tencent cloud


Chat Salon (iOS)

Last updated: 2024-05-21 15:05:29

    Demo UI

    You can download and install the demo app we provide to try out TRTC features in the chat salon scenario, including audio chat, mic on/off, low-latency audio interaction, etc.
    Room Owner
    To quickly enable the chat salon feature, you can modify the demo app we provide and adapt it to your needs. You may also use the TUIChatSalon component and customize your own UI.

    Using the App’s UI

    Step 1. Create an application

    1. Log in to the TRTC console and select Development Assistance > Demo Quick Run.
    2. Enter an application name such as TestChatSalon and click Create.
    3. Click Next.
    This feature uses two basic PaaS services of Tencent Cloud, namely TRTC and IM. When you activate TRTC, IM will be activated automatically. IM is a value-added service. See Pricing for its billing details.

    Step 2. Download the application source code

    Click TUIChatSalon to clone or download the source code.

    Step 3. Configure application project files

    1. In the Modify Configuration step, select your platform.
    2. Find and open TUIChatSalon/Debug/GenerateTestUserSig.swift.
    3. Set the following parameters in GenerateTestUserSig.swift:
    SDKAPPID: 0 by default. Set it to the actual SDKAppID.
    SECRETKEY: left empty by default. Set it to the actual key.
    4. Click Next to complete the creation.
    5. After compilation, click Return to Overview Page.
    The method for generating UserSig described in this document involves configuring SECRETKEY in client code. In this method, SECRETKEY may be easily decompiled and reversed, and if your key is disclosed, attackers can steal your Tencent Cloud traffic. Therefore, this method is suitable only for the local execution and debugging of the app.
    The correct UserSig distribution method is to integrate the calculation code of UserSig into your server and provide an application-oriented API. When UserSig is needed, your application can send a request to the business server for a dynamic UserSig. For more information, see How do I calculate UserSig on the server?.

    Step 4. Run the application

    Open TUIChatSalon/TUIChatSalonApp.xcworkspace with Xcode (11.0 or above) and click the run button.

    Step 5. Modify the app’s source code

    The Source folder in the source code contains two subfolders: ui and model. The ui subfolder contains UI code and UI-related logic. The table below lists the Swift files (folders) and the UI views they represent. You can refer to it when making UI changes.
    File or Folder
    The initialization method for all view controllers. You can use the instance to quickly get a ViewController object.
    Logic for the room creation view
    The main room views for room owner and listener


    You need at least two devices to try out the application.

    User A

    1. Enter a username (which must be unique) and log in.
    2. Tap Create Room.
    3. Type a subject for the room and tap Let’s go.

    User B

    1. Enter a username (which must be unique) and log in.
    2. Enter the number of the room created by user A and tap Enter Room.
    You can find the room number at the top of user A’s room view.

    Customizing Your Own UI

    The Source folder in the source code contains two subfolders: ui and model. The model subfolder contains the reusable open-source component TUIChatSalon. You can find the component's APIs in TRTCChatSalon.h and use them to customize your own UI.

    Step 1. Integrate the SDKs

    The chat salon component TUIChatSalon depends on the TRTC SDK and IM SDK. Follow the steps below to integrate them into your project.
    Method 1: adding dependencies via CocoaPods
    pod 'TXIMSDK_iOS'
    pod 'TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC'
    Method 2: adding dependencies through local files If your access to the CocoaPods repository is slow, you can download the ZIP files of the SDKs and manually integrate them into your project as instructed in the documents below.
    Download Page
    Integration Guide
    IM SDK

    Step 2. Configure permission requests

    Configure the mic permission request by adding Privacy > Microphone Usage Description in info.plist.

    Step 3. Import the TUIChatSalon component

    Import the component using CocoaPods. See below for detailed directions.
    1. Copy the Source, Resources, and TXAppBasic folders and the TUIChatSalon.podspec file to your project directory.
    2. Add the following dependencies to your Podfile and run pod install to complete the import.
    pod 'TXAppBasic', :path => "TXAppBasic/"
    pod 'TXLiteAVSDK_TRTC'
    pod 'TUIChatSalon', :path => "./", :subspecs => ["TRTC"]

    Step 4. Create an instance and log in

    1. Call the sharedInstance class method of TUIChatSalon to create an instance of the component.
    2. Call the setDelegate method to register event callbacks of the component.
    3. Call the login method to log in to the component. Set the key parameters as described below.
    You can view `SDKAppID` in the TRTC console.
    ID of the current user, which is a string that can contain letters (a-z and A-Z), digits (0-9), hyphens (-), and underscores (_). We recommend you set it based on your business account system.
    Tencent Cloud's proprietary security signature. For how to obtain it, please see UserSig.
    Login callback. The code is `0` if login is successful.
    // Swift example
    // The class responsible for business logic in your code
    class YourController {
    // Calculate attributes to get a singleton object.
    var chatSalon: TRTCChatSalon {
    return TRTCChatSalon.shared()
    // Other code logic
    // Set the `chatSalon` delegate.
    self.chatSalon.setDelegate(delegate: self)
    // Below is the calling method. We recommend that you use `weak self` in the closure to prevent circular references. The weak self part is not included in the sample code below.
    self.chatSalon.login(sdkAppID: sdkAppID, userID: userId, userSig: userSig) { [weak self] (code, message) in
    guard let `self` = self else { return }
    // Your callback business logic

    Step 5. Create a room and become a speaker

    1. After performing step 4 to log in, call setSelfProfile to set your nickname and profile photo.
    2. Call createRoom to create a chat salon, passing in room-related parameters such as room ID, whether your consent is required for listeners to speak, and the room type.
    3. You will receive an onAnchorEnterSeat notification that someone becomes a speaker, and mic capturing will be enabled automatically.
    // 1. Set your nickname and profile photo.
    self.chatSalon.setSelfProfile(userName: userName, avatarUrl: avatarURL) { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // 2. Create a room.
    let param = ChatSalonParam.init()
    param.roomName = "Room name"
    param.needRequest = true // Whether your consent is required for listeners to speak
    param.coverUrl = "Cover URL"
    param.seatInfoList = []
    self.chatSalon.createRoom(roomID: yourRoomID, roomParam: param) { (code, message) in
    guard code == 0 else { return }
    // 3. Become a speaker.
    self.chatSalon.enterSeat { [weak self] (code, message) in
    guard let `self` = self else { return }
    if code == 0 {
    // Seat taken successfully
    } else {
    // Failed to take a seat
    // 4. You receive an `onAnchorEnterSeat` notification after becoming a speaker.
    func onAnchorEnterSeat(user: ChatSalonUserInfo) {

    Step 6. Enter a room as a listener

    1. After performing step 4 to log in, call setSelfProfile to set your nickname and profile photo.
    2. Get the latest chat salon room list from the backend.
    The chat salon list in the demo app is for demonstration only. The business logic of the chat salon list varies significantly. Tencent Cloud does not provide list management services for the time being. Please manage the list by yourself.
    3. Call getRoomInfoList to get short descriptions of the rooms, which are provided by room owners when they call createRoom.
    If your chat salon list already contains enough room information, you can skip the step of calling getRoomInfoList.
    4. Select a chat salon, and call enterRoom with the room ID passed in to enter.
    5. After entering the room, you will receive an onRoomInfoChange notification about room change from the component. Record the room information, including room name, whether the room owner’s consent is required for listeners to speak, etc., and update it to the UI.
    6. You will also receive an onAnchorEnterSeat notification that someone becomes a speaker.
    // 1. Set your nickname and profile photo.
    self.chatSalon.setSelfProfile(userName: userName, avatarUrl: avatarURL) { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // 2. Get the room list from the backend. Suppose it is `roomList`.
    let roomList: [Int] = getRoomIDList() // The function you use to get the list of room IDs
    // 3. Call `getRoomInfoList` to get details of the rooms.
    self.chatSalon.getRoomInfoList(roomIdList: roomIdsInt) { (code, message, roomInfos: [ChatSalonInfo]) in
    // Refresh the UI after getting the result.
    // 4. Pass in `roomId` to enter a room.
    self.chatSalon.enterRoom(roomID: roomInfo.roomID) { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the room entry result
    if code == 0 {
    // Entered room
    // 5. After successful room entry, you receive an `onRoomInfoChange` notification.
    func onRoomInfoChange(roomInfo: ChatSalonInfo) {
    // Update the room name and other information.
    // 6. You receive an `onAnchorEnterSeat` notification.
    func onAnchorEnterSeat(user: ChatSalonUserInfo) {
    // Handle the mic-on event.

    Step 7. Mic on/off

    Room owner
    1. A room owner can make a listener speaker by passing in the userId of the listener to pickSeat. All members in the room will receive an onAnchorEnterSeat notification.
    2. A room owner can remove a speaker by passing in the speaker’s userId to kickSeat. All members in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveSeat notification.
    After a speaker list operation, the order in which different notifications are sent is: callbacks > independent events such as onAnchorEnterSeat.
    // 1. The room owner makes a listener speaker.
    self.chatSalon.pickSeat(userID: "123") { (code, message) in
    // 2. A callback is returned.
    // 3. The room owner receives a notification that someone became a speaker, and can determine whether it is the listener he or she intended to make speaker.
    func onAnchorEnterSeat(user: ChatSalonUserInfo) {
    // Handle the mic-on event.
    1. A listener can become a speaker by calling enterSeat. All members in the room will receive an onAnchorEnterSeat notification.
    2. A speaker can become a listener by calling leaveSeat. All members in the room will receive an onAnchorLeaveSeat notification.
    After a speaker list operation, the order in which different notifications are sent is: callbacks > independent events such as onAnchorEnterSeat.
    // 1. A listener calls an API to become a speaker.
    self.chatSalon.enterSeat { (code, message) in
    // 2. A callback is returned.
    // 3. The listener receives a notification that someone became a speaker and can determine whether it is him/herself.
    func onAnchorEnterSeat(user: ChatSalonUserInfo) {
    // Handle the mic-on event.

    Step 8. Use signaling for invitations

    If you want listeners and room owners to obtain each other’s consent before performing the above actions in your application, you can use signaling for invitation sending.
    Listener requesting to take seat
    Room owner inviting listener to take seat
    1. A listener calls sendInvitation, passing in information including the room owner’s userId and custom command words. The API will return an inviteId, which should be recorded.
    2. The room owner receives an onReceiveNewInvitation notification, and a window pops up on the UI asking the room owner whether to accept the request.
    3. The room owner calls acceptInvitation with the inviteId passed in to accept the request.
    4. The listener receives an onInviteeAccepted notification and calls enterSeat to become a speaker.
    // Listener
    // 1. A listener calls `sendInvitation` to request to speak.
    let inviteId = self.chatSalon.sendInvitation(cmd: "ENTER_SEAT", userID: ownerUserId, content: "1") { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // 2. Place the user in the seat after the invitation is accepted
    func onInviteeAccepted(identifier: String, invitee: String) {
    if identifier == selfID {
    self.chatSalon.enterSeat { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // Room owner
    // 1. The room owner receives the request.
    func onReceiveNewInvitation(identifier: String, inviter: String, cmd: String, content: String) {
    if cmd == "ENTER_SEAT" {
    // 2. The room owner accepts the request.
    self.chatSalon.acceptInvitation(identifier: identifier, callback: nil)
    1. The room owner calls sendInvitation, passing in information including the listener's userId and custom command words. The API will return an inviteId, which should be recorded.
    2. The listener receives an onReceiveNewInvitation notification, and a window pops up asking the listener whether to agree to speak.
    3. The listener calls acceptInvitation with the inviteId passed in to accept the invitation.
    4. The room owner receives an onInviteeAccepted notification and calls pickSeat to make the listener a speaker.
    // Room owner
    // 1. The room owner calls `sendInvitation` to invite user `123` to speak.
    let inviteId = self.chatSalon.sendInvitation(cmd: "PICK_SEAT", userID: ownerUserId, content: "2") { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // 2. Place the user in the seat after the invitation is accepted
    func onInviteeAccepted(identifier: String, invitee: String) {
    if identifier == selfID {
    self.chatSalon.pickSeat(userID: ) { (code, message) in
    // Callback of the result
    // Listener
    // 1. The listener receives the invitation.
    func onReceiveNewInvitation(identifier: String, inviter: String, cmd: String, content: String) {
    if cmd == "PICK_SEAT" {
    // 2. The listener accepts the invitation.
    self.chatSalon.acceptInvitation(identifier: identifier, callback: nil)

    Step 9. Enable text chat and on-screen comments

    Call sendRoomTextMsg to send common text messages. All users in the room will receive an onRecvRoomTextMsg callback. IM has its default content moderation rules. Text messages that contain restricted terms will not be forwarded by the cloud.
    // Sender: send text messages
    self.chatSalon.sendRoomTextMsg(message: message) { (code, message) in
    // Recipient: listen for text messages
    func onRecvRoomTextMsg(message: String, userInfo: ChatSalonUserInfo) {
    // Handling of the messages received
    Call sendRoomCustomMsg to send custom (signaling) messages. All users in the room will receive an onRecvRoomCustomMsg callback. Custom messages are often used to transfer custom signals, e.g., to give and broadcast likes.
    // For example, a sender can customize commands to distinguish on-screen comments and likes.
    // For example, use "CMD_DANMU" to indicate on-screen comments and "CMD_LIKE" to indicate likes.
    self.chatSalon.sendRoomCustomMsg(cmd: “CMD_DANMU”, message: "hello world", callback: nil)
    self.chatSalon.sendRoomCustomMsg(cmd: "CMD_LIKE", message: "", callback: nil)
    // Recipient: listen for custom messages
    func onRecvRoomCustomMsg(cmd: String, message: String, userInfo: ChatSalonUserInfo) {
    if cmd == "CMD_DANMU" {
    // An on-screen comment is received.
    if cmd == "CMD_LIKE" {
    // A like is received.
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