tencent cloud


Apache Exporter Integration

Last updated: 2024-10-24 17:53:57


    Apache Exporter is a tool used for collecting data on Apache HTTP server metrics. The data of core metrics reported by the Exporter can used to trigger alarms and is displayed on the monitoring dashboard. TMP on Tencent Cloud Observability Platform (TCOP) provides the Apache Exporter connection feature and an out-of-the-box Grafana monitoring dashboard.
    To ensure the Exporter can collect data, make sure the Apache HTTP server is running. For details, see this document.

    Connection Method

    Method 1: One-Click Installation (Recommended)


    1. Log in to TMP Console.
    2. Select the corresponding Prometheus instance from the instance list.
    3. Go to the instance details page, select Data Collection > Integration Center.
    4. Search for Apache in the integration center, and click it to pop up the installation window.
    5. On the Installation tab of the pop-up window, fill in the metric name, address, path, and other information, and click Save.
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.

    Configuration Instructions

    Exporter name, which should meet the following requirements:
    The name should be unique.
    The name should conform to the following regular expression: '^[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*$'.
    Address of the connected Apache HTTP server.
    Path for viewing the Apache HTTP Server Status page. Default value: /server-status.
    user name
    Username for accessing the Apache HTTP server.
    Password for accessing the Apache HTTP server.
    Custom labels for metrics.

    Method 2: Custom Installation

    TKE is recommended for convenient installation and management of the Exporter.


    A TKE cluster has been created in the region and VPC of the corresponding Prometheus instance, and a namespace has been created for the cluster.
    In the TMP Console > select the corresponding Prometheus instance > Data Collection > Integrate with TKE to find the corresponding container cluster and complete the cluster association operation. See the guide Associate Cluster for reference.


    Step 1: Enabling the mod_status Module of the Apache Server
    For TKE-related operations, see the TKE documentation.
    The Apache Exporter collects data via the mod_status module of the Apache server. Therefore, you need to ensure that the mod_status module is enabled for the Apache server. The specific steps are as follows:
    1. Log in to the TKE console.
    2. Click Cluster in the left sidebar, find the cluster where the Apache server is located, enter the cluster, and find the Apache server.
    3. If no ConfigMap is configured in the Apache server, log in to the Apache server, copy the configuration files such as httpd.conf, mime.types, and extra/httpd-info.conf in the configuration directory, create a ConfigMap, and add the configuration files to the ConfigMap. For ConfigMap-related operations, see ConfigMap Management.
    4. In httpd.conf, delete the comment for the line LoadModule status_module modules/mod_status.so (remove that part starting with #). If extra-related configurations exist for the server, enable them in httpd.conf by deleting corresponding comments. Example:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.
    5. Modify httpd-info.conf as required and enable ExtendedStatus. If no extra-related configuration exists, modify httpd.conf directly. Example:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.
    6. Verify whether the mod_status module is enabled by accessing the /server-status path of the server. If data is returned normally, the module is enabled successfully. Example:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.
    Step 2: Deploying the Exporter
    1. Log in to the TKE console.
    2. Click Cluster in the left sidebar.
    3. Click the ID/name of the cluster whose access credential is required to go to the management page of the cluster.
    4. Following the steps below to deploy the Apache Exporter and verify the deployment status.
    Step 3: Deploying the Apache Exporter
    1. Choose Workload > Deployment in the left sidebar to enter the Deployment page.
    2. Click Create via YAML in the upper right corner of the page to create a YAML file, and select the corresponding namespace for server deployment. The following part shows how to deploy the Exporter by using a YAML file. Sample configurations are as follows:
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    k8s-app: apache-exporter # Use the actual name based on the business needs. It is recommended to include the information on the corresponding Prometheus instance.
    name: apache-exporter # Use the actual name based on the business needs. It is recommended to include the information on the corresponding Prometheus instance.
    namespace: apache-demo # Use the actual name based on the business needs.
    replicas: 1
    k8s-app: apache-exporter # Use the actual name based on the business needs. It is recommended to include the information on the corresponding Prometheus instance.
    k8s-app: apache-exporter # Use the actual name based on the business needs. It is recommended to include the information on the corresponding Prometheus instance.
    - args:
    - --web.listen-address=:9117
    - --scrape_uri= # Use the address of the corresponding Prometheus instance based on business needs.
    image: ccr.ccs.tencentyun.com/rig-agent/common-image:apache-exporter-v1.0.7
    name: apache-exporter
    - containerPort: 9117
    name: metric-port
    terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
    terminationMessagePolicy: File
    dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
    - name: qcloudregistrykey
    restartPolicy: Always
    schedulerName: default-scheduler
    securityContext: {}
    terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
    1. Click the Deployment created in the previous step on the Deployment page to go to the Deployment management page.
    2. Click the Log tab. The Exporter is started, and the corresponding access address is exposed, as shown below:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.
    3. Click the Pod tab to enter the Pod page.
    4. Click Remote Login in the operation bar to log in to the Pod. Execute the following curl command in the command line window to access the exposed address. In this way, data of corresponding Apache server metrics can be collected. If no data is collected, check if the connection string is correct. The command is as follows:
    curl localhost:9117/metrics
    The successful outcome is shown in the following figure:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.
    Step 4: Adding a Collection Task
    1. Log in to the TMP console and select the corresponding Prometheus instance to go to the management page.
    2. Choose Data Collection > Integrate with TKE, select the associated cluster, and choose Data Collection Configuration > Customize Monitoring Configuration > Via YAML to add a collection task.
    3. Add a PodMonitor via service discovery to define the collection task. The YAML example is as follows:
    apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
    kind: PodMonitor
    name: apache-exporter # Enter a unique name.
    namespace: cm-prometheus # Pay-as-you-go instance: Use the namespace of the cluster. Monthly subscription instance (no longer available): The namespace is fixed. Do not change it.
    - interval: 30s
    port: metric-port # Enter the port of the Prometheus Exporter in the Pod YAML file.
    path: /metrics # Enter the path of the Prometheus Exporter. Default value: /metrics.
    - action: replace
    - instance
    regex: (.*)
    targetLabel: instance
    replacement: 'crs-xxxxxx' # Enter the information on the corresponding Prometheus instance.
    namespaceSelector: # Select the namespace where the Pod to be monitored is located.
    - apache-demo
    selector: # Enter the labels of the Pod to be monitored to locate the target Pod.
    k8s-app: apache-exporter

    Viewing Monitoring Information


    The Prometheus instance has been bound to a Grafana instance.


    1. Log in to the TMP console and select the corresponding Prometheus instance to go to the management page.
    2. Choose Data Collection > Integration Center, find the Apache Exporter, and install the corresponding Grafana dashboard to display related monitoring data, as shown below:
    Search for the required CAM policy as needed, and click to complete policy association.

    Configure Alarm

    TMP supports configuring alert rules based on the actual business situation. For details, see Creating Alerting Rules.

    Appendix: Data Collection Parameters of Apache Exporter

    Global Configuration Parameters

    Path for exposing metrics. Default value /metrics.
    URL of the Apache Server Status page. Default value: http://localhost/server-status/?auto.
    String for overriding the HTTP Host request header. A null string indicates that the header is not overridden.
    Ignore the server certificate if HTTPS is used.
    Add custom headers to the Exporter.
    Use a systemd socket listener instead of a port listener (Linux only).
    Listening address. Default value: 9117.
    Configuration file path. TLS or authentication can be enabled. (This parameter is used for testing.)
    Log level. Default value: info.
    Log message output format. Valid values: logfmt and json. Default value: logfmt.
    Printed version information.
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