Information | Description |
Task Name/ID | Support copying task names and IDs. Click the task name to jump to the Task Detail Page > Task Lineage. |
Owner | Displays the name of the Responsible Person for the compute tasks, specifying the responsibility for task operations. By default, it is the user who created the compute task. |
Status | Running status of a computing task, allowing users to determine whether the task is running as expected. There are a total of 5 statuses: Scheduling In Progress, Paused, Offline, Expired. Scheduling In Progress: The computing task is in a normal "Scheduling In Progress" state, and task instances will be generated according to the schedule. Paused: The computing task is paused and in a "Paused" state. No new instances will be generated, but existing instances will continue to run. Offline: The computing task is offline and in an "Offline" state. No new instances will be generated. To reschedule, please go to the Orchestration Space and resubmit. Expired: The task is in an "Expired" state, indicating that the current time has exceeded the task's configured effective time. Expired tasks cannot be started or paused. |
Folder | The folder directory to which the computing task belongs in the Orchestration Space, making it easy to identify the task's ownership for unified management. |
Workflow | The workflow name to which the computing task belongs in the Orchestration Space, making it easy to identify and manage the task. Clicking the workflow name will navigate to the corresponding workflow’s configuration page. |
Task Type | Task Type of the computing task. |
Scheduling Type | Scheduling period of the computing task. |
Execution Resource Group | Execution Resource Group configured for the computing task. |
Last Submission Time | Displays the date and time when the compute task was last modified and updated for operations and maintenance. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
First Execution Time | Displays the date and time when the compute task first ran to generate an instance according to the scheduling period. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
Creation Time | Displays the date and time when the compute task was first submitted for operations and maintenance. The format is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. |
Operation | Description |
Startup | Divided into batch operations and single task operations. For batch operations, check the box in front of the task name, then use the feature button above; for single task operations, click the action items in the Operation column of the task list. Only effective for tasks in the "Paused" state. After starting the task, it will be in normal scheduling and instances will be generated according to the scheduling period. |
Pause | Only effective for tasks in the "Scheduling In Progress" state. After pausing the task, no new instances will be generated. You can choose whether to terminate the generated instances during the pause operation. |
Abolish | Suspension: Only effective for tasks in the "Scheduling In Progress," "Paused," and "Expired" states. Decommission: After decommissioning a task, its status will be set to "Offline" and no instances will be generated. To re-execute, it needs to be resubmitted in the Orchestration Space. |
Data Replenishment | For task scheduling failed instances, execute supplements for historical missing instances and fill in missing or failed data processing task cycles. |
Modify Owner | Modify the person in charge of the task to clarify the responsibility for compute task operations and maintenance. Multiple persons can be added to the same task at once. |
Alarm settings | Set up alarm monitoring for the task's running status, so that operation and maintenance personnel can quickly detect abnormal task operations and respond promptly. |
Task Development | Jumps to the corresponding compute node configuration interface in the Orchestration Space. It is a quick channel for Task Operation and Maintenance - Compute Task Node Editing. |
Delete | Only computing tasks with the status "Offline" can be deleted. You can send a notification to the person in charge of the task upon deletion. If multiple computing tasks are selected, other tasks with different statuses will not be deleted by default. There are two ways to delete: After deletion, downstream tasks will run normally. After deletion, downstream tasks will all fail. |
Viewing Instance | Jump to the corresponding computing task's Generated Instances List page. You can check the instance's running status, running time, and perform feature operations on the instance. |
View Details | Jump to the Task Details page. It supports basic operations and viewing task basic information. See the description below for details on the Task Details page. |
Content | Description |
Execution History | Displays the basic information of historical task instances. Filter: Supports filtering instances by instance data time and start time. Statistics: Statistics of the total number of instances within the filter range, including the number of instances in each state (waiting for upstream, waiting for event, waiting to run, running, successful, and failed). Instance List: Displays basic information and operations of instances. ![]() |
Execution Curve | Display the Execution Time Curve of Task History Instances. Execution Duration Trend: View the execution duration trend of the last 25, 50, and 100 instances. Users can understand the changes in the execution duration of historical instances, assisting in determining whether there are anomalies in instance execution. Start/End Time Change Trend: View the change trend of the start and end times for the last 25, 50, and 100 instances. ![]() |
Task Lineage | Display the lineage information of the current task. Divided into DAG Pattern and List Mode. For complex lineage relationships and scenarios with many nodes, the List Mode is recommended. ![]() |
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