WeData provides users with a Definition metadata collection task feature. Administrators must collect metadata from the data source before they can perform visual management. Collection granularity supports libraries, and each database can only create one collection task. The collection task will run and update metadata information on a scheduled basis according to the configured cycle, and also supports manual execution, task editing, and other management operations.
Supported Data Source Types
Supported data source types for Metadata Collection:
Big data | Hive |
| HBase |
| DLC |
| ClickHouse |
| TCHouse-C |
| Iceberg |
| Greenplum |
| Doris |
| StarRocks |
| TCHouse-D |
Relational database | MySQL |
| TencentDB for MySQL |
| PostgreSQL |
| Oracle |
| SQL Server |
| TCHouse-P |
| TDSQL-PostgreSQL |
Collection Task Configuration
Create Collection Task
1. Go to the page Data Discovery > Metadata Collection and click Create Collection Task.
2. Enter the Create Collection Task interface and select the data source type as Hive.
3. Go to the Set Collection Targets page, fill in the following parameter information, and then click Next.
Each collection task supports binding to a single data source under the WeData project. Data sources cannot be bound to multiple collection tasks.
Task Name | The name of the collection task cannot be empty. Naming supports starting with letters or Chinese characters and can include letters, Chinese characters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) |
Description | Optional, description information of the collection task |
Affiliated Project | Specify the project to which the data source belongs, binding the data source management permissions with the project |
Data Source | The name of the data source corresponding to the collection task. This data source can be viewed in the project management module |
Database | A database can only correspond to one collection task. Already collected databases cannot be selected |
Database Table | Data tables to be collected |
Designated Table Owner | Person in charge of data table management permissions |
Task Owner | The responsible person has the permissions to view, stop, start, view logs, view details, rerun, and modify task information for this task |
Configure collection plan
Configure the cycle, specific dates, and times for running the metadata collection task.
Collection cycle: The current version supports hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, and one-time collection tasks.
Collection date: Weekly and monthly tasks can specify one or more specific collection dates. After configuration, the task will run as planned on those days. For example, if the collection dates are set to the 1st, 5th, and 31st, the task will execute the metadata collection on these dates each month.
Execution time: Specific execution time of the task
Run immediately: After setting, the collection task will trigger once immediately after the task configuration is completed.
Collection task list
The collection task list provides information on all collection tasks under the current user, including task name, collection object, technical type, project affiliation, creator, etc. It supports operations such as viewing task details, logs, editing, deleting, and transferring.
Task Name | Collection task name |
Type | Data source type |
Data Source | Data source for the collection task |
Collection Database | Collection database of the collection task |
Task Owner | Account name of the current task responsible person |
Creator | Account name that created the collection task |
Creation Time | Task creation time |
Collection plan | Collection task execution cycle |
Running Status | Running status of the collection task |
Most recent execution time | Date and time information of the last execution of the collection task |
Operation | Provides details, editing, and deletion of the task, as well as a feature to view task details |
Run collection task
Manually execute one-time/periodic tasks. Tasks not in execution state can be run manually.
Editing collection task
When not in execution state, you can edit items, data sources, update methods, deletion methods, and collection plans. Supports changes to the same type of data source. The collection task will collect data based on the newly bound collection object.
Deleting collection task
After deleting the collection task, collection for the data source will stop. In the current version, tables collected in WeData are not deleted.
Transfer collection task
In the collection task list, you can transfer the collection task to another task owner. The original owner will no longer have administrative privileges for the task.
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