tencent cloud


Product advantages

Last updated: 2024-07-15 17:17:43
    As a leading big data development and governance platform, WeData offers the following advantages:

    Based on Open Source

    WeData supports open-source integration and extensively supports common big data open-source technologies such as Hadoop, Hive, Spark, etc. Users with experience in using open-source software can easily transfer and apply their experience.

    Ease of Use

    By abstracting core concepts such as workspaces, data sources, and workflows, and organically integrating modules like data maps and data quality, WeData enables users to quickly understand and smoothly use the platform for data development and governance.

    Cost Reduction and Efficiency Improvement

    WeData provides numerous features to help users reduce costs and improve efficiency. For instance, the data temperature feature in the data map helps identify infrequently used data that incur high costs for cleanup or migration; the canvas feature in workflow development allows easy organization of workflow task dependencies through drag-and-drop controls.

    High Security and Stability

    Data security modules offer data access control capabilities, enabling pre-approval, interception during the process, and post-event auditing of data access permissions; data content control capabilities allow for business data desensitization, establishing the last line of defense for data security. With rich and powerful high availability, load balancing, as well as timely and multi-channel monitoring and alarms, WeData ensures the full stability of service states and task operations.

    Accelerate Big Data Monetization

    The product helps users quickly discover and understand data through integrated operations, solves complex data pipeline development with DataOps, liberates data development productivity, and achieves rapid data research and development as well as delivery.

    Meet Self-service Needs for Business

    Data analysts/business personnel can focus more on the business logic itself, combined with the product's self-service data discovery, exploration, and analysis capabilities, to meet the smoother data usage needs of different roles.

    Reduce Enterprise Management Costs

    Data development requires cross-team and multi-role collaboration, but the architecture of traditional data tools is relatively fragmented and difficult to coordinate. The product facilitates role-specific duties and effective collaboration by dividing spaces.

    Enhance Enterprise Data Quality Trustworthiness

    The product solves the problem of data discrepancy through a pipeline operation across development, testing, and production environments, ensuring data compliance, standardization, quality monitoring, and improvement throughout, to guarantee data quality.
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