Parameter | Description |
Create Event | Navigate to Event Management Interface. |
Add Event | Select the listening events that the computing task needs to depend on. Supports adding multiple listening events to a single task. |
Event Waiting Time | The task's waiting time for listening events. If the waiting time is exceeded, the task instance will be automatically killed. |
Configure Event-Driven Hooks | The event configuration of Shell Tasks can use Event-Driven Hooks. This is only valid for Shell Task types. Once enabled, events can be triggered within the Shell script using the echo command. The trigger command format: echo [Event Variable]="[Event Name],[Data Timestamp];[Event Name],[Data Timestamp];". Multiple events are separated by ";" |
Event Variable | Effective when Event-Driven Hook configuration is enabled. Defines the variable name for the trigger command. For example, if set to 'events', then within the shell script, input echo events="EventA,20220713;EventB,20220713;". After the task successfully runs, EventA and EventB can be triggered. |
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