

    Step 3. Play a live stream

    1. After receiving client.on('stream-added'), which is used to listen for remote streams, call Client.subscribe() to subscribe to the remote stream.
    To ensure that you are notified when a remote user enters the room, please subscribe to the client.on('stream-added') callback before you call Client.join() to enter the room.
    client.on('stream-added', event => {
    const remoteStream = event.stream;
    console.log('New remote stream:' + remoteStream.getId());
    // Subscribe to the remote stream
    client.on('stream-subscribed', event => {
    const remoteStream = event.stream;
    console.log('Subscribed to remote stream successfully:' + remoteStream.getId());
    // Play the remote stream
    remoteStream.play('remote_stream-' + remoteStream.getId());
    2. In the callback that indicates successful subscription to a remote stream, call Stream.play() to play the stream on a webpage. The play method allows a parameter that is a div element ID. The SDK will create an audio/video tag in the div element and play the stream on it.
    client.on('stream-subscribed', event => {
    const remoteStream = event.stream;
    console.log('Subscribed to remote stream successfully:' + remoteStream.getId());
    // Play the remote stream
    remoteStream.play('remote_stream-' + remoteStream.getId());

    Step 4. Co-anchor

    Step 4.1. Switch roles

    Call Client.switchRole() to switch the role to anchor.
    .then(() => {
    // Role switched to “anchor” successfully
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to switch role' + error);

    Step 4.2. Co-anchor

    1. Call TRTC.createStream() to create a local audio/video stream. In the example below, the audio/video stream is captured by the camera and mic. The parameters include:
    userId: ID of the user to whom the local stream belongs
    audio: whether to enable audio
    video: whether to enable video
    const localStream = TRTC.createStream({ userId, audio: true, video: true });
    2. Call LocalStream.initialize() to initialize the local audio/video stream.
    .then(() => {
    console.log('Local stream initialized successfully');
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to initialize local stream' + error);
    3. Play the local stream after it is initialized
    .then(() => {
    console.log('Local stream initialized successfully');
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to initialize local stream' + error);
    4. Call Client.publish() to publish the local stream and start co-anchoring.
    .then(() => {
    console.log('Local stream published successfully');
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to publish local stream' + error);

    Step 5. Exit the room

    Call Client.leave() to exit the room. The live streaming session ends.
    .then(() => {
    // Exited room successfully
    .catch(error => {
    console.error('Failed to leave room' + error);
    The value of appScene must be the same on each client. Inconsistent appScene may cause unexpected problems.
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