tencent cloud


Billing Overview

Last updated: 2024-07-15 17:33:22
The WeData billing system mainly consists of Product EditionFees and Execution Resource Costs, with the current billing model for both product editions and execution resources being Monthly Subscription.

As shown above, WeData includes product feature editions and execution resources as mandatory service charges, among which:
WeData must be activated:
Product Edition: The product edition is a mandatory paid item for WeData. Before using the WeData service, it is necessary to purchase and activate the corresponding edition to start using product features. The edition fees adopt a monthly subscription mode, and the features can be used immediately after payment.
Execution Resources: Execution resources are mainly used for carrying out development tasks, integration tasks, data quality tasks, metadata collection tasks, etc., and can be used immediately after purchasing the corresponding specifications of resources based on the task or data volume. Execution resources adopt a monthly subscription mode, generally taking a few minutes to build the resources. They can be used immediately after successful construction.
Other services activated within can be linked to WeData for use: The big data engines and data source services required within the WeData feature, such as EMR, DLC, Cloud Data Warehouse TCHouse-P, TencentDB for MySQL, COS, etc., are not included in the WeData billing items. For such products, please refer to the corresponding product billing logic. After purchasing from the International Site, they can be linked to WeData for use.

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