tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-08-30 17:15:33

    Component Introduction

    The Co-Host function is a real-time interactive communication method, specially tailored for anchors. It allows anchors from different rooms to achieve real-time interaction and communication during the live broadcast. The connection function of TUILiveKit can support up to 9 people in a single room to connect at the same time, providing powerful technical support for anchor interaction, knowledge sharing, cultural exchange, e-commerce training and other scenarios. It not only provides anchors with a variety of interactive methods, but also brings a richer and deeper viewing experience to the audience, thereby creating more surprises and value for both parties and making live broadcasts more attractive.
    two-way connection
    multi-way connection

    Instructions for Use

    Co-Host a Live

    Click Co-Host Button
    Select Host for Co-Host
    Co-Host successful

    Invited to Co-Host

    Receives the invitation
    Accepts the invitation

    Custom Functionality

    Replace Recommendation List Source

    The recommended list data source in TUILiveKit by default uses getRecommendedList to retrieve the live stream list. If you need to use a custom recommended list, you can refer to the example code below to replace the corresponding recommended list data.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/ConnectionService.swift
    func getRecommendedList(cursor: String, count: Int = 20) -> AnyPublisher<(String, [TUILiveInfo]), InternalError> {
    return Future<(String,[TUILiveInfo]), InternalError> { [weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    guard let listManager = roomEngine.getExtension(extensionType: .liveListManager) as? TUILiveListManager else {
    promise(.failure(InternalError(error:TUIError.failed, message: String.localized("live.error.failed"))))
    listManager.fetchLiveList(cursor: cursor, count: count) { responseCursor, responseLiveList in
    let liveList = responseLiveList.filter { info in
    return LiveIdentityGenerator.shared.getIDType(info.roomInfo.roomId) == .live
    promise(.success((responseCursor, liveList)))
    } onError: { error, message in
    promise(.failure(InternalError(error: error, message: message)))

    Custom Co-Host Panel UI

    If you need to customize the Co-Host panel UI, recommendation list UI, or connected list UI, please refer to the following paths for changes.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/View/LiveRoom/View/Anchor/LivingView/Connection
    ├── ConnectionManagerPanel.swift // Co-host panel view
    ├── ConnectionUserCell.swift // Recommendation list and connection list reuse Cell view style
    └── ConnectionUserTableHeaderView.swift // Co-host panel header view style

    Custom Video View UI

    If you need to customize the Co-Host video view UI, please refer to the following paths for changes.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/View/LiveRoom/View/Common/Video/Component/RenderView.swift
    class RenderView: UIView {
    func constructViewHierarchy() {
    // View hierarchy construction
    func activateConstraints() {
    //View layout

    Key Code


    The TUILiveKit anchor connection function is mainly implemented based on ConnectionService. You can get the connection management class through store.serviceCenter.connectionService, and then call the connection-related APIs. Taking the co-host between anchors A and B as an example, the specific interaction sequence can be found in the figure below.

    Anchor A initiates a co-host

    Anchor A initiates a co-host by calling requestConnection and passing in the room id of anchor B to be connected in the parameter roomIdList.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/ConnectionService.swift
    func requestConnection(roomIdList:[String], extensionInfo: String) -> AnyPublisher<[String:TUIConnectionCode], InternalError> {
    return Future<[String:TUIConnectionCode], InternalError> {[weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    connectionManager.requestConnection(roomIdList: roomIdList, timeout: 10, extensionInfo: extensionInfo) { result in
    var connectionResult:[String:TUIConnectionCode] = [:]
    result.forEach { (key: String, value: NSNumber) in
    connectionResult[key] = TUIConnectionCode(rawValue: value.intValue) ?? .unknown
    } onError: { err, message in
    let error = InternalError(error: err, message: message)
    Anchor A can receive the request approval callback through onConnectionRequestAccept.

    Anchor B receives a co-host request

    Anchor B receives the connection request callback through onConnectionRequestReceived.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/EngineServiceCenter.swift
    func onConnectionRequestReceived(inviter: TUIConnectionUser, inviteeList: [TUIConnectionUser], extensionInfo: String) {
    guard let store = self.store else { return }
    store.dispatch(action: ConnectionActions.onConnectionRequestReceived(payload: (inviter, inviteeList, extensionInfo)))
    Anchor B accepts the connection request by calling accept .
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/ConnectionService.swift
    func accept(roomId:String) -> AnyPublisher<Void, InternalError>{
    return Future<Void, InternalError> {[weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    connectionManager.acceptConnection(roomId) {
    } onError: { err, message in
    let error = InternalError(error: err, message: message)
    Streamers A, B, and the audience in the room receive the onConnectionUserListChanged callback and are notified of changes to the co-host list.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/EngineServiceCenter.swift
    func onConnectionUserListChanged(connectedList: [TUIConnectionUser], joinedList: [TUIConnectionUser], leavedList: [TUIConnectionUser]) {
    guard let store = self.store else { return }
    store.dispatch(action: ConnectionActions.onConnectionUserListChanged(payload: connectedList))


    Take the example of host B disconnects, the interaction sequence can be referred to in the figure below.
    Anchor B calls disconnect to exit the co-host.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/ConnectionService.swift
    func disconnect() -> AnyPublisher<Void, InternalError>{
    return Future<Void, InternalError> {[weak self] promise in
    guard let self = self else { return }
    connectionManager.disconnect {
    } onError: { err, message in
    let error = InternalError(error: err, message: message)
    Streamers A, B, and the audience in the room receive the onConnectionUserListChanged callback and are notified of changes to the co-host list.
    // File Path:iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Service/EngineServiceCenter.swift
    func onConnectionUserListChanged(connectedList: [TUIConnectionUser], joinedList: [TUIConnectionUser], leavedList: [TUIConnectionUser]) {
    guard let store = self.store else { return }
    store.dispatch(action: ConnectionActions.onConnectionUserListChanged(payload: connectedList))
    ConnectionService is implemented based on TUILiveConnectionManager. If you need to extend the connection function, please refer to the document: TUILiveConnectionManager.
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