tencent cloud



Last updated: 2025-01-24 10:09:01

    Supported platforms

    The following platforms can communicate with each other and provide services across devices and platforms.
    SDK and Compatibility
    Source Code
    UI Component
    Compatible with JDK 1.6 and Android SDK version 14 and later
    Compatible with iOS 8.0 and later
    Compatible with OS X 10.10 and later
    C and C++ are included. Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows 11. Both 32-bit and 64-bit programs can be connected.
    Supports Internet Explorer 11+, Chrome 7+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 12+ and Safari 6+
    Supports 2020.2.7f1c1 or later
    Flutter 2 and Dart 2.12 or later support Android/iOS/web/macOS/Windows
    Unreal Engine
    React Native

    Global access

    Feature Type
    Global access overview
    Chat provides highly reliable and secure network connections with global coverage. With its proprietary multi-level optimal addressing algorithm, Chat can perform scheduling across the entire network. When terminals log in from outside the Chinese mainland, Chat SDK connects to the nearest access nodes or cache nodes.
    South China, North China, East China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan
    Asia: Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Philippines, UAE, Indonesia
    Europe: Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Norway, Spain, Netherlands
    North America: United States, Canada, Mexico
    South America: Brazil
    Oceania: Australia
    Africa: South Africa, Nigeria, etc.

    Account features

    Feature Type
    Importing accounts
    Imports accounts in batches.
    Deactivating accounts
    Invalidates UserSigs.
    Deleting accounts
    Deletes accounts in batches.
    User online status
    Manage the online and offline statuses after users log in
    Query accounts
    Batch check whether accounts are imported

    Multi-device login

    Feature Type
    A user can be online on only one of the following platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac, and web.
    Dual-platform (default)
    A user can be concurrently online on the web platform and one of the following platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, and Mac.
    A user can be concurrently online on three platforms: web + Android/iPhone/iPad + Windows/Mac.
    A user can be concurrently online on all platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad, Windows, Mac, and web.
    You can configure multi-device login by logging in to the Chat console and clicking App Configuration for the target app to open the Feature Configuration page.

    Message types

    Feature Type
    The message content is plain text.
    The message content includes the URL, dimensions, and size of the image.
    Emoji messages are customized by developers.
    Audio data must include the duration in seconds.
    The message content contains the caption, longitude, and latitude of the location.
    The message content includes the URL, size, and format of the file. There are no file format restrictions, and the maximum supported file size is 100 MB.
    Short video
    The message content includes the URL, duration, size, and format of the video file. The maximum supported file size is 100 MB.
    Message types that are customized by developers, such as red packet and rock-paper-scissor.
    System notification
    This type of message is divided into built-in system notification messages and system notification messages customized by developers.
    Group tips
    System messages pushed when a member joins or leaves a group, group description is modified, group member profile changes, etc.
    Combined messages
    Up to 300 messages can be combined.

    Message features

    Feature Type
    Message download
    The app admin can obtain all one-to-one or group messages for a specified hour of a specified day in the past 7 days through this API.
    Offline messages
    Chat supports offline push when a user logs in, the app switches to work in the background, and other users send messages.
    Roaming messages
    When a user logs in on a new device, the historical message storage recorded (on the cloud) by the server is synchronized to the new device. Roaming messages are stored for 7 days by default. You can pay to increase the roaming message storage period.
    Multi-device synchronization
    Messages can be synced across multiple devices so that they can be received at the same time.
    Historical messages
    Both local and cloud historical messages are supported.
    Recall messages
    Recall a message that has been delivered successfully. By default, messages that were delivered more than 2 minutes ago cannot be recalled. Only one-to-one and group chat messages can be recalled. Messages sent in audio-video chat rooms (AVChatRooms) cannot be recalled.
    Read receipts
    Users can check if messages have been read in a one-to-one chat.
    Message forwarding
    Users can forward messages to other users or groups.
    @ feature
    There is no essential difference between an in-group @ message and an ordinary message, although the user specified by @ will see a special UI effect.
    Typing status indicator
    This feature can be implemented in online messaging scenarios.
    Offline push
    Apple APNs, Xiaomi push, Huawei push, Meizu push, OPPO push, vivo push, and Google FCM push are supported.
    Delete messages
    Use the remove method for messages to delete messages locally.
    Red packets
    Red packet messages are similar to @ messages and can be implemented through TIMCustomElem.
    Push to all users
    A set of RESTful APIs based on the Chat communication architecture to enable push to all users, push by tag, and push by attribute in an app. You can integrate the client with the SDK for capabilities such as online push, offline push (Android background notification and APNs), and message receiving.
    Local message search
    Support searching for friends, searching for groups/group members, and searching for messages and grouping them by conversation.
    Cloud search
    Supports cloud-based global search, specified conversation search, specified user search, "OR" / "AND" relationship search, etc. Subsequent updates will support searching for accounts, groups, and other capabilities.

    Profile features

    Feature Type
    Set user profiles
    Users can set information including the nickname, verification method, profile photo, gender, age, status, and location.
    Obtain user profiles
    Users can view their own profiles and the profiles of friends and strangers.
    Obtain user information by fields
    This feature can obtain user information based on specific fields.
    Custom user information
    Up to 20 custom user profile fields are supported.

    Relationship chain features

    Feature Type
    Search for friends
    Search for a friend by account ID.
    Friend requests
    Specify whether a request reason is required. The default is no.
    Add friends
    Send friend requests.
    Import friends
    Support importing one-way friends in batches.
    Update friends
    Support updating the relationship chain data of multiple friends of a user at a time.
    Delete friends
    Friends can be deleted after they are added to the contact list.
    Obtain all friends
    This feature can obtain all friends. Only basic information of friends is pulled by default.
    Accept/Reject friend requests
    Accept or reject a friend request after receiving a friend request system notification.
    Add to the blocklist
    Blocklist any user. If you blocklist friends, you also unfriend them.
    Remove from the blocklist
    Remove a user from the blocklist.
    Obtain the blocklist
    Pull the blocklist of users.
    Friend remarks
    Add remarks for a friend.
    Set custom friend profile fields
    Up to 20 custom fields are allowed.
    Create a friend list
    When creating a list, you can choose who goes to the list. A user can be added to multiple lists.
    Delete a friend list
    Delete a friend list.
    Verify friends
    Support verifying multiple friends at a time.
    Verify users on a blocklist
    Support verifying multiple users at a time.
    Add a friend to a list
    Add a friend to a list.
    Delete a friend from a friend list
    Remove a friend from a friend list.
    Rename a friend list
    Rename a friend list.
    Obtain friend list information
    Obtain a specific friend list.
    Obtain all friend lists
    Obtain the information of all friend lists. This can also be achieved by obtaining all friends.
    Relationship chain storage
    The SDK can store relationship chain information.
    System notifications on friend profile changes
    When a friend’s profile changes, you will receive a system notification.
    System notification on relationship chain changes
    When a relationship chain change occurs, you will receive a system notification.

    Group features

    Based on common use cases, Chat has set the following default group types:
    A work group (Work) allows users to join the group by being invited by a friend who is a member of the group. The invitation does not need to be accepted by the invitee or approved by the group owner.
    A public group (Public) allows the group owner to designate group admins. To join the group, a user needs to search for the group ID and send a request, and the request needs to be approved by the group owner or an admin before the user can join the group.
    A meeting group (Meeting) allows users to join and exit freely and supports viewing message history from before the user joined the group. Meeting groups are ideal for scenarios that integrate Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC), such as audio and video conferences and online education.
    An audio-video group (AVChatRoom) allows users to join and exit freely, supports an unlimited number of members, and does not store message history. Livestreaming groups can be used with Live Video Broadcasting (LVB) to support on-screen comment chat scenarios.
    A community group (Community) allows users to join and exit freely, supports up to 100,000 members, and stores message history. To join the group, a user needs to search for the group ID and send an application, and the application does not need to be approved by an admin before the user can join the group.
    Community is a new powerful tool for entertainment collaboration. Within the same community, a high number of members can be divided into different groups and topics to separate messages for hierarchical communication, yet they can also share the same set of friend relationships. This helps you develop a unique path of social expansion. The community feature is suitable for diverse use cases, such as finding like-minded people, game-based social networking, fan marketing, and organization management.
    Community: The community feature is supported by a client with the SDK enhanced edition v5.8.1668 or later and the web SDK v2.17.0 or later. To use it, you need to purchase the Pro、Pro Plus、Enterprise, and then enable it via console > Feature Configuration > Group configuration > Group feature configuration > Community.
    The following table compares the default features of each group type:
    Maximum number of members
    Free Trial: 20 per group
    Standard edition: 200 per group by default; can be increased to 2,000 per group
    Pro: 2,000 per group by default;
    Pro Plus:5,000 per group by default;
    Enterprise:6,000 per group by default; (can customize)
    Free Trial: 20 per group
    Standard edition: 200 per group by default; can be increased to 2,000 per group
    Pro: 2,000 per group by default;
    Pro Plus:5,000 per group by default;
    Enterprise:6,000 per group by default; (can customize)
    Free Trial: 20 per group
    Standard edition: 200 per group by default; can be increased to 2,000 per group
    Pro: 2,000 per group by default;
    Pro Plus:5,000 per group by default;
    Enterprise:6,000 per group by default; (can customize)
    Free Trial and Standard edition: not supported. Pro: 100,000 per group by default
    Permission to modify a group profile
    Group members
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Member lists
    Show all
    Show all
    Show all
    Not show
    Show all
    Permission to disband a group
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Request to join a group
    Not supported
    Membership request approval
    Not supported
    Not required
    Not required
    Not required
    Inviting others to a group
    Confirmation from the invitee is not required.
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Confirmation from the invitee is not required.
    Group owner leaving the group
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Setting admins
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Removing members from a group
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Group admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Not supported
    Group admins
    Group owner
    App admins
    Historical message storage
    Not supported
    Viewing roaming messages from before the user joined the group
    Disabled by default. This feature can be configured in the
    Disabled by default. This feature can be configured in the
    Enabled by default. This feature can be configured in the
    Not supported
    Enabled by default. This feature can be configured in the
    Group member change notifications
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when a user is invited to a group, asks other users to join a group, is kicked out of a group, or leaves a group. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when a user is invited to a group, asks other users to join a group, is kicked out of a group, or leaves a group. This feature can be configured in the console.
    A notification is **disabled by default** when a user is invited to a group, asks other users to join a group, is kicked out of a group, or leaves a group. This feature can be configured in the console.
    A notification will be pushed but not stored on the roaming server when a user is invited to a group, asks other users to join a group, is kicked out of a group, or leaves a group.
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when a user is invited to a group, asks other users to join a group, is kicked out of a group, or leaves a group. This feature can be configured in the console.
    Group profile change notifications
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group name, group notifications, group introduction, group profile photo, or group owner is changed, and a notification is disabled by default when group muting or the group joining application method is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group name, group notifications, group introduction, group profile photo, or group owner is changed, and a notification is disabled by default when group muting or the group joining application method is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group name, group notifications, group introduction, group profile photo, or group owner is changed, and a notification is disabled by default when group muting or the group joining application method is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification will be pushed but **not stored** on the roaming server when the group name, group notifications, group introduction, group profile photo, or group owner is changed, and a notification is disabled when group muting or the group joining application method is changed.
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group name, group notifications, group introduction, group profile photo, or group owner is changed, and a notification is disabled by default when group muting is changed. This feature can be configured in the console .For a community group, the group joining application method cannot be modified, and therefore no related notification is involved.
    Group member profile change notifications
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group muting or group admin is changed. This feature can be configured in the console.
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group muting or group admin is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification is **disabled by default** when the group muting or group admin is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification is **disabled by default** when the group muting or group admin is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    A notification will be pushed and stored on the roaming server by default when the group muting or group admin is changed. This feature can be configured in the
    Group activation
    Activate via messages.
    Not required
    Not required
    Not required
    Not required
    Muting members
    Not supported
    Unread message count
    Not supported
    Not supported
    Default message receiving option
    Receive online and offline pushed messages.
    Receive online and offline pushed messages.
    Receive only online pushed messages.
    Receive only online pushed messages.
    Receive online and offline pushed messages.
    Importing groups
    Not supported

    Chat console

    You can log in to Tencent Cloud Chat console to configure the app based on your needs.
    Feature Type
    App creation
    Create an app.
    App upgrade
    Upgrade the plan.
    SDK download
    Download the client SDK.
    App configuration
    Configure the app.
    Statistical analysis
    View operations data.
    Callback configuration
    Third-party callback.
    Feature configuration
    Add custom fields and online instances.
    Group management
    Add, modify, and delete groups; manage group members; send messages.
    Developer tool
    Generate UserSig on the webpage.


    The statistics and analytics feature in the Chat console allows you to view operations data in various dimensions.
    Statistic Type
    Active users
    View the number of users (deduplicated) that have connected to and interacted with the server.
    New registered users
    View the number of newly registered users.
    Total registered users
    View the total number of registered users.
    Upstream messages
    Specify a time period and view the number of upstream messages.
    Message senders
    Specify a time period and view the number of message senders.
    Peak concurrent online users
    Specify a time period and view the number of concurrent online users.
    One-to-one upstream messages
    Specify a time period and view the number of one-to-one upstream messages.
    One-to-one message senders
    Specify a time period and view the number of one-to-one message senders.
    Group upstream messages
    Specify a time period and view the number of group upstream messages.
    Group message senders
    Specify a time period and view the number of group message senders.
    Message sending groups
    Specify a time period and view the number of groups that send messages.
    New groups
    Specify a time period and view the number of new groups.
    Total groups
    Specify a time period and view the total number of groups.
    Data export
    Specify a time period and export data.

    Real-time monitoring

    The statistics and analytics feature in the Chat console allows you to view operations data in various dimensions.
    Statistic Type
    Current online users
    Number of online users in real time
    One-to-one messages today
    Total number of one-to-one messages of the current day
    Ordinary group messages today
    Number of non-audio-video group messages of the current day
    Audio-video group messages today
    Number of audio-video group messages of the current day

    Private deployment

    Private deployment allows an enterprise to deploy systems directly to its own servers and save data locally. Chat provides the private deployment feature to assist enterprises in the deployment, implementation, and OPS of the private version.
    To apply for the Chat private service, you need to log in with your root account of Tencent Cloud.
    Contact Us

    Contact our sales team or business advisors to help your business.

    Technical Support

    Open a ticket if you're looking for further assistance. Our Ticket is 7x24 avaliable.

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