tencent cloud


Allowlist /Security Group Overview

Last updated: 2024-11-01 15:33:08
Currently, the TCHouse-P Compute Engine and Tencent Cloud MySQL database are subject to allowlist /security group restrictions. Therefore, before using the related services, you need to open settings for WeData access IPs in the table below. For other access-related settings, such as account creation and remote access, please refer to the official database or the corresponding Tencent Cloud database documentation.
Obtaining and using the TCHouse-P cluster. If you need to access the TCHouse-P cluster through CVMs in other subnets or external network machines, you must add these IP addresses to the allowlist.
Using Tencent Cloud MySQL database. If you are using a Tencent Cloud MySQL database version higher than the base version, to ensure the security and stability of the database, you need to add WeData access IPs to the target database's security group before starting to use the database instance.

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