tencent cloud


Aerospike Exporter Integration

Last updated: 2024-12-13 11:29:51


    The Aerospike Exporter is a Prometheus metrics exporter for Aerospike databases, enabling users to monitor and collect performance metrics and statistics from Aerospike. It provides real-time monitoring of the health, performance, and load of Aerospike clusters, assisting in troubleshooting, performance optimization, and capacity planning. By exporting these metrics to Prometheus, users can leverage Prometheus’ powerful features for data visualization, alarming, and analysis. Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP) Prometheus offers Aerospike Exporter integration and pre-configured Grafana monitoring dashboards.

    Connection Method

    Method 1: One-Click Installation (Recommended)

    Operation Steps

    1. Log in to the TMP console.
    2. Select the corresponding Prometheus instance from the instance list.
    3. Go to the instance details page, select Data Collection > Integration Center.
    4. In the Integration Center, locate and click Aerospike to open an installation window. On the installation page, enter details such as the metric collection name and address, then click Save.

    Configuration Instructions

    Exporter name, which should meet the following requirements:
    The name should be unique.
    The name should conform to the following regular expression: '^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$'.
    The domain name of the Aerospike database.
    The port of the Aerospike database.
    The username of the Aerospike database.
    The password of the Aerospike database.
    Custom labels for metrics.

    Method 2: Custom Installation

    TKE is recommended for convenient installation and management of the Exporter.


    A TKE cluster has been created in the region and VPC of the corresponding Prometheus instance, and a namespace has been created for the cluster.
    In the TMP console, select the corresponding Prometheus instance, and in Data Collection > Integration with TKE, locate the corresponding container cluster to complete the cluster association. For details, see the guide on Integration with TKE.

    Operation Steps

    Step 1: Deploying the Exporter
    1. Log in to the TKE console.
    2. Click Cluster in the left sidebar.
    3. Click the ID/name of the cluster whose access credential is required to go to the management page of the cluster.
    4. Follow these steps to complete the Exporter deployment: Deploy Exporter Configuration > Deploy Aerospike Exporter > Verify.
    Step 2: Deploying Exporter Configuration
    1. In the left menu, choose Workload > Deployment to access the Deployment management page.
    2. Click Create YAML in the upper right corner of the page to create a YAML file, and select the corresponding namespace for server deployment. The following part shows how to deploy the Exporter by using a YAML file. Sample configurations are as follows:
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
    name: aerospike-secret-test # Adjust to the corresponding name based on business requirements.
    namespace: aerospike-demo # Adjust to the corresponding namespace based on business requirements.
    type: Opaque
    ape.toml: |-
    # metrics server timeout in seconds
    timeout = 30
    # support system statistics also
    refresh_system_stats = true
    # prometheus binding port
    bind = ":8080" # Expose the metric port.
    db_host = "" # Adjust to the corresponding IP or domain name based on business requirements.
    db_port = 3000 # Adjust to the corresponding port based on business requirements.
    user = "admin" # Adjust to the corresponding username based on business requirements.
    password = "admin" # Adjust to the corresponding password based on business requirements.
    # timeout for sending commands to the server node in seconds
    timeout = 30
    gauge_stats_list.toml: |-
    # This file represents a list of metrics which are treated as Gauges while exporting to Prometheus or some other Observability tool.
    # to know more about these stats, please visit https://docs.aerospike.com
    # SETS: below section define all Sets stats which are treated as Gauges
    sets_gauge_stats = [
    # 7.0 changes
    # XDR: below section define all XDR stats which are treated as Gauges
    xdr_gauge_stats = [
    # Sindex: below section define all Sindex stats which are treated as Gauges
    sindex_gauge_stats = [
    "histogram", # removed in server6.0
    "ibtr_memory_used", # removed in server6.0
    "keys", # removed in server6.0
    "loadtime", # removed in server6.0
    "memory_used", # deprecated in server6.3 version and replaced by used_bytes
    "nbtr_memory_used", # removed in server6.0
    "query_basic_avg_rec_count", # removed in server6.0
    "used_bytes", # added in server6.3 represents memory used by data (aka memory_used)
    # Node: below section define all Node stats which are treated as Gauges
    node_gauge_stats = [
    # 4.x XDR stats
    # Namespace: below section define all Namespace stats which are treated as Gauges
    namespace_gauge_stats =[
    # added in 7.0
    # System Info Gauge metrics list
    system_info_gauge_stats = [
    Step 3: Deploying Aerospike Exporter
    1. In the left menu, choose Workload > Deployment to access the Deployment management page.
    2. Click Create YAML in the upper right corner of the page to create a YAML file, and select the corresponding namespace for server deployment. The following part shows how to deploy the Exporter by using a YAML file. Sample configurations are as follows:
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    k8s-app: aerospike-exporter # Adjust to the corresponding name based on business requirements. It is recommended to include information about the Aerospike instance.
    name: aerospike-exporter # Adjust to the corresponding name based on business requirements. It is recommended to include information about the Aerospike instance.
    namespace: aerospike-demo # Adjust to the corresponding namespace based on business requirements.
    replicas: 1
    k8s-app: aerospike-exporter # Adjust to the corresponding name based on business requirements. It is recommended to include information about the Aerospike instance.
    k8s-app: aerospike-exporter # Adjust to the corresponding name based on business requirements. It is recommended to include information about the Aerospike instance.
    - name: sec
    defaultMode: 420
    secretName: aerospike-secret-test # Corresponds to the configuration name in step 2.
    - name: aerospike-exporter
    image: ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/rig-agent/common-image:aerospike-exporter-1.18.0
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    - containerPort: 8080 # Corresponds to the metric export port configured in step 2.
    name: metrics
    port: metrics
    port: metrics
    - mountPath: /etc/aerospike-prometheus-exporter
    name: sec
    readOnly: true
    Step 4: Verification
    1. Click the Deployment created in the previous step on the Deployment page to go to the Deployment management page.
    2. Click the Log tab. If no error messages are displayed, the setup is successful, as shown below:
    3. Click the Pod tab to enter the Pod page.
    4. Click Remote login under the operation bar on the right to log in to the Pod. In the command-line window, execute the following wget command for the address exposed by the Exporter to retrieve the corresponding Aerospike metrics. If no data is retrieved, check whether the connection string is correct. Details are as follows:
    wget -qO- http://localhost:8080/metrics
    The successful outcome is shown in the following figure:
    Step 5: Adding a Collection Task
    1. Log in to the TMP console and select the corresponding Prometheus instance to go to the management page.
    2. In Data Collection > Integrate with TKE, select the associated cluster, and select Data Collection Configuration > Customize Monitoring Configuration > Via YAML to add a collection task.
    3. Add a PodMonitor via service discovery to define the collection task. The YAML example is as follows:
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: PodMonitor
    name: aerospike-exporter # Enter a unique name.
    namespace: cm-prometheus # Pay-as-you-go instance: Use the namespace of the cluster. Monthly subscription instance (no longer available): The namespace is fixed. Do not change it.
    - interval: 30s
    port: metric-port # Enter the port of the Prometheus Exporter in the Pod YAML file.
    path: /metrics # Enter the path of the Prometheus Exporter. Default value: /metrics.
    - action: replace
    - instance
    regex: (.*)
    targetLabel: instance
    replacement: 'crs-xxxxxx' # Replace with the corresponding Aerospike instance ID.
    namespaceSelector: # Select the namespace where the Aerospike Exporter pod to be monitored is located.
    - aerospike-demo
    selector: # Enter the labels of the Pod to be monitored to locate the target Pod.
    k8s-app: aerospike-exporter

    Viewing Monitoring Information


    The Prometheus instance has been bound to a Grafana instance.

    Operation Steps

    1. Log in to the TMP console and select the corresponding Prometheus instance to go to the management page.
    2. On the Basic Information page of the instance, locate the bound Grafana address. Open and log in, then navigate to the Aerospike folder to find the monitoring dashboard for the Aerospike instance. View the relevant monitoring data for the instance, as shown below:

    Configuring Alarm

    TMP supports configuring alarm rules based on the actual business situation. For details, see Creating Alarm Rules.

    Appendix: Key Configuration Items in the Aerospike Exporter Configuration File

    Agent Configuration Items

    Metric export port. The default port is 9145.
    Certificate file used for signing.
    Certificate file used for signing.
    Certificate file used for signing.
    Username for HTTP authentication.
    Password for HTTP authentication.
    Timeout for metric fetching.
    Custom tags.
    Enables system data collection.

    Aerospike Configuration Items

    The domain name or IP of the Aerospike database.
    The service port of the Aerospike database.
    Aerospike verification mode. The default value is internal. The default values include external, internal, pki, and "".
    The username of the Aerospike database.
    The password of the Aerospike database.
    Connection timeout for the Aerospike database.
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