Scoring Metric | Scoring Rules | Percentage |
Page error rate (page errors/page opens) | 1. If the error rate is not greater than 0.5%, the score will be 100. 2. If the error rate ranges from 0.5% to 10%, the score will be 100 - 10 * error rate. 3. If the error rate is not less than 10%, the score will be 0. | 30% |
Average page open duration | 1. If the duration is not greater than 1,000 ms, the score will be 100. 2. If the duration is greater than 1,000 ms by N 100 ms, the score will be 100 - 10 * N, and the lowest score can be 0. | 10% |
API success rate (successful API access requests/total access requests) | Same as the rules for the page error rate. | 30% |
Average API access duration | Same as the rules for the average page open duration. | 5% |
Static resource request success rate (successful static resource requests/total requests) | Same as the rules for the page error rate. | 20% |
Average static resource request duration | Same as the rules for the average page open duration. | 5% |
Metric Name | Green | Orange | Red | Gray |
firstScreenTime | Duration ≤ 1000 ms | 1000 ms ≤ duration ≤ 3000 ms | Duration > 3000 ms | Information loss |
JavaScript error rate | Error rate ≤ 0.5% | 0.5% < error rate < 10% | Error rate ≥ 10% | Information loss |
API success rate | Success rate > 99.5% | 90% ≤ success rate ≤ 99.5% | Success rate < 90% | Information loss |
Static resource success rate | Success rate > 99.5% | 90% ≤ success rate ≤ 99.5% | Success rate < 90% | Information loss |
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