tencent cloud


TDSQL-C MySQL Data Source

Last updated: 2024-11-01 17:42:33

    TDSQL-C for MySQL offline single table read node configuration

    Data Source
    Available TDSQL-C for MySQL data source.
    Supports selecting or manually entering the database name to be read
    By default, the database bound to the data source is used as the default database. Other databases need to be manually entered.
    If the data source network is not connected and the database information cannot be fetched directly, you can manually enter the database name. Data synchronization can still be performed when the Data Integration network is connected.
    Supports selecting or manually entering the table name to be read
    In the case of table sharding, you can select or enter multiple table names on the TDSQL-C for MySQL source end, ensuring the structure is consistent across tables.
    In the case of table partitioning, the table index range can be configured. For instance, 'table_[0-99]' indicates reading 'table_0', 'table_1', 'table_2' up to 'table_99'; if the numeric suffix of your tables has a consistent length, like 'table_000','table_001','table_002' up to 'table_999', you can configure it as '"table": ["table_00[0-9]", "table_0[10-99]", "table_[100-999]"]'.
    If the data source network is not connected and the table information cannot be fetched directly, you can manually enter the table name. Data synchronization can still be performed when the Data Integration network is connected.
    Add Sharded Database/Table
    Multiple data sources can be created, and corresponding table objects can be added.
    For sharded databases and tables, ensure the schema information of the selected multiple table objects is consistent (including field names and field types). The system defaults to displaying the metadata field information of the first table of the first data source in the data fields module. If fields between multiple tables are inconsistent, it may cause runtime failures.
    Split Key
    Specify the field used for data sharding. After specifying, concurrent tasks will be initiated for data synchronization, improving data synchronization efficiency. You can use a column in the source data table as the partition key. It is recommended to use the primary key or indexed columns as the partition key. Only integer-type fields are supported.
    Filter Conditions (Optional)
    In actual business scenarios, data from the current day is usually chosen for synchronization. Specify the where condition as gmt_create>$bizdate. The where condition can effectively carry out business incremental synchronization.
    If the WHERE clause is not provided, including missing the key or value, the data synchronization is treated as full data synchronization.
    You cannot specify the WHERE condition as limit 10, which does not comply with TDSQL-C for MySQL WHERE clause constraints.
    Advanced Settings (Optional)
    You can configure parameters according to business needs.

    TDSQL-C for MySQL offline single table write node configuration

    Data Destination
    The TDSQL-C for MySQL data source to be written.
    Write Type
    Single table write: Supports single table writing
    Sharding write: Supports one-time writing to sharded TDSQL-C for MySQL tables within the same data source. Ensure all table schema structures are consistent and all target tables exist.
    Supports selection or manual input of the database name to write to
    By default, the database bound to the data source is used as the default database. Other databases need to be manually entered.
    If the data source network is not connected and the database information cannot be fetched directly, you can manually enter the database name. Data synchronization can still be performed when the Data Integration network is connected.
    Supports selection or manual input of the table name to write to
    If the data source network is not connected and the table information cannot be fetched directly, you can manually enter the table name. Data synchronization can still be performed when the Data Integration network is connected.
    Whether to Clear Table
    You can manually choose whether to clear the TDSQL-C for MySQL data table before writing to it.
    Write Mode
    TDSQL-C for MySQL supports three write modes:
    Append: When a primary key/unique index conflict occurs, the conflicting rows cannot be written.
    Overwrite: When a primary key/unique index conflict occurs, the original row is deleted, and the new row is inserted.
    On duplicate key: When a primary key/unique index conflict occurs, the new row replaces the specified fields of the existing row.
    Batch Submission Size
    The record size of one-time batch submission can greatly reduce the number of network interactions between the data synchronization system and TDSQL and improve overall throughput. If the value is set too high, it may cause the data synchronization process to encounter OOM exceptions.
    Pre-Executed SQL (Optional)
    The SQL statement executed before the synchronization task. Fill in the correct SQL syntax according to the data source type, such as clearing the old data in the table before execution (truncate table tablename).
    Post-Executed SQL (Optional)
    The SQL statement executed after the synchronization task. Fill in the correct SQL syntax according to the data source type, such as adding a timestamp (alter table tablename add colname timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP).

    Data type conversion support


    The data types and their conversion relationships supported by TDSQL-C for MySQL read are as follows (when processing TDSQL-C for MySQL, the data types of the TDSQL-C for MySQL data source will be mapped to the data types of the data processing engine):
    MySQL Data Types
    Internal Types
    tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint,year
    float, double, decimal
    varchar, char, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext,set,json
    date, datetime, timestamp, time
    bit, bool
    tinyblob, mediumblob, blob, longblob, varbinary


    The data types and their conversion relationships supported by TDSQL-C for MySQL write are as follows:
    Internal Types
    MySQL Data Types
    tinyint, smallint, mediumint, int, bigint,year
    float, double, decimal
    varchar, char, tinytext, text, mediumtext, longtext,set,json
    date, datetime, timestamp, time
    bit, bool
    tinyblob, mediumblob, blob, longblob, varbinary
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