tencent cloud


Scheduling Parameters

Last updated: 2024-11-01 16:35:05

1. Time Parameter

Scheduling parameters are used during task scheduling. They automatically replace values according to the business time of task scheduling and the value format of scheduling parameters, achieving dynamic value substitution within the task scheduling time.
Currently, two scheduling parameters are supported: instance data time and planned scheduling time.
Scope: DataInLong and data computation tasks.
Scheduling Parameters
Parameter Value
Parameter Description
Instance Data Time
${...} is the time parameter of the Self Definition parameter format. 'yyyy' represents a 4-digit year, 'yy' represents a 2-digit year, 'MM' represents the month, 'dd' represents the day, 'HH' represents the hour, 'mm' represents the minute, and 'ss' represents the second. Parameters can be combined in any way, for example, ${yyyyMMdd}, ${yyyy-MM-dd}, ${HH:mm:ss}, and ${yyyyMMddHHmmss}, etc
Refers to the time for processing business data of the task, accurate to the second. Data time can be obtained through ${yyyyMMddHHmmss}.
The default T + 0 method, with the data time rules as follows:
Minute task, data time = scheduled dispatch time;
Hourly task, data time is yyyy-MM-dd HH:00:00 (yyyy-MM-dd HH is consistent with scheduled dispatch time);
Daily, Weekly, Yearly, Monthly task, data time is yyyy-MM-dd 00:00:00 (yyyy-MM-dd is consistent with scheduled dispatch time).
For test runs, the time obtained is the submission execution time.

Common Parameters:
Scheduled Time
$(…) is the time parameter in the Definition parameter format.
Refers to the instance scheduling time, which is also the instance generation time, accurate to the second. The planned scheduling time can be obtained through $(yyyyMMddHHmmss).

Common Parameters:
The following are common parameter formats for instance data time:
Time Parameter Formats
N Years Later
If reference dt=${yyyyMMdd-1M}, it will be replaced as: dt=20210610 If reference , it will be replaced as: dt=20210709 If reference time=${yyyyMMddHHmmss-3h}, it will be replaced as: time=20210710050000 If reference ti=${yyyyMMddHHmmss-25m}, it will be replaced as: ti=20210710073500
N Years Ago
N Months Later
N Months Ago
N Weeks Later
N Weeks Ago
N Days Later
N Days Ago
N Hours Later
Previous N hours
Next N minutes
Previous N minutes
Dispatch Timestamp (10 digits)
${timestamp}=1625875200 Supports the use of "+", "-" and other operators.
Dispatch Timestamp (13 digits)
Supports using "+", "-", and other operators for processing.
Provides quick conversion expressions for common dates as follows:
Serial number
Time Parameter Formats
TENDAY END data date corresponds to the end of the ten-day period
MONTH END data date corresponds to the end of the month
QUARTER END data date corresponds to the end of the quarter
HALF YEAR END data date corresponds to the end of the half year
YEAR END data date corresponds to the end of the year
TENDAY START data date corresponds to the start of the ten-day period
MONTH START data date corresponds to the start of the month
HALFYEAR START data date corresponds to the start of the half year
YEAR START data date corresponds to the start of the year
PRI MONTH END data date corresponds to the end of the previous month
PRI YEAR END data date corresponds to the end of the previous year

The following are common parameter formats for planned scheduling time:
Time Parameter Formats
Scheduling Time
If referencing dt=$(yyyyMMdd-1M), it will be replaced with: dt=20210610
If referencing , it will be replaced with: dt=20210709
If referencing time=$(yyyyMMddHHmmss-3h), it will be replaced with: time=20210710050000
If referencing ti=$(yyyyMMddHHmmss-25m), it will be replaced with: ti=20210710073500
N Years Later
N Years Ago
N Months Later
N Months Ago
N Weeks Later
N Weeks Ago
N Days Later
N Days Ago
N Hours Later
Previous N hours
Next N minutes
Previous N minutes
Dispatch Timestamp
$(timestamp)=1625875200 supports the use of "+", "-" and other operators.

2. Other System-Built-in Parameters

Project Identifier
Workflow name
Task Name
Task ID
Person in Charge
Task Type
Usage Scenario 1: Directly used in SQL to obtain information such as the current project and workflow.
select "${projectIdent}" as projectIdent, "${workflowName}" as workflowName, "${taskName}" as taskName, "${taskId}" as taskId, "${taskInCharge}" as taskInCharge, "${taskType}" as taskType, user_id from wedata_demo_db.user_info limit 10;
Usage Scenario 2: Used in SparkSQL, PySpark, and Spark tasks to specify the task name on Yarn with --name + variable.
--name ${projectIdent}-${workflowName}-${taskInCharge}
When connecting to kyuubi data source in SparkSQL, the parameter name currently needs to be specified using spark.app.name.

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