Room list component | Watch live streaming | Mic connection with the host |
| | |
log in to is successful.<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><RelativeLayout xmlns:android=""android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="match_parent"><FrameLayoutandroid:id="@+id/fl_live_list"android:layout_width="match_parent"android:layout_height="match_parent" /></RelativeLayout>
onto the XML definition layout, you can display the Room List.public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {@Overrideprotected void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);setContentView(R.layout.app_activity_main);FragmentManager fragmentManager = getSupportFragmentManager();FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = fragmentManager.beginTransaction();TUILiveListFragment listFragment = new TUILiveListFragment();fragmentTransaction.add(, listFragment);fragmentTransaction.commit();}}
log in to is successful.//// MainViewController.swift//import UIKitimport TUILiveKit@objc private func buttonTapped(_ sender: UIButton) {// Enter Room Listlet liveListViewController = TUILiveListViewController()self.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true)}
//// MainViewController.m//#import <TUILiveKit/TUILiveKit-Swift.h>- (void)buttonTapped:(UIButton *)sender {// Enter Room ListTUILiveListViewController *liveListViewController = [[TUILiveListViewController alloc] init];[self.navigationController pushViewController:liveListViewController animated:true];}
component of TUILiveKit.import 'package:tencent_live_uikit/tencent_live_uikit.dart';......return Scaffold(body: SizedBox(width: _screenWidth,height: double.infinity,child: LiveListWidget(), // Adding the room list component LiveListWidget of TUILiveKit in your own widget tree),);
// File Location: Android/tuilivekit/src/Main/java/com/trtc/uikit/livekit/common/uicomponent/
roomlist // Directory for the implementation of the Live Room List Component├── service // Service layer directory for the Live Room List Component│ └── // Specific implementation of the service layer in the Live Room List Component, encapsulating APIs related to the live room list├── store // Data layer directory for the Live Room List Component│ └── // Data encapsulation class for the Live Room List Component└── view // View layer directory for the Live Room List Component├── adapter // Adapter directory for the view layer of the Live Room List Component│ ├── // Adapter for adding pull-to-load-more feature to the live room list adapter of the Live Room List Component│ └── // Live room list adapter for the Live Room List Component├── // Streaming page triggered by clicking on a specific live room in the Live Room List Component└── // Implementation of live room list view in the Live Room List
// File Location: iOS/TUILiveKit/Sources/Component/LiveList/├── LiveList // Directory for implementation of the Live Room List Component│ ├── Service // Service Layer Directory for the Live Room List Component│ │ └── LiveListService.swift // Concrete implementation of the Service Layer for the Live Room List Component, encapsulating APIs related to the live room list│ ├── Store // Data Layer Directory for the Live Room List Component│ │ ├── LiveListActions.swift // Event Definition Class for the Live Room List Component, defining all events related to the live list│ │ ├── LiveListReducer.swift // Event Response Class for the Live Room List Component, triggered when events occur, used to listen to and modify data related to the live list│ │ ├── LiveListSelectors.swift // Data Selector Class for the Live Room List Component, retrieving values from the data source│ │ ├── LiveListState.swift // Data Definition Class for the Live Room List Component, defining all data models related to the live list│ │ └── LiveListStore.swift // Data Driver and Event Dispatch Protocol Class for the Live Room List Component│ └── View // View Layer Directory for the Live Room List Component│ ├── LiveListCell.swift // Custom Cell for the Live Room List Component│ └── LiveListRootView.swift // Root View for the Live Room List Component
// File location: Flutter/lib/common/ui_component/room_list // Directory for the implementation of the Live Room List Component├── service // Service layer directory for the Live Room List Component│ └── // Specific implementation of the service layer for the Live Room List Component, encapsulating APIs related to the live room list├── store // Data layer directory for the Live Room List Component│ └── // Specific encapsulation class for the data of the Live Room List Component└── view // View Layer Directory for the Live Room List Component└── // Implementation of the Live Room List View for the Live Room List Component
// File Location: Android/tuilivekit/src/Main/java/com/trtc/uikit/livekit/common/uicomponent/roomlist/service/
// File Location: iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Component/LiveList/Service/LiveListService.swiftlet listManager = roomEngine.getExtension(extensionType: .liveListManager) as? TUILiveListManager
// File Location:TUILiveKit/Flutter/lib/common/ui_component/room_list/service/
late final TUILiveListManager _liveListManager = TUIRoomEngine.sharedInstance().getExtension(TUIExtensionType.liveListManger);
// File Location: Android/tuilivekit/src/Main/java/com/trtc/uikit/livekit/common/uicomponent/roomlist/service/RoomListService.javaprivate static final int FETCH_LIST_COUNT = 20;public String cursor = "";mTUILiveListManager.fetchLiveList(cursor, FETCH_LIST_COUNT, new LiveInfoListCallback() {@Overridepublic void onSuccess(LiveInfoListResult result) {}@Overridepublic void onError(TUICommonDefine.Error error, String s) {}});
// File Location: iOS/TUILiveKit/Source/Component/LiveList/Service/LiveListService.swiftfunc getLiveList(cursor: String, count: Int = 20) -> AnyPublisher<(String, [TUILiveInfo]), InternalError> {return Future<(String,[TUILiveInfo]), InternalError> { [weak self] promise inguard let self = self else { return }guard let listManager = roomEngine.getExtension(extensionType: .liveListManager) as? TUILiveListManager else {promise(.failure(InternalError(error:TUIError.failed, message: "getRoomListFailed")))return}listManager.fetchLiveList(cursor: cursor, count: count) { cursor, liveInfoList inpromise(.success((cursor, liveInfoList)))} onError: { error, message inpromise(.failure(InternalError(error: error, message: message)))}}.eraseToAnyPublisher()}
// File Location:TUILiveKit/Flutter/lib/common/ui_component/room_list/service/
room_list_service.dartFuture<void> _fetchLiveList() async {final String cursor = roomListState.cursor;TUIValueCallBack<TUILiveListResult> result = await _liveListManager.fetchLiveList(cursor, fetchListCount);if (result.code != TUIError.success) {ErrorHandler.onError(result.code);roomListState.loadStatus.value = false;roomListState.refreshStatus.value = false;roomListState.isHaveMoreData.value = false;} else {final liveListResult = as TUILiveListResult;roomListState.liveInfoList.value = liveListResult.liveInfoList;roomListState.cursor = liveListResult.cursor;roomListState.loadStatus.value = false;roomListState.refreshStatus.value = false;roomListState.isHaveMoreData.value = liveListResult.cursor.isNotEmpty;}
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