tencent cloud


Step One: Acquiring the Application SDK Configuration

Last updated: 2024-03-08 14:25:51
    Utilizing the Container SDK necessitates the application for configuration data. Only by correctly setting up the configuration files during the SDK initialization can the initialization be successful and the SDK be used optimally.

    Step 1: Establishing Application

    1. Sign into the Tencent Cloud Mini Program Platform and click Overview in the left navigation bar.
    2. On the Overview page, click Access Application. In the pop-up window for creating an application, fill in the application name and Bundle ID, then click Next, Integrate Mini Program Container to complete the application creation.

    Step 2: Getting the Configuration File

    To obtain the configuration file for the corresponding application, select the details operation on the right side of the corresponding Bundle ID, then click Download to download the application configuration file to your local device.
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