tencent cloud


API List for Callback Configuration

Last updated: 2024-04-18 15:40:48

    Callback Information Configuration

    Feature Overview
    Create Callback
    Query Callback
    Update Callback
    Deleting callback

    Callback Command Word List

    Call Status Callback
    Call Event Callback
    cancel Cancel: Caller cancels the call before it is answered
    reject Declined: The callee rejects the call
    not_answer Missed call: The callee does not answer within the timeout period
    normal_end Complete: The call is connected and ends normally
    call_busy Busy Line: The call is on a busy line
    interrupt Interruption: The call is interrupted due to network or other reasons
    caller_start_call Originator Initiates Call
    caller_call_accepted Originator Answers Call
    caller_call_missed Originator Misses Call
    caller_call_rejected Caller Rejects Call
    caller_call_busy Caller Line is Busy
    caller_cancel_call Caller Cancels Call
    caller_call_failed Caller Fails to Initiate Call
    caller_call_end Caller Ends Call Normally
    caller_call_interrupted Caller's Call Interrupted
    callee_receive_call Callee Receives Call
    callee_accept_call Callee Answers Call
    callee_not_answer_call Callee Does Not Answer
    callee_reject_call Callee Rejects Call
    callee_ignore_call Callee Ignores Call
    callee_call_canceled Callee Cancels Call
    callee_call_end Callee Ends Call Normally
    callee_call_interrupted Callee's Call Interrupted
    invite_user Midway invite user
    join_in_group_call Join the call midway
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