tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-07-15 17:36:47

    Self-service return

    Edition Return

    The purchased edition will be discontinued on the day following its expiry, and after discontinuation, edition features will no longer be available.
    After the product feature edition expires, you can repurchase a higher edition or renew the current edition.
    If there is a suspected anomaly/malicious return, Tencent Cloud reserves the right to refuse your return request.

    Execute Resource Return

    For monthly-subscribed resource cluster packages, manual termination leads to service suspension. All resource packages within the group will be marked as Terminating or Terminated, and the resource package will immediately enter recycle isolation, ceasing the generation of related usage fees.
    Once terminated, resource packages cannot be restored.
    Terminating an integrated resource group's offline resource package will also terminate the real-time resource package; the residual value of unused offline and real-time resource packages will be returned to your account. For details, see Self-service Refund Fee Rules.
    If there is a suspected anomaly/malicious return, Tencent Cloud reserves the right to refuse your return request.

    Self-service Refund Fee Rules

    Refund amount = Current order amount + Future order amount - Consumed resources values
    Currently Effective Order Amount
    The payment amount of effective orders, excluding discounts and vouchers.
    Not Started Order Amount
    The payment amount for orders that will become effective in the future, excluding vouchers.
    Used Resource Value
    Calculated according to the following policy:
    For used resources, deducting the days of resources used within this month as of the day the refund is initiated, counting less than a day as one day.
    The used portion is precise to the second.
    Discounts and vouchers will not be returned.
    The refund amount will be refunded to your account at the ratio of cash and free credit paid upon purchase.
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