"@A @B @C......"
, which can be further edited before sent.
In the group chat list of the receiver's conversation UI, the identifier "someone@me"
or "@ all"
will be displayed to remind the user that the user was mentioned by someone in the group chat.Listening for the @ character for group member selection | Editing and sending the group @ message | Receiving the group @ message |
| | |
object, while the nickname is to be displayed in the text box.createAtSignedGroupMessage
API (Android / iOS & Mac / Windows) to create a group @ message, get the V2TIMMessage
object, and specify the target group members.sendMessage
(Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) to send the created @ message object.// Create a original text messageV2TIMMessage textMsg = V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createTextMessage("text");// Create a group @ message using the original text message, @ group members `user1` and `user2`List<String> atUserList = new ArrayList<>();atUserList.add("user1");atUserList.add("user2");V2TIMMessage atMsg = V2TIMManager.getMessageManager().createAtSignedGroupMessage(textMsg, atUserList);// Send the group @ messageV2TIMManager.getMessageManager().sendMessage(atMsg, null, "toGroupID", V2TIMMessage.V2TIM_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, false, null, new V2TIMSendCallback<V2TIMMessage>() {@Overridepublic void onError(int code, String desc) {// The group @ message failed to be sent}@Overridepublic void onSuccess(V2TIMMessage v2TIMMessage) {// Group @ message sent successfully}@Overridepublic void onProgress(int progress) {}});
// Create a original text messageV2TIMMessage *textMsg = [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] createTextMessage:@"text"];// Create a group @ message using the original text message, @ group members `user1` and `user2`V2TIMMessage *atMsg = [[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] createAtSignedGroupMessage:textMsg atUserList:@[@"xixi", @"yahaha"]];// Send the group @ message[[V2TIMManager sharedInstance] sendMessage:atMsg receiver:nil groupID:@"groupA" priority:V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL onlineUserOnly:NO offlinePushInfo:nil progress:nil succ:nil fail:nil];
class SendCallback final : public V2TIMSendCallback {public:using SuccessCallback = std::function<void(const V2TIMMessage&)>;using ErrorCallback = std::function<void(int, const V2TIMString&)>;using ProgressCallback = std::function<void(uint32_t)>;SendCallback() = default;~SendCallback() override = default;void SetCallback(SuccessCallback success_callback, ErrorCallback error_callback,ProgressCallback progress_callback) {success_callback_ = std::move(success_callback);error_callback_ = std::move(error_callback);progress_callback_ = std::move(progress_callback);}void OnSuccess(const V2TIMMessage& message) override {if (success_callback_) {success_callback_(message);}}void OnError(int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) override {if (error_callback_) {error_callback_(error_code, error_message);}}void OnProgress(uint32_t progress) override {if (progress_callback_) {progress_callback_(progress);}}private:SuccessCallback success_callback_;ErrorCallback error_callback_;ProgressCallback progress_callback_;};V2TIMStringVector atUserList;atUserList.PushBack("user1");atUserList.PushBack("user2");V2TIMMessage message = V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->CreateTextMessage(u8"text");V2TIMMessage at_message = V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->CreateAtSignedGroupMessage(message, atUserList);auto callback = new SendCallback{};callback->SetCallback([=](const V2TIMMessage& message) {// The group @ message failed to be sentdelete callback;},[=](int error_code, const V2TIMString& error_message) {// Group @ message sent successfullydelete callback;},[=](uint32_t progress) {});V2TIMManager::GetInstance()->GetMessageManager()->SendMessage(at_message, "denny", {}, V2TIMMessagePriority::V2TIM_PRIORITY_NORMAL, false, {}, callback);
API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) of V2TIMConversation
to get the @ data list of the conversation.atType
API (Android / iOS and macOS / Windows) of the V2TIMGroupAtInfo
object in the list to get the @ data type and update it to the @ information of the conversation.// Obtain the group @ data listList<V2TIMGroupAtInfo> atInfoList = conversation.getGroupAtInfoList();// Parse the @ type (@me, @all members, @me and @all members)boolean atMe = false;boolean atAll = false;String atTips = "";for(V2TIMGroupAtInfo atInfo : atInfoList){if (atInfo.getAtType() == V2TIMGroupAtInfo.TIM_AT_ME){atMe = true;continue;}if (atInfo.getAtType() == V2TIMGroupAtInfo.TIM_AT_ALL){atAll = true;continue;}}// Based on the @ type, prompt:if (atMe && !atAll) {atTips = "[Someone@me]";} else if (!atMe && atAll) {atTips = "[@all]";} else if (atMe && atAll) {atTips = "[someone@me][@all members]";}
// Obtain the group @ data listNSArray<V2TIMGroupAtInfo *> *atInfoList = conversation.groupAtInfolist;// Parse the @ type (@me, @all members, @me and @all members)BOOL atMe = NO; // Whether it's @meBOOL atAll = NO; // Whether it's @all membersNSString *atTipsStr = @"";for (V2TIMGroupAtInfo *atInfo in atInfoList) {switch (atInfo.atType) {case V2TIM_AT_ME:atMe = YES;break;case V2TIM_AT_ALL:atAll = YES;break;case V2TIM_AT_ALL_AT_ME:atMe = YES;atAll = YES;break;default:break;}}// Based on the @ type, prompt:if (atMe && !atAll) {atTipsStr = @"[someone@me]";}if (!atMe && atAll) {atTipsStr = @"[@all members]";}if (atMe && atAll) {atTipsStr = @"[someone@me][@all members]";}
// Obtain the group @ data listV2TIMGroupAtInfoVector groupAtInfolist = conversation.groupAtInfolist;// Parse the @ type (@me, @all members, @me and @all members)bool atMe = false;bool atAll = false;std::string atTips = "";for (size_t i = 0; i < groupAtInfolist.Size(); ++i) {const V2TIMGroupAtInfo& atInfo = groupAtInfolist[i];switch (atInfo.atType) {case V2TIM_AT_ME:atMe = true;break;case V2TIM_AT_ALL:atAll = true;break;case V2TIM_AT_ALL_AT_ME:atMe = true;atAll = true;break;default:break;}}// Based on the @ type, prompt:if (atMe && !atAll) {atTips = u8"[someone@me]";} else if (!atMe && atAll) {atTips = u8"[@all members]";} else if (atMe && atAll) {atTips = u8"[someone@me][@all members]";}
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