tencent cloud


Task Alerts

Last updated: 2024-11-01 16:35:05

    Alarm rule

    The alarm rules page offers the feature to configure alarm tasks, supporting alarm conditions and notifications for the operation status of projects, tasks, and workflows.

    Adding rules

    1. log in to WeData console.
    2. Click the Project List in the left menu to find the target project that needs alert rule configuration.
    3. After selecting the project, click to enter the Data Development Module.
    4. Click on Alarm Rules, in the left menu to enter the alarm rule management page, and click New Rule, fill in the rule information.
    Feature Description:
    Basic information
    Rule Name
    Alert Rule Name, 1 - 128 characters, limited to Chinese, English, numbers, and underscores.
    Monitoring Object
    Select the monitoring object for which you want to set the alarm rules. Currently, computing tasks, workflows, and project configuration alert rules are supported.
    Task Alerts: You can configure alarm rules for all computing task nodes that have been submitted to operations in the orchestration space.
    Workflow Alerts: You can configure alarm rules for workflows that have been submitted to operations in the orchestration space. The monitoring objects of the rules are all computing tasks within the workflow. The allowlist capability is provided; tasks added to the allowlist will not be monitored by the alarm rules.
    Project Alerts: Alarm rules can be set for all computing tasks that have been submitted to operations in the orchestration space within the current project. The allowlist capability is provided; tasks added to the allowlist will not be monitored by the alarm rules.
    Alarm Conditions
    Execution Failed
    An alert is triggered when the monitored task's instance fails to run. Configuration can be made for periodic execution, supplemental entries, or rerun execution. The rule trigger condition can be either "Failed after all retries" or "First run failed".
    Failed after all retries are completed: According to the computational task scheduling strategy, if failure retries are configured, the alarm rule is triggered when all retries fail, and the instance fails.
    First Execution Failed: According to the computational task scheduling strategy, the alarm rule is triggered when the instance generated from the first run fails.
    Running Timeout
    An alert will be triggered when a monitored task generates instance scheduling or exceeds the preset runtime. Configuration can be done for periodic execution or supplemental entry, as well as for rerun execution. Rules can be set for the following four key time requirements: "Estimated Running Time", "Estimated Completion Time", "Expected Waiting Time for Scheduling", and "Incomplete within Cycle".
    Estimated Running Time: Calculated from the task instance start time. If not completed within the required time, an alert is triggered. You can use "Specified Value" or "Historical Average" to limit instance running time.
    Specified Value: If the instance is not completed within the specified hour and minute time requirement, an alert rule is triggered.
    Historical Average: Takes the instance running time of the last 10 successful runs of the computing task, removes the maximum and minimum values, and then takes the average. If less than 10 runs, it is invalid.
    Estimated Completion Time: Calculated from the task instance start time. If not completed by the prescribed time point, an alert is triggered. You can use "Specified Value" or "Historical Average" to specify the time point by which the instance needs to be completed.
    Specified Value: If the instance is not completed before the specified hour/minute time point, an alert rule is triggered.
    Historical Average: Takes the instance running time of the last 10 successful runs of the computing task, removes the maximum and minimum values, and then takes the average. If less than 10 runs, it is invalid.
    Expected Waiting Time: Limits the interval time from the planned scheduling time of the task instance to the actual start time. If it exceeds the set time period and has not started, an alert is triggered.
    Incomplete within Cycle: An alert is triggered when the task instance does not complete within its current running cycle. Cycle = Interval * Periodic Unit, for example:
    Minute Task: For a task with a 15-minute interval, the cycle is 15 minutes. Alert is triggered if the task exceeds 15 minutes without completion.
    Hourly Task: If specified hour or interval is 1, the cycle is 1 hour; if the interval is 2, the cycle is 2 hours, and so on.
    Day, Week, Month, and Annual Task: The cycle is 1 day.
    Run Successful
    An alert will be triggered when a monitored task generates a successful instance run. Configuration can be done for periodic execution or supplemental entry, as well as for rerun execution.
    Alarm notification
    Alarm Severity
    Alert message content is distinguished according to the alert level of different alert types. Currently, there are three alert types to choose from: Normal, Important, and Urgent.
    After the alarm rule is triggered, an alarm message will be sent to the recipient. Currently, three methods are supported for setting alarm message recipients: "Designated Personnel", "Task Owner", and "On-duty Schedule".
    Designated Users: You can specify one or multiple users as alert message recipients.
    Task Owner: The owner of the task is set as the alert message recipient.
    Duty Schedule: The pre-scheduled duty roster is set as the recipient, and alert messages will be sent to the duty users.
    Alarm Method
    After the alarm rule is triggered, the sending channel for the alarm information. Currently supports Email, SMS, WeChat, Telephone, WeCom, HTTP, Enterprise WeChat group, FeiShu Group, and DingTalk Group push methods. Mobile, WeChat, and Email accounts can be configured in the Tencent Cloud Personal Center > CAM > Users module, WeCom accounts in the Tencent Cloud Personal Center > CAM > Joint Account module. HTTP is configured in the alarm channel.
    Notification Frequency
    Supports definition of the number of times an alarm is sent once and the interval time between each message.
    Do Not Disturb
    Supports setting a do-not-disturb time during which alarms will not be sent. Users can view alarm records in the alarm information.
    Supports configuring do-not-disturb time by weekday and time, allowing multiple do-not-disturb periods.

    View Alarm Rule List

    Once the alarm rule is created, it will be displayed in the alarm rule list, showing rule name, alarm type, alert method, recipient information, and providing features like rule switch and rule details to help users manage and maintain alarm rules.
    Feature description:
    Rule Name
    Displays the alarm rule name and ID number.
    Monitoring Object
    Displays the tasks, workflows, and projects to which the alarm rule applies, and allows viewing of computing tasks involved in the alarm rule for these monitored objects.
    Alarm Type
    Displays the monitoring types of the alarm rule: failed, timed out, success.
    Alarm Severity
    Displays the alert level of the alarm rule: normal, important, urgent.
    Alarm On-Off
    Displays the current startup status of the alarm rule, allowing manual switching. When in stopped status, the alarm rule will not take effect and no alarm information will be generated.
    Alarm Method
    Displays the sending channels for the alarm information of the alarm rule.
    Displays the recipients configured to receive the alarm information for the alarm rule.
    Created by
    Show the creator of the current alarm rules.

    Operate alarm rules

    Feature description:
    Rule Details
    The rule details allow you to view various parameters configured when setting up the alarm rules, including rule name, monitored object, monitoring tasks, alarm conditions, and alarm notifications.
    Alert Information
    Jump to the alarm information list page generated after the corresponding alarm rule is triggered, where you can view the details of each alarm generated.
    Displays the monitoring types of the alarm rule: failed, timed out, success.

    Filter alarm rules

    Enter the alarm rule name or ID in the search box to filter the list.

    Alert Information

    Alarm information generated after triggering the alarm rules for monitored objects will be displayed in the alarm information list. The list provides details and running logs of the alarm information as well as a basic information viewing feature.

    View alarm message list

    1. log in to WeData console.
    2. Click the Project List in the left menu to find the target project to operate on the Data Management feature.
    3. After selecting the project, click to enter the Data Development Module.
    4. Click the Alarm Information in the left-side menu to enter the alarm information management page.
    Feature description:
    Alarm Time
    Show the generation time of the alarm information.
    Alarm Task
    Display the name and instance ID of the task instance that triggered the alarm information. Click the instance name to jump to the corresponding instance management page.
    Alarm Cause
    Show the cause of the current alarm information triggering.
    Alarm Severity
    Alarm level of the displayed alarm information: Normal, Important, Emergency.
    Rule Name
    Displays the alarm rule that triggered this alarm information. Click the rule name to navigate to the corresponding alarm rule management page.
    Alarm Method
    Displays the channel through which the alarm information is sent.
    Displays the recipients of the alarm information.

    Operate alarm message

    Click the 'View Details' under the action column. In the popup, you can see the alarm target, reason, and send status of the alarm information.
    Feature Description:
    Alarm Object
    Displays the task instance name and instance ID that triggered the alarm information.
    Task Name: Displays the name of the computing task that triggered the alarm information. Click the task name to navigate to the page where the instance triggering the alarm is located.
    Instance ID: Displays the instance ID that triggered the alarm information. Click 'View Logs' to navigate to the log information page of the corresponding instance.
    Alarm Cause
    Displays the trigger reason of the current alarm information based on the configured alarm rule trigger conditions.
    For example, if the alarm condition selected: Run Timeout> Expected Completion Time.
    Then the alarm reason displayed after the rule is triggered: Expected Completion Time Timeout.
    Sending Status
    Displays the sending time of the current alarm information, recipients, and sending channels. From the status of the sending channels, you can see whether the message was successfully sent in each channel.
    Sending Time: Displays the time the alarm information was sent to the recipient after the rule was triggered.
    Recipient: Displays the recipient of the alarm information.
    Sending Channel: Uses different icons to display the sending status of the alarm information across various channels.
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