Parameter | Metric Name | Description | Unit | Dimension | Statistical Period |
CpuUtil | CPU utilization | The average CPU utilization | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CpuMaxUtil | Max CPU utilization of node | The maximum among all node (shard or replica) CPU utilizations in an instance | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
MemUsed | Used memory | The actually used memory capacity, including the capacity for data and cache | MB | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
MemUtil | Memory utilization | The ratio of the actually used memory to the requested total memory | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
MemMaxUtil | Max memory utilization of node | The maximum among all node (shard or replica) memory utilizations in an instance | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Keys | Total keys | The total number of keys (level-1 keys) stored in the instance | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Expired | Expired keys | The number of keys expired in a time window, which is equal to the value of expired_keys output by the info command | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Evicted | Evicted keys | The number of keys evicted in a time window, which is equal to the value of evicted_keys output by the info command | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Connections | Connections | The number of TCP connections to the instance | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ConnectionsUtil | Connection utilization | The ratio of the number of TCP connections to the maximum number of connections | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InFlow | Inbound traffic | The private network inbound traffic | Mb/s | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InBandwidthUtil | Inbound traffic utilization | The ratio of the actually used private inbound traffic to the maximum traffic | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InFlowLimit | Inbound traffic limit count | The number of times inbound traffic triggers a traffic limit | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutFlow | Outbound traffic | The private network outbound traffic | Mb/s | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutBandwidthUtil | Outbound traffic utilization | The ratio of the actually used private outbound traffic to the maximum traffic | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutFlowLimit | Outbound traffic limit count | The number of times outbound traffic triggers a traffic limit | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyAvg | Average execution latency | The average execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyMax | Max execution latency | The maximum execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyRead | Average read latency | The average execution latency of read commands between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyWrite | Average write latency | The average execution latency of write commands between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyOther | Average latency of other commands | The average execution latency of commands (excluding write and read commands) between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Commands | Total requests | The QPS, that is, the number of command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdRead | Read requests | The number of read command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdWrite | Write requests | The number of write command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdOther | Other requests | The number of command (excluding write and read commands) executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdBigValue | Big value requests | The number of executions of requests larger than 32 KB per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdKeyCount | Key requests | The number of keys accessed by a command per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdMget | MGET requests | The number of MGET commands executed per second | Count/sec | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdSlow | Slow queries | The number of command executions with a latency greater than the configured slowlog-log-slower-than value | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdHits | Read request hits | The number of keys successfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_hits metric output by the info command | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdMiss | Read request misses | The number of keys unsuccessfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_misses metric output by the info command | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdErr | Execution errors | The number of command execution errors. For example, the command does not exist, or parameters are incorrect. | - | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdHitsRatio | Read request hit rate | Key hits/(key hits + key misses). This metric reflects cache misses. | % | instanceid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Parameter | Metric Name | Description | Unit | Dimension | Statistical Period |
QpsCommand | Command executions per second | The number of commands executed per second | % | instanceid, command | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyAvgCommand | Average execution latency | The average execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | % | instanceid, command | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyMaxCommand | Max execution delay | The maximum execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | % | instanceid, command | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyP99Command | P99 latency | The P99 execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | % | instanceid, command | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Parameter | Metric Name | Description | Unit | Dimension | Statistical Period |
CpuUtilProxy | CPU utilization | The CPU utilization of the proxy | % | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CommandsProxy | Total requests | The number of proxy commands executed per second | Count/sec | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdKeyCountProxy | Key requests | The number of keys accessed by a command per second | Count/sec | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdMgetProxy | MGET requests | The number of MGET commands executed per second | Count/sec | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdErrProxy | Execution errors | The number of proxy command execution errors. For example, the command does not exist, or parameters are incorrect. | - | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdBigValueProxy | Big value requests | The number of executions of requests larger than 32 KB per second | Count/sec | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ConnectionsProxy | Connections | The number of TCP connections to the instance | - | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ConnectionsUtilProxy | Connection utilization | The ratio of the number of TCP connections to the maximum number of connections | % | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InFlowProxy | Inbound traffic | The private network inbound traffic | Mb/s | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InBandwidthUtilProxy | Inbound traffic utilization | The ratio of the actually used private inbound traffic to the maximum traffic | % | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
InFlowLimitProxy | Inbound traffic limit count | The number of times inbound traffic triggers a traffic limit | - | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutFlowProxy | Outbound traffic | The private network outbound traffic | Mb/s | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutBandwidthUtilProxy | Outbound traffic utilization | The ratio of the actually used private outbound traffic to the maximum traffic | % | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
OutFlowLimitProxy | Outbound traffic limit count | The number of times outbound traffic triggers a traffic limit | - | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyAvgProxy | Average execution latency | The average execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyMaxProxy | Max execution latency | The maximum execution latency between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyReadProxy | Average read latency | The average execution latency of read commands between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyWriteProxy | Average write latency | The average execution latency of write commands between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
LatencyOtherProxy | Average latency of other commands | The average execution latency of commands (excluding write and read commands) between the proxy and the Redis server | ms | instanceid, pnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Parameter | Metric Name | Description | Unit | Dimension | Statistical Period |
CpuUtilNode | CPU utilization | The average CPU utilization | % | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ConnectionsNode | Connections | The number of connections from the proxy to the node | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ConnectionsUtilNode | Connection utilization | The utilization of node connections | % | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
MemUsedNode | Used memory | The actually used memory capacity, including the capacity for data and cache | MB | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
MemUtilNode | Memory utilization | The ratio of the actually used memory to the requested total memory | % | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
KeysNode | Total keys | The total number of keys (level-1 keys) stored in the instance | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ExpiredNode | Expired keys | The number of keys expired in a time window, which is equal to the value of expired_keys output by the info command | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
EvictedNode | Evicted keys | The number of keys evicted in a time window, which is equal to the value of evicted_keys output by the info command | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
ReplDelayNode | Replication delay | The command delay between the replica node and the master node | Byte | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CommandsNode | Total requests | The QPS, that is, the number of command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdReadNode | Read requests | The number of read command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdWriteNode | Write requests | The number of write command executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdOtherNode | Other requests | The number of command (excluding write and read commands) executions per second | Count/sec | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdSlowNode | Slow queries | The number of command executions with a latency greater than the configured slowlog-log-slower-than value | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdHitsNode | Read request hits | The number of keys successfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_hits metric output by the info command | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdMissNode | Read request misses | The number of keys unsuccessfully requested by read commands, which is equal to the value of the keyspace_misses metric output by the info command | - | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
CmdHitsRatioNode | Read request hit rate | Key hits/(key hits + key misses). This metric reflects cache misses. | % | instanceid, rnodeid | 5s, 60s, 300s, 3600s, 86400s |
Parameter | Dimension | Description | Format |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | instanceid | Dimension name of the instance ID | Enter a string-type dimension name: instanceid |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | instanceid | Specific instance ID | Enter a specific Redis instance ID, such as tdsql-123456 , which can be queried through the DescribeInstances API and can also be an instance string such as crs-ifmymj41 . |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | rnodeid | Dimension name of the Redis node ID | Enter a string-type dimension name: rnodeid |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value | rnodeid | Specific Redis node ID | |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | pnodeid | Dimension name of the proxy node ID | Enter a string-type dimension name: pnodeid |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value | pnodeid | Specific proxy node ID | |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | command | Dimension name of the command word | Enter a string-type dimension name: command |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Value | command | Specific command word | Enter a specific command word, such as ping and get |
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