tencent cloud


On-Cloud MixTranscoding

Last updated: 2022-09-26 15:12:14

    Use Cases

    In scenarios such as CDN relayed live streaming and on-cloud recording, you may need to mix multiple audio and video streams in a TRTC room into one stream, which can be achieved using TRTC’s stream mixing and transcoding MCU cluster. The MCU cluster can mix multiple audio and video streams as needed and distribute the mixed stream to live streaming CDNs and the on-cloud recording system.
    You can enable or disable On-Cloud MixTranscoding using the following methods.
    Method 1: via the server-side RESTful APIs StartMCUMixTranscode (for numeric room ID/string-type room ID) and StopMCUMixTranscode (for numeric room ID/string-type room ID), which can also be used to enable and disable CDN relayed live streaming and on-cloud recording.
    Method 2: via the client-side API setMixTranscodingConfig. The figure below explains how it works.
    Method 2 can be used in TRTC SDK for iOS, Android, Windows, macOS, Electron, Flutter, and Web.

    How It Works

    On-Cloud MixTranscoding involves three processes: decoding, mixing, and encoding.
    Decoding: the MCU decodes multiple audio and video streams.
    Mixing: the MCU mixes multiple channels of images and arranges the images according to the layout template specified in the stream mixing command from the SDK. It also mixes the decoded audio signals of different channels.
    Encoding: the MCU encodes the mixed video and audio and mixes them into a single stream before sending it to the downstream system (e.g., live streaming or recording).

    Method 1: Using Server-Side RESTful APIs

    Enabling On-Cloud MixTranscoding

    Call the RESTful API StartMCUMixTranscode from your server to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding. Finish the following configurations during the process.

    1. Set the image layout mode (required)

    Use LayoutParams in StartMCUMixTranscode to select one of the following layout templates.
    Floating (LayoutParams.Template = 0)
    The entire screen is covered by the video image of the first user who enters the room, and the images of other users are displayed as small images in horizontal rows in the bottom-left corner in room entry sequence.
    The screen can accommodate up to 4 rows of 4 small images each, which float over the big image.
    Up to 1 big image and 15 small images can be displayed.
    A user sending audio only still occupies an image spot.
    Grid (LayoutParams.Template = 1)
    The images of all users split the screen evenly. The more the users, the smaller the image dimensions.
    Up to 16 images can be displayed. A user sending audio only still occupies an image spot.
    Screen sharing (LayoutParams.Template = 2)
    This template is designed for video conferencing and online classes.
    The shared screen (or camera image of the anchor) is always displayed as the big image, which occupies the left side of the screen, and the images of other users stack in the right side.
    Use LayoutParams.MainVideoUserId and LayoutParams.MainVideoStreamType to specify the image displayed as the big image on the left.
    Up to 2 columns of a maximum of 8 small images each can be displayed. There can be 1 big image and 15 small images at most.
    A user sending audio only still occupies an image spot.
    Picture-in-picture (LayoutParams.Template = 3)
    This template mixes a big image with a small image. The big image covers the entire screen, and the small image floats over the big image. You can specify the position of the small image.
    Use MainVideoUserId and MainVideoStreamType in LayoutParams to specify the user ID whose image is displayed as the big image and the stream type.
    Use SmallVideoLayoutParams in LayoutParams to specify the user ID whose image is displayed as the small image, the stream type, and the position of the image.
    Use case 1: during an online class, the template may mix the teacher’s camera image (usually displayed as the small image) and screen (usually displayed as the big image), as well as the audio of students.
    Use case 2: in a one-to-one video call, the template may mix the image of the remote user (usually displayed as the big image) and that of the local user (usually displayed as the small image).
    Custom (LayoutParams.Template = 4)
    Custom templates allow you to specify the image position of each user. You can use PresetLayoutConfig (an array) to preset the position of each image in stream mixing.
    If you do not set UserId in PresetLayoutConfig, the layout engine will assign users to the positions specified by PresetLayoutConfig in room entry sequence.
    If you specify a UserId in PresetLayoutConfig, the layout engine will reserve the position for the specified user.
    A user sending audio only still occupies an image spot.
    When all positions specified by PresetLayoutConfig are occupied, the layout engine will stop mixing the video and audio of other users.
    On-Cloud MixTrancoding can mix up to 16 audio and video streams at a time. A user sending audio only still counts as a stream.

    2. Set encoding parameters for stream mixing (required)

    Use EncodeParams in StartMCUMixTranscode to set the following encoding parameters.
    Recommended Value
    Audio sample rate
    Audio bitrate (Kbps)
    Number of sound channels
    Video width, required for audio-video output
    Video height, required for audio-video output
    Video bitrate, in Kbps, required for audio-video output
    Frame rate, required for audio-video output
    GOP, required for audio-video output
    Background color

    3. Specify a streamID for the mixed stream (required)

    OutputParams.StreamId Use this parameter to specify a streamID for the mixed stream in CSS CDN. You can play back this stream only if you have activated CSS and configured a playback domain name.
    OutputParams.PureAudioStream If you want to stream audio only, set the OutputParams.PureAudioStream parameter to 1, and only audio data will be forwarded to CDNs after stream mixing.

    4. Set whether to enable on-cloud recording (optional)

    OutputParams.RecordId Use this parameter to specify whether to enable on-cloud recording. If you enable on-cloud recording, mixed streams will be recorded and saved in VOD. The recording files are named in the format of OutputParams.RecordId_start time_end time, e.g. file001_2020-02-16-12-12-12_2020-02-16-13-13-13.
    OutputParams.RecordAudioOnly If you want to record audio only, set the OutputParams.RecordAudioOnly parameter to 1, and mixed streams will be recorded as MP3 files.

    Stopping On-Cloud MixTranscoding

    Call the RESTful API StopMCUMixTranscode from your server to stop On-Cloud MixTranscoding.

    Method 2: Using Client-Side SDK APIs

    Sending a stream mixing command using the TRTC SDK is simple. Just call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API. The TRTC SDK offers four stream mixing modes currently.
    Audio-only Mode (`PureAudio`)
    Preset Layout Mode (`PresetLayout`)
    Screen Sharing Mode (`ScreenSharing`)
    Manual Mode (`Manual`)
    You need to call the stream mixing API whenever one of the following happens:
    A co-anchor joins.
    A co-anchor leaves.
    A co-anchor turns on/off the camera.
    A co-anchor turns on/off the mic.
    Mixed content
    Audio only
    You can specify the content to be mixed for each channel.
    Students’ videos are not mixed.
    You can specify the content to be mixed for each channel.
    48000 is recommended.
    48000 is recommended.
    48000 is recommended.
    48000 is recommended.
    64 is recommended.
    64 is recommended.
    64 is recommended.
    64 is recommended.
    2 is recommended.
    2 is recommended.
    2 is recommended.
    2 is recommended.
    Cannot be 0
    0 is recommended.
    Cannot be 0
    Cannot be 0
    0 is recommended.
    Cannot be 0
    Cannot be 0
    0 is recommended.
    Cannot be 0
    15 is recommended.
    15 is recommended.
    15 is recommended.
    3 is recommended.
    3 is recommended.
    3 is recommended.
    mixUsers array
    Use placeholders for the setting.
    Use actual `userIds` for the setting.

    Audio-only mode (PureAudio)

    Use cases

    The audio-only mode is suitable for scenarios such as audio calls (AudioCall) and audio chat rooms (VoiceChatRoom). You can select this mode when calling the enterRoom API of the SDK. In this mode, the SDK automatically mixes all the audio streams in a room into one stream.


    1. When calling the enterRoom() function to enter a room, set the AppScene parameter to TRTCAppSceneAudioCall or TRTCAppSceneVoiceChatRoom, which indicates that there will be only audio in the room.
    2. Enable CDN relayed live streaming and specify the streamId parameter in TRTCParams for mixed streams.
    3. Call startLocalAudio() to enable local audio capturing and uploading.
    On-Cloud MixTranscoding mixes multiple streams into the stream of the current user, i.e., the user who sends the stream mixing command. Therefore, stream mixing works only if the current user is sending audio.
    4. Call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding. You need to set the mode parameter in TRTCTranscodingConfig to TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_PureAudio, and specify audio quality-related parameters such as audioSampleRate, audioBitrate, and audioChannels.
    5. After the above steps are performed, the audio of other users in the room will be automatically mixed into the relayed audio stream of the current user. You can then follow the instructions in CDN Relayed Live Streaming to configure a playback domain name for relayed live streaming or record the mixed audio stream as described in On-Cloud Recording.
    In the audio-only mode, you only need to call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API once after entering a room and enabling local audio publishing.

    Preset layout mode

    Use cases

    The preset layout mode is suitable for scenarios that involve the transfer of both audio and video, such as video calls (VideoCall) and interactive live streaming (LIVE). You can select this mode when calling the enterRoom API of the SDK. In the preset layout mode, the SDK automatically mixes multiple audio and video streams in a room into one stream according to the preset layout rules.


    1. When calling the enterRoom() function to enter a room, set the AppScene parameter to TRTCAppSceneVideoCall or TRTCAppSceneLIVE, whichever fits your needs.
    2. Enable relayed live streaming and specify the streamId parameter in TRTCParams for mixed streams.
    3. Call startLocalPreview() and startLocalAudio() to enable local audio and video publishing.
    On-Cloud MixTranscoding mixes multiple streams into the stream of the current user, i.e., the user who sends the stream mixing command. Therefore, stream mixing works only if the current user is sending audio and video.
    4. Call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding. You need to set the mode parameter in TRTCTranscodingConfig to TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout, and specify audio quality-related parameters such as audioSampleRate, audioBitrate, and audioChannels, as well as video quality-related parameters such as videoWidth, videoHeight, videoBitrate, and videoFramerate.
    5. Assemble the mixUser parameter. In the preset layout mode, you must set userId to a placeholder, which could be $PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$, $PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$, or $PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_SUB$. Their meanings are described below.
    Multiple Allowed
    Local camera image
    Local screen sharing image (image only)
    Remote co-anchor(s)
    6. After the above steps are performed, the audio of other users in the room will be automatically mixed into the relayed audio stream of the current user. You can then follow the instructions in CDN Relayed Live Streaming to configure a playback domain name for relayed live streaming or record the mixed audio stream as described in On-Cloud Recording.

    Sample code

    You can use the code below to implement a layout where two vertically stacked small images float over a big image.
    TRTCTranscodingConfig *config = [[TRTCTranscodingConfig alloc] init];
    // Set the resolution to 720 x 1280 px, bitrate to 1500 Kbps, and frame rate to 20 FPS
    config.videoWidth = 720;
    config.videoHeight = 1280;
    config.videoBitrate = 1500;
    config.videoFramerate = 20;
    config.videoGOP = 2;
    config.audioSampleRate = 48000;
    config.audioBitrate = 64;
    config.audioChannels = 2;
    // Use the preset layout mode
    config.mode = TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout;
    NSMutableArray *mixUsers = [NSMutableArray new];
    // Position of the camera image of the anchor
    TRTCMixUser* local = [TRTCMixUser new];
    local.userId = @"$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$";
    local.zOrder = 0; // When `zOrder` is set to `0`, it indicates that the anchor's image is displayed at the bottom.
    local.rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, videoWidth, videoHeight);
    local.roomID = nil; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    [mixUsers addObject:local];
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCMixUser* remote1 = [TRTCMixUser new];
    remote1.userId = @"$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote1.zOrder = 1;
    remote1.rect = CGRectMake(400, 800, 180, 240); // For reference only
    remote1.roomID = @"97392"; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    [mixUsers addObject:remote1];
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCMixUser* remote2 = [TRTCMixUser new];
    remote2.userId = @"$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote2.zOrder = 1;
    remote2.rect = CGRectMake(400, 500, 180, 240); // For reference only
    remote2.roomID = @"97392"; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    [mixUsers addObject:remote2];
    config.mixUsers = mixUsers;
    // Enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding
    [_trtc setMixTranscodingConfig:config];
    TRTCCloudDef.TRTCTranscodingConfig config = new TRTCCloudDef.TRTCTranscodingConfig();
    // Set the resolution to 720 x 1280 px, bitrate to 1500 Kbps, and frame rate to 20 FPS
    config.videoWidth = 720;
    config.videoHeight = 1280;
    config.videoBitrate = 1500;
    config.videoFramerate = 20;
    config.videoGOP = 2;
    config.audioSampleRate = 48000;
    config.audioBitrate = 64;
    config.audioChannels = 2;
    // Use the preset layout mode
    config.mode = TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_TranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout;
    config.mixUsers = new ArrayList<>();
    // Position of the camera image of the anchor
    TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser local = new TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser();
    local.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$";
    local.zOrder = 0; // When `zOrder` is set to `0`, it indicates that the anchor's image is displayed at the bottom
    local.x = 0;
    local.y = 0;
    local.width = videoWidth;
    local.height = videoHeight;
    local.roomId = null; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser remote1 = new TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser();
    remote1.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote1.zOrder = 1;
    remote1.x = 400; // For reference only
    remote1.y = 800; // For reference only
    remote1.width = 180; // For reference only
    remote1.height = 240; // For reference only
    remote1.roomId = 97392; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser remote2 = new TRTCCloudDef.TRTCMixUser();
    remote2.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote2.zOrder = 1;
    remote1.x = 400; // For reference only
    remote1.y = 500; // For reference only
    remote1.width = 180; // For reference only
    remote1.height = 240; // For reference only
    remote1.roomId = 97393; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    // Enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding.
    TRTCTranscodingConfig config;
    // Set the resolution to 720 x 1280 px, bitrate to 1500 Kbps, and frame rate to 20 FPS
    config.videoWidth = 1280;
    config.videoHeight = 720;
    config.videoBitrate = 1500;
    config.videoFramerate = 20;
    config.videoGOP = 2;
    config.audioSampleRate = 48000;
    config.audioBitrate = 64;
    config.audioChannels = 2;
    // Use the preset layout mode
    config.mode == TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout
    TRTCMixUser* mixUsersArray = new TRTCMixUser[3];
    mixUsersArray[0].userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$";
    mixUsersArray[0].zOrder = 0; // When `zOrder` is set to `0`, it indicates that the anchor's image is displayed at the bottom.
    mixUsersArray[0].rect.left = 0;
    mixUsersArray[0].rect.top = 0;
    mixUsersArray[0].rect.right = videoWidth;
    mixUsersArray[0].rect.bottom = videoHeight;
    mixUsersArray[0].roomId = nullptr; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    mixUsersArray[1].userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    mixUsersArray[1].zOrder = 1;
    mixUsersArray[1].rect.left = 400; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[1].rect.top = 800; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[1].rect.right = 180; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[1].rect.bottom = 240; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[1].roomId = 97392; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    mixUsersArray[2].userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    mixUsersArray[2].zOrder = 1;
    mixUsersArray[2].rect.left = 400; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[2].rect.top = 500; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[2].rect.right = 180; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[2].rect.bottom = 240; // For reference only
    mixUsersArray[2].roomId = 97393; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    config.mixUsersArray = mixUsersArray;
    // Enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding
    TRTCTranscodingConfig config = new TRTCTranscodingConfig();
    // Set the resolution to 720 x 1280 px, bitrate to 1500 Kbps, and frame rate to 20 FPS
    config.videoWidth = 1280;
    config.videoHeight = 720;
    config.videoBitrate = 1500;
    config.videoFramerate = 20;
    config.videoGOP = 2;
    config.audioSampleRate = 48000;
    config.audioBitrate = 64;
    config.audioChannels = 2;
    config.mode = RTCTranscodingConfigMode.TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout;
    TRTCMixUser[] mixUsersArray = new TRTCMixUser[3];
    // Position of the camera image of the anchor
    TRTCMixUser local = new TRTCMixUser();
    local.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_LOCAL_MAIN$";
    local.zOrder = 0; // When `zOrder` is set to `0`, it indicates that the anchor's image is displayed at the bottom.
    local.roomId = null; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    RECT rtLocal = new RECT() {
    left = 0,
    top = 0,
    right = videoWidth,
    bottom = videoHeight
    local.rect = rtLocal;
    mixUsersArray[0] = local;
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCMixUser remote1 = new TRTCMixUser();
    remote1.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote1.zOrder = 1;
    remote1.roomID = 97392; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    RECT rtRemote1 = new RECT() { // For reference only
    left = 420,
    top = 81,
    right = 240 + left,
    bottom = 240 + top
    remote1.rect = rtRemote1;
    mixUsersArray[1] = remote1;
    // Image position of co-anchor
    TRTCMixUser remote2 = new TRTCMixUser();
    remote2.userId = "$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$";
    remote2.zOrder = 1;
    remote2.roomId = 97393; // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    RECT rtRemote2 = new RECT() { // For reference only
    left = 660,
    top = 400,
    right = 240 + left,
    bottom = 240 + top
    rtRemote2.rect = rtRemote2;
    mixUsersArray[2] = remote2;
    // Enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding
    config.mixUsersArray = mixUsersArray;
    TRTCCloud trtcCloud = await TRTCCloud.sharedInstance();
    appId: 1252463788, // For reference only
    bizId: 3891, // For reference only
    // Set the resolution to 720 x 1280 px, bitrate to 1500 Kbps, and frame rate to 20 FPS
    videoWidth: 720,
    videoHeight: 1280,
    videoBitrate: 1500,
    videoFramerate: 20,
    videoGOP: 2,
    audioSampleRate: 48000,
    audioBitrate: 64,
    audioChannels: 2,
    // Use the preset layout mode
    mode: TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_TranscodingConfigMode_Template_PresetLayout,
    mixUsers: [
    // Position of the camera image of the anchor
    roomId: null, // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    zOrder: 0, // When `zOrder` is set to `0`, it indicates that the anchor's image is displayed at the bottom
    x: 0, // For reference only
    y: 0,
    streamType: 0,
    width: 300,
    height: 400),
    userId: '$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$',
    roomId: '256', // Required for remote users but not for the local user
    zOrder: 1,
    x: 100, // For reference only
    y: 100,
    streamType: 0,
    width: 160,
    height: 200)
    try {
    // Present layout mode
    const config = {
    mode: 'preset-layout',
    videoWidth: 720,
    videoHeight: 1280,
    videoBitrate: 1500,
    videoFramerate: 20,
    videoGOP: 2,
    audioSampleRate: 48000,
    audioBitrate: 64,
    audioChannels: 2,
    // Preset the positions of the local camera stream and two remote streams.
    mixUsers: [
    width: 720,
    height: 1280,
    locationX: 0,
    locationY: 0,
    pureAudio: false,
    userId: 'jack', // Placeholder for the local camera stream. Pass in the `userId` of the user whose camera stream is pushed.
    zOrder: 1
    width: 180,
    height: 240,
    locationX: 400,
    locationY: 800,
    pureAudio: false,
    userId: '$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$', // Placeholder for a remote image
    zOrder: 2
    width: 180,
    height: 240,
    locationX: 400,
    locationY: 500,
    pureAudio: false,
    userId: '$PLACE_HOLDER_REMOTE$', // Placeholder for a remote image
    zOrder: 2
    await client.startMixTranscode(config);
    } catch (error) {
    console.error('startMixTranscode failed ', error);
    In the preset layout mode, you only need to call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API once after entering a room and enabling local audio publishing.
    The naming of the API for web is slightly different from that for other platforms. For details, please see Client.startMixTranscode().

    Screen sharing mode (ScreenSharing)

    Use cases

    The screen sharing mode is suitable for scenarios such as online classes and interactive classrooms. You can select this mode by setting the AppScene parameter to TRTCAppSceneLIVE when calling the enterRoom API of the SDK. In the screen sharing mode, the SDK prepares a canvas in the specified resolution. When the teacher is not sharing his or her screen, the SDK stretches the teacher’s camera image to fit the canvas. After the teacher enables screen sharing, the SDK does the same to the screen sharing image. This ensures consistency in the resolution of mixed streams and avoids incompatibility issues caused by inconsistencies in the resolution of recorded and played back videos (average players cannot play videos with changing resolution.)


    1. When calling the enterRoom() function to enter a room, set the AppScene parameter to TRTCAppSceneLIVE.
    2. Enable relayed live streaming and specify the streamId parameter in TRTCParams for mixed streams.
    3. Call startLocalPreview() and startLocalAudio() to enable local audio and video publishing.
    On-Cloud MixTranscoding mixes multiple streams into the stream of the current user, i.e., the user who sends the stream mixing command. Therefore, stream mixing works only if the current user is sending audio.
    4. Call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding. You need to set the mode parameter in TRTCTranscodingConfig to TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Template_ScreenSharing, and specify audio quality-related parameters such as audioSampleRate, audioBitrate, and audioChannels, as well as video quality-related parameters such as videoWidth, videoHeight, videoBitrate, and videoFramerate.
    If both videoWidth and videoHeight are set to 0, the SDK will work out an appropriate resolution based on the aspect ratio of the user's screen.
    5. After the above steps are performed, the audio of other users in the room will be automatically mixed into the relayed audio stream of the current user. You can then follow the instructions in CDN Relayed Live Streaming to configure a playback domain name for relayed live streaming or record the mixed audio stream as described in On-Cloud Recording.
    The screen sharing mode is supported on Windows and macOS only.
    In the screen sharing mode, you only need to call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API once after entering a room and enabling local audio publishing.
    The teacher’s screen constitutes the main part of an online class. Publishing the teacher’s camera data at the same time would drive up bandwidth usage. Given this, you are advised to use setLocalVideoRenderCallback() and setRemoteVideoRenderCallback() to display the teacher’s camera image and students’ images on the shared screen.
    You can have the SDK select an output resolution automatically by setting both videoWidth and videoHeight in TRTCTranscodingConfig to 0. If the teacher's screen width is smaller than 1920 px, the SDK will use the actual resolution of the teacher's screen; otherwise it will select a resolution from 1920 x 1080 px (16:9), 1920 x 1200 px (16:10), and 1920 x 1440 px (4:3), depending on the aspect ratio of the teacher’s screen.

    Manual mode (Manual)

    Use cases

    You can use the manual mode for scenarios whose stream mixing requirements none of the above modes meets. The manual mode has the highest flexibility (you can customize all kinds of stream mixing modes) but the lowest usability. In the manual mode, you must set all the parameters in TRTCTranscodingConfig and listen for the onUserVideoAvailable() and onUserAudioAvailable() callbacks in TRTCCloudDelegate. The callbacks keep you up to date about the users who are sending audio and video in the room so that you can modify the mixUsers parameter accordingly. Otherwise stream mixing will fail.


    1. When calling the enterRoom() function to enter a room, set the AppScene parameter based on your needs.
    2. Enable relayed live streaming and specify the streamId parameter in TRTCParams for mixed streams.
    3. Call startLocalAudio() to enable local audio publishing. You may also call startLocalPreview() to enable video publishing.
    On-Cloud MixTranscoding mixes multiple streams into the stream of the current user, i.e., the user who sends the stream mixing command. Therefore, stream mixing works only if the current user is sending audio and video.
    4. Call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API to enable On-Cloud MixTranscoding. You need to set the mode parameter in TRTCTranscodingConfig to TRTCTranscodingConfigMode_Manual, and specify audio quality-related parameters such as audioSampleRate, audioBitrate, and audioChannels. If your applications also involve the transfer of video data, you also need to set video quality-related parameters such as videoWidth, videoHeight, videoBitrate, and videoFramerate.
    5. Listen for the onUserVideoAvailable() and onUserAudioAvailable() callbacks in TRTCCloudDelegate and set the mixUsers parameter as needed.
    Unlike the preset layout mode, in the manual mode, you must set each userId in mixUser to the actual user ID of each co-anchor and set the pureAudio parameter in mixUser based on whether a co-anchor has enabled video.
    6. After the above steps are performed, the audio of other users in the room will be automatically mixed into the relayed audio stream of the current user. You can then follow the instructions in CDN Relayed Live Streaming to configure a playback domain name for relayed live streaming or record the mixed audio stream as described in On-Cloud Recording.
    In the manual mode, you need to listen for the mic on/off events of co-anchors in the room and call the setMixTranscodingConfig() API multiple times depending on the number of co-anchors and whether they are sending audio and video.


    Cost calculation

    During On-Cloud MixTranscoding, the MCU cluster decodes and re-encodes the audio and video streams sent to it. As a result, TRTC charges an additional fee from clients who use the MCU cluster for On-Cloud MixTranscoding. The fee varies with the resolution of transcoded streams and transcoded duration. The higher the resolution and the longer the duration, the higher the cost. For details, see On-Cloud MixTranscoding Billing.

    Cost control

    If you use server-side RESTful APIs, stream mixing stops when either of the following conditions is met.
    All users, including anchors and audience, have left the room.
    You have called StopMCUMixTranscode to manually stop stream mixing.
    If you use client-side APIs of the TRTC SDK, stream mixing stops when either of the following conditions is met.
    The anchor who started stream mixing. i.e., the user who called the client-side API setMixTranscodingConfig, has left the room.
    You have called setMixTranscodingConfig and set the parameter to nil/null to manually stop stream mixing.
    In all other cases, TRTC will continue to mix streams in the cloud. Therefore, to reduce costs, you are advised to stop stream mixing using one of the above methods when you no longer need it.
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