Parameter | Metric Name | Unit | Description | Dimension |
NodeCpuIdle | CPU utilization_idle | % | Percentage of CPU idle time | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuIrq | CPU utilization_irq | % | Percentage of interrupts | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuNice | CPU utilization_nice | % | Percentage of CPU utilization under the nice priority | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuSteal | CPU utilization_steal | % | Percentage of wait time by virtual CPUs for physical CPUs | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuSoftirq | CPU utilization_softirq | % | Percentage of CPU soft interrupts | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuGuest | CPU utilization_guest | % | Percentage of time spent running virtual processors | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuSystem | CPU utilization_system | % | CPU utilization in the kernel state | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuUser | CPU utilization_user | % | CPU utilization in the user state | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuIowait | CPU utilization_iowait | % | Percentage of CPU idleness due to process I/O waits | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuLoad1m | Load_1m | - | 1-minute load | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuLoad5m | Load_5m | - | 5-minute load | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuLoad15m | Load_15m | - | 15-minute load | id4nodecpu, host4nodecpu |
NodeCpuCountCpuCount | Number of cores_cpu_count | Count | Number of CPU cores | id4nodecpu,
host4nodecpu |
Parameter | Metric Name | Unit | Description | Dimension |
NodeMemMemtotal | Memory usage_MemTotal | GB | Total memory size | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemMemfree | Memory usage_MemFree | GB | Total free memory size | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemBuffers | Memory usage_Buffers | GB | Total memory size used by buffers | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemCached | Memory usage_Cached | GB | Total memory size used by the file cache | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemSwapcached | Memory usage_SwapCached | GB | Total swap memory size used by anonymous page writes | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemSwapfree | Memory usage_SwapFree | GB | Total available swap size | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemAnonpages | Memory usage_AnonPages | GB | Total unmapped memory size | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemSwaptotal | Memory usage_SwapTotal | GB | Total swap size | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemDirty | Memory usage_Dirty | GB | Total memory size to be written to the disk | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemWriteback | Memory usage_Writeback | GB | Total memory size being written back to the disk | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemHard warecorrupted | Memory usage_HardwareCorrupted | GB | Total unavailable memory size due to memory hardware failure | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemShmem | Memory usage_Shmem | GB | Total shared memory size | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
NodeMemPercent AvailablePercent | Percentage of used memory_available_percent | % | Percentage of available memory size out of the total memory | host4nodememory, id4nodememory |
NodeMemPercent UsedPercent | Percentage of used memory_used_percent | % | Percentage of used memory size out of the total memory | host4nodememory,
id4nodememory |
Parameter | Metric Name | Unit | Description | Dimension |
NodeNetworkTcp ListenExtListendrops | TCPLISTEN Exceptions_ListenDrops | Connections/s | Number of incoming connections (SYN packets) dropped for any reason | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpListen ExtListenoverflows | TCPLISTEN Exceptions_ListenOverflows | Occurrences/s | Number of occurrences where the upper limit of the Accept queue is exceeded after the last step of the three-way handshake is completed | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpSyncookies Syncookiesfailed | TCPSyncookies_Syn cookiesFailed | Packets/s | Number of packets received with invalid SYN Cookie information | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpSyncookies Syncookiesrecv | TCPSyncookies_Syn cookiesRecv | Packets/s | Number of packets received with valid SYN Cookie information | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpSyncookies Syncookiessent | TCPSyncookies_Syn cookiesSent | Packets/s | Number of SYN/ACK packets sent through SYN Cookie | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbort Tcpabortontimeout | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbort OnTimeout | Connections/s | Number of connections closed because the attempts of the retransmissions of various timers (RTO/PTO/keepalive) exceeded the upper limit | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbort Tcpabortondata | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbort OnData | Sockets/s | Number of sockets closed due to receiving unknown data | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbort Tcpabortonclose | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbort OnClose | Sockets/s | Number of sockets closed when the user-mode program has data in the buffer | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbort Tcpabortonmemory | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbort OnMemory | Connections/s | Number of connections closed due to memory issues | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbor Tcpabortonlinger | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbort OnLinger | Connections/s | Number of connections suspended in the lingering state after being closed | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpAbort Tcpabortfailed | TCP connection exception Abort_TCPAbortFailed | Times/s | Number of failed attempts to close connections | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpState Activeopens | Established TCP connections _ActiveOpens | Connections/s | Number of actively established TCP connections | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp StateCurrestab | Established TCP connections _CurrEstab | Connections/s | Number of TCP connections currently established | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpState Passiveopens | Established TCP connections _PassiveOpens | Connections/s | Number of passively established TCP connections | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp StateAttemptfails | Established TCP connections _AttemptFails | Connections/s | Number of connection establishment failures | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp StateEstabresets | Established TCP connections _EstabResets | Connections/s | Number of reset connections | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketStatInsegs | TCP data packets _InSegs | Packets/s | Number of received packets, including erroneous ones | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketStatOutsegs | TCP data packets _OutSegs | Packets/s | Number of sent data packets | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketStatRetranssegs | TCP data packets _RetransSegs | Packets/s | Number of received TCP packets | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketStatInerrs | TCP data packets _InErrs | Packets/s | Number of retransmitted packets | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketStatOutrsts | TCP data packets _OutRsts | Packets/s | Number of sent RST packets | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpPacketRate Retranssegsrate | TCP retransmission rate _RetransSegsRate | % | Retransmission rate at the TCP layer | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp PacketRateResetrate | TCP retransmission rate _ResetRate | % | RESET sending frequency | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpPacket RateInerrrate | TCP retransmission rate _InErrRate | % | Percentage of erroneous packets | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpTimeWaitTw | TCPTIME-WAIT_TW | Sockets/s | Number of sockets ending the TIME_WAIT state after normal timeout | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp TimeWaitTwkilled | TCPTIME-WAIT_TWKilled | Sockets/s | Number of sockets ending the TIME_WAIT state through the tcp_tw_recycle mechanism | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpTime WaitTwrecycled | TCPTIME-WAIT_TWRecycled | Sockets/s | Number of sockets ending the TIME_WAIT state through the tcp_tw_reuse mechanism | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcptimeouts | TCPRTO_TCPTimeouts | Timeouts/s | Number of first RTO timer timeouts | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcpspuriousrtos | TCPRTO_TCPSpur iousRTOs | Timeouts/s | Number of spurious timeouts detected through the F-RTO mechanism | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcplossprobes | TCPRTO_TCPLoss Probes | Packets/s | Number of Tail Loss Probe (TLP) packets sent due to Probe Timeout (PTO) | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcplossproberecovery | TCPRTO_TCPLoss ProbeRecovery | Packets/s | Number of lost packets just repaired by TLP probes | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcprenorecoveryfail | TCPRTO_TCPReno RecoveryFail | Connections/s | Number of connections that enter the Recovery phase and then undergo RTO (SACK option not supported by the opposite) | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcprenorecoveryfail | TCPRTO_TCPReno RecoveryFail | Connections/s | Number of connections that enter the Recovery phase and then undergo RTO (SACK option supported by the opposite) | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcprenofailures | TCPRTO_TCPReno Failures | Failures/s | Number of connections that enter the TCP_CA_Disorder phase and then undergo RTO (SACK option not supported by the opposite) | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRtoStat Tcpsackfailures | TCPRTO_TCPSack Failures | Connections/s | Number of connections that enter the TCP_CA_Disorder phase and then undergo RTO (SACK option supported by the opposite) | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp RtoStatTcplossfailures | TCPRTO_TCPLoss Failures | Connections/s | Number of connections that enter the TCP_CA_Loss phase and then undergo RTO timeout | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRto ConstRtoalgorithm | TCPRTO Constant_RtoAlgorithm | Algorithms/s | Number of delayed algorithms for forwarding unanswered objects | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp RtoConstRtomax | TCPRTO Constant_RtoMax | Retransmissions/s | Maximum number of retransmissions due to TCP delay | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp RtoConstRtomin | TCPRTO Constant_RtoMin | Retransmissions/s | Minimum number of retransmissions due to TCP delay | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRetrans Tcplostretransmit | TCP retransmissions _TCPLostRetransmit | Retransmissions/s | Number of SKB retransmissions due to loss | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRetrans Tcpfastretrans | TCP retransmissions _TCPFastRetrans | Retransmissions/s | Number of fast SKB retransmissions | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRetrans Tcpforwardretrans | TCP retransmissions _TCPForwardRetrans | Retransmissions/s | Number of regular SKB retransmissions | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRetrans Tcpslowstartretrans | TCP retransmissions _TCPSlowStart Retrans | Retransmissions/s | Number of SKB retransmissions with successful slow starts | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcpRetrans Tcpretransfail | TCP retransmissions _TCPRetransFail | Failures/s | Number of failed retransmission attempts | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkUdp DgIndatagrams | UDP datagrams _InDatagrams | Datagrams/s | Number of sent UDP datagrams | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
INodeNetworkUdpDg Outdatagrams | UDP datagrams _OutDatagrams | Datagrams/s | Number of received UDP datagrams | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkRwBytes Eth0TransmitBytes | ENI data receiving and sending rate _eth0-transmit_bytes | MB/s | Volume of data sent by ENI | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkPackets Eth0ReceiveDrop | ENI data packet rate _eth0-receive_drop | Packets/s | Volume of data received and then dropped by ENI | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkPackets Eth0ReceiveErrs | ENI data packet rate _eth0-receive_errs | Packets/s | Volume of data failed to be received by ENI | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkPackets Eth0TransmitDrop | ENI data packet rate _eth0-transmit_drop | Packets/s | Volume of data sent and then dropped by ENI | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkPackets Eth0TransmitErrs | ENI data packet rate _eth0-transmit_errs | Packets/s | Volume of data failed to be sent by ENI | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkPackets Eth0TransmitPackets | ENI data packet rate _eth0_transmit_packets | Packets/s | Number of packets sent by ENI | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp SocketTcpInuse | TCP sockets _TCP_inuse | Count | Number of TCP sockets in use (listening) | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp SocketTcpOrphan | TCP sockets _TCP_orphan | Count | Number of TCP connections waiting to be closed | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetwork TcpSocketTcpTw | TCP sockets _TCP_tw | Count | Number of TCP sockets to be destroyed | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp SocketSocketsUsed | TCP sockets _sockets_used | Count | Number of users using TCP sockets | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp SocketTcpAlloc | TCP sockets _TCP_alloc | Count | Number of TCP sockets allocated (established, obtained sk_buff) | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateEstablished | TCP connection status _ESTABLISHED | Count | Number of TCP connections in the Established state | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateSynSent | TCP connection status _SYN-SENT | Count | Number of TCP connections in the SYN-SENT state | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateSynRecv | TCP connection status _SYN-RECV | Count | Number of TCP connections in the SYN-RECV state | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateClose | TCP connection status _CLOSE | Count | Number of TCP connections in the CLOSE state | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateCloseWait | TCP connection status _CLOSE-WAIT | Count | Number of TCP connections in the CLOSE-WAIT state | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateListen | TCP connection status _LISTEN | Count | Number of TCP connections in the LISTEN state | host4nodenetwork, id4nodenetwork |
NodeNetworkTcp ConnectionStateClosing | TCP connection status _CLOSING | Count | Number of TCP connections in the CLOSING state | host4nodenetwork,
id4nodenetwork |
Parameter | Metric Name | Unit | Description | Dimension |
NodeFdFilefdAllocated | File handles_allocated | Count | Number of allocated file handles | host4nodefilehandle, id4nodefilehandle |
NodeFdFilefdMaximum | File handles_maximum | Count | Maximum number of file handles | host4nodefilehandle, d4nodefilehandle |
Parameter | Metric Name | Unit | Description | Dimension |
NodeIntrIntrTotal | System interrupts_intr_total | Interrupts/s | Number of system interrupts | host4nodeprocess, id4nodeprocess |
NodeSwitchesContext SwitchesTotal | System context switches_context_switches_total | Switches/s | Number of system context switches | host4nodeprocess,
id4nodeprocess |
NodeProcsForksTotal | System processes_forks_total | Processes/s | Number of new system processes | host4nodeprocess, id4nodeprocess |
NodeProcsProcsRunning | System processes_procs_running | Processes/s | Number of running system processes | host4nodeprocess,
id4nodeprocess |
NodeProcsProcsBlocked | System processes_procs_blocked | Processes/s | Number of blocked system processes | host4nodeprocess, id4nodeprocess |
NodeProcsProcsTotal | System processes_procs_total | Processes/s | Total number of system processes | host4nodeprocess, id4nodeprocess |
NodeAgentVersion Agentversion | Agent version_AgentVersion | version | Agent version | host4nodeprocess,
id4nodeprocess |
Parameter Name | Dimension Name | Dimension Description | Format |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | id4nodecpu | Dimension name of the EMR instance ID | String-type dimension name, such as id4nodecpu |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | id4nodecpu | Specific EMR instance ID | Specific instance ID, such as emr-abcdef88 |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodecpu | Dimension name of the node IP in the EMR instance | String-type dimension name, such as host4nodecpu |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodecpu | Specific node IP in the EMR instance | Specific node IP, such as |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | id4nodememory | Dimension name of the EMR instance ID | String-type dimension name, such as id4nodememory |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | id4nodememory | Specific EMR instance ID | Specific instance ID, such as emr-abcdef88 |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodememory | Dimension name of the node IP in the EMR instance | String-type dimension name, such as host4nodememory |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodememory | Specific node IP in the EMR instance | Specific node IP, such as |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | id4nodenetwork | Dimension name of the EMR instance ID | String-type dimension name, such as id4nodenetwork |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | id4nodenetwork | Specific EMR instance ID | Specific instance ID, such as emr-abcdef88 |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodenetwork | Dimension name of the node IP in the EMR instance | String-type dimension name, such as host4nodenetwork |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodenetwork | Specific node IP in the EMR instance | Specific node IP, such as |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | id4nodefilehandle | Dimension name of the EMR instance ID | String-type dimension name, such as id4nodefilehandle |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | id4nodefilehandle | Specific EMR instance ID | Specific instance ID, such as emr-abcdef88 |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodefilehandle | Dimension name of the node IP in the EMR instance | String-type dimension name, such as host4nodefilehandle |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodefilehandle | Specific node IP in the EMR instance | Specific node IP, such as |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Name | id4nodeprocess | Dimension name of the EMR instance ID | String-type dimension name, such as id4nodeprocess |
Instances.N.Dimensions.0.Value | id4nodeprocess | Specific EMR instance ID | Specific instance ID, such as emr-abcdef88 |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodeprocess | Dimension name of the node IP in the EMR instance | String-type dimension name, such as host4nodeprocess |
Instances.N.Dimensions.1.Name | host4nodeprocess | Specific node IP in the EMR instance | Specific node IP, such as |
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