tencent cloud


Integrated Resource Billing Explanation

Last updated: 2024-07-15 17:33:05
    The data integrated resource is a dedicated execution resource for data integration tasks within the WeData platform, supporting both data integration and offline or real-time integration tasks in the data development module.
    As shown in the figure above, the standard integration resource group within the project space consists of both offline resource package and real-time resource package, where both offline and real-time resource packages are bound to tasks on a resource group basis. These packages are billed in the monthly subscription mode.
    Offline Resource Package: Required. It's mainly used to construct an integrated resource environment and run offline tasks. You can select the appropriate specification and quantity of resource packages based on the volume of offline integration tasks.
    Real-time Resource Package: Optional, can be configured as needed if real-time integration is required. The real-time package is used for running real-time synchronization tasks, and must be used with the offline resource package; it cannot be used separately.


    Resource groups are the smallest task-binding units, where a single resource package can only belong to one resource group.
    Offline resource packages within integrated resources are required, while real-time resource packages are optional for real-time integration.
    Real-time resource packages cannot be used independently without offline resource packages.
    It is possible to terminate real-time resource packages independently; if offline resource packages are terminated, real-time packages will be terminated as well, with refunds issued for basic and real-time resource packages unused during the billing cycle.
    Offline and real-time resource packages must share a unified network environment.

    Resource Performance Metrics

    Resource Package Type
    Maximum Concurrent Threads for Offline Integration
    Maximum Number of Tasks for Real-time Synchronization of a Single Table
    Offline Resource Package
    8C 16G
    8C 32G
    Real-time Resource Package
    16C 64G

    Fee Charging Standards

    Deployment Regions
    Resource Package Type
    Recommended scenarios
    Singapore / Frankfurt / Virginia
    Offline Resource Package
    8C 16G
    Suitable for smaller volumes of offline DataInLong tasks, or primarily used in conjunction with real-time packages for real-time integration
    259 USD/month (before discount)
    8C 32G
    Suitable for offline DataInLong tasks with substantial memory consumption
    519 USD/month (before discount)
    Singapore / Frankfurt / Virginia
    Real-time Resource Package
    16C 64G
    Suitable for more flexible real-time Data Warehouse construction and real-time report presentation scenarios
    749 USD/month (before discount)
    Singapore / Frankfurt / Virginia
    Offline + Real-time Resource Package
    8C 16G (Offline)
    Suitable for more flexible offline + real-time data warehouse construction, real-time report presentation, and other business scenarios
    1,008 USD/month (before discount)
    16C 64G (Real-time)
    8C 32G (Offline)
    Suitable for data integration tasks with substantial memory consumption, both offline and real-time
    1,268 USD/month (before discount)
    16C 64G (Real-time)
    Singapore / Frankfurt / Virginia
    Offline + Real-time Resource Package
    8C 16G (Offline)
    Suitable for more flexible offline + real-time data warehouse construction, real-time report presentation, and other business scenarios
    1,008 USD/month (before discount)
    16C 64G (Real-time)
    8C 32G (Offline)
    Suitable for data integration tasks with substantial memory consumption, both offline and real-time
    1,268 USD/month (before discount)
    16C 64G (Real-time)
    Massive Message Queue
    1C 2G
    2C 4G 4C 8G 8C 16G
    After configuring the massive message queue for the integrated resource group, the real-time integration task can be enhanced to support active data reporting through Agent/SDK
    Free During Promotion
    The prices displayed in the documentation have been rounded to the nearest decimal point for reference only.
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