tencent cloud


Audio Call (iOS)

Last updated: 2024-05-21 15:05:28

    Demo UI

    You can download and install the app we provide to try out the real-time audio/video call feature.
    To make it easier for you to implement the real-time audio/video call feature, we have refactored the TUICalling component. You no longer need to pay attention to UI as it is now implemented within the TUICalling component.

    Running the Demo

    Step 1. Create an application

    1. Log in to the TRTC console and select Development Assistance > Demo Quick Run.
    2. Enter an application name such as TestVideoCall and click Create.
    3. Click Next.
    This feature uses two basic PaaS services of Tencent Cloud, namely TRTC and IM. When you activate TRTC, IM will be activated automatically. IM is a value-added service. See Pricing for its billing details.

    Step 2. Download the application source code

    Clone or download the TUICalling source code.

    Step 3. Configure application project files

    1. In the Modify Configuration step, select your platform.
    2. Find and open iOS/Example/Debug/GenerateTestUserSig.swift.
    3. Set the following parameters in GenerateTestUserSig.swift:
    SDKAPPID: `0` by default. Set it to the actual `SDKAppID`.
    SECRETKEY: left empty by default. Set it to the actual key.
    4. Click Next to complete the creation.
    5. After compilation, click Return to Overview Page.
    The method for generating UserSig described in this document involves configuring SECRETKEY in client code. In this method, SECRETKEY may be easily decompiled and reversed, and if your key is disclosed, attackers can steal your Tencent Cloud traffic. Therefore, this method is suitable only for the local execution and debugging of the app.
    The correct UserSig distribution method is to integrate the calculation code of UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see How do I calculate UserSig on the server.

    Step 4. Run the application

    Open the source code project TUICalling/Example/TUICallingApp.xcworkspace with Xcode (version 11.0 or above) and click Run.


    You need at least two devices to try out the application.

    User A

    1. Enter a username (which must be unique) and log in.
    2. Enter the userId of the person you want to call and tap Search.
    3. Tap Call and select Video Call (Make sure that the callee is active in the application, or the call may fail).<br>

    User B

    1. Enter a username (which must be unique) and log in.
    2. Go to the homepage and wait for the incoming call.

    Integration Directions

    In the source code, the Source folder contains three subfolders: ui, model, and Service. The Service subfolder includes the open-source TUICallingManager component, which we share with the public. You can find the component’s APIs in the TUICallingManager.h file.
    You can enable the real-time audio/video call feature for your project with ease using the open-source TUICalling and TUICallingManager components, with no need to implement complicated call UI or logic by yourself.

    Step 1. Integrate the SDKs

    The call component TRTCCalling depends on the TRTC SDK and IM SDK. You can integrate the two SDKs into your project by following the steps below:
    Method 1: adding dependencies via CocoaPods
    pod 'TXIMSDK_iOS'
    pod 'TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC'
    Method 2: adding dependencies through local files If your access to the CocoaPods repository is slow, you can download the ZIP files of the SDKs and manually integrate them into your project as instructed in the documents below.
    Download Page
    Integration Guide
    IM SDK

    Step 2. Configure permission requests

    Configure camera and mic permission requests by adding Privacy - Camera Usage Description and Privacy - Microphone Usage Description in info.plist.

    Step 3. Import the TUICalling component

    To import the component through CocoaPods, follow the steps below:
    1. Copy the Source, Resources, and TXAppBasic folders and the TUICalling.podspec file under the demo project directory to your project directory.
    2. Add the following dependencies to your Podfile and run pod install to complete the import.
    pod 'TXAppBasic', :path => "../TXAppBasic/"
    pod 'TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC'
    pod 'TUICalling', :path => "../", :subspecs => ["TRTC"]

    Step 4. Initialize the component and log in

    1. Call TUICallingManager.sharedInstance() to initialize the component.
    2. Call TUILogin.initWithSdkAppID(SDKAPPID) to initialize login.
    3. Call TUILogin.login(userId, userSig) to log in to the component. Specify the key parameters as described below:
    You can view `SDKAppID` in the TRTC console.
    ID of the current user, which is a string that can contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). We recommend you set it based on your business account system.
    Tencent Cloud's proprietary security signature. For the calculation method, please see UserSig.
    // Initialize the component
    // Log in to the component
    TUILogin.login(userId, userSig) {
    print("login success")
    } fail: { code, errorDes in
    print("login failed, code:\\(code), error: \\(errorDes ?? "nil")")

    Step 5. Make an audio/video call

    1. Caller: call call(); of TUICallingManager to initiate a call, passing in the user IDs (userIDs) and call type (type). For the call type, you can pass in .audio (audio call) or .video (video call). If only one user ID is passed in for userIDs, the call is a one-to-one call; if two or more user IDs are passed in, the call is a group call.
    2. Callee: If a callee is logged in, the answering view will be displayed. If you want offline users to receive call invitations, please see Enable offline call answering.
    // 1. Register the listener
    TUICallingManager.shareInstance().setCallingListener(listener: TUICallingListerner())
    // 2. Set whether to enable custom views (disabled by default)
    TUICallingManager.shareInstance().enableCustomViewRoute(enable: true)
    // 3. Set callbacks
    public func shouldShowOnCallView() -> Bool {
    return true;
    public func callStart(userIDs: [String], type: TUICallingType, role: TUICallingRole, viewController: UIViewController?) { if let vc = viewController {
    callingVC = vc;
    vc.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
    if var topController = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController {
    while let presentedViewController = topController.presentedViewController {
    topController = presentedViewController
    if let navigationVC = topController as? UINavigationController {
    if navigationVC.viewControllers.contains(self) {
    present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
    } else {
    navigationVC.popToRootViewController(animated: false)
    navigationVC.pushViewController(self, animated: false)
    navigationVC.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
    } else {
    topController.present(vc, animated: false, completion: nil)
    public func callEnd(userIDs: [String], type: TUICallingType, role: TUICallingRole, totalTime: Float) {
    callingVC.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
    public func onCallEvent(event: TUICallingEvent, type: TUICallingType, role: TUICallingRole, message: String) {
    // 4.Make a call
    TUICallingManager.shareInstance().call(userIDs, .video)

    Step 6. Enable offline call answering

    If your project does not require the offline answering feature, for example, if it offers online customer service, your integration can end at step 5. If your project is a social networking service, we recommend you enable offline answering.
    The IM SDK supports offline push, but additional configuration is required to enable the feature.
    1. Apply for an Apple push certificate. For detailed directions, please see Obtaining Apple Push Notification Service Certificates.
    2. Configure offline push on the backend and client. For detailed directions, please see Offline Push (iOS).
    3. The offline push API has been integrated into the signaling API (sendModel) of TRTCCallingImpl. After completing the offline push configuration for your application, you will be able to send notifications to offline users.

    Component APIs

    The table below lists the APIs of the TUICalling component.
    Sends call invitations by user ID.
    Answers a call.
    Sets the listener.
    Sets the ringtone (preferably shorter than 30s).
    Enables/Disables the mute mode.
    Enables/Disables custom views. After enabling custom views, you will receive a CallingView instance in the callback for calling/being called, and can decide how to display the view by yourself. The view must be displayed full screen or in proportion to the screen size; otherwise, an error may occur.
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